However, in the heart of such a big thing, Su wine is even more restless, sleep in the bedroom.

Even after that night, Ye Mojun never came to the Four Kings. However, every time I think about the night, Su wine is even more messy.

Every day, Su wine is a **** who doesn't keep her house, and she doesn't even know what she is doing.

Until, on the fingertips, suddenly there was a sharp tingling, Su wine was exclaimed, and the hands were loose.

The next moment, Su wine only heard the ‘哐啷’, and the apples and knives held in the hands were all dropped on the ground.

Looking at the knife that fell on the ground and the apple that was still rolling on the ground, the face of Su wine was first and foremost, and it was never reflected.

The next moment, Su wine only felt that his injured little hand had been tightly held by a slender big hand. In the ear, the fascinating voice of the night was covered with anxious worry.

"Small wine, what's wrong with you!? Is it very painful? Come, come and pass the doctor!"

The night ink monk opened, the handsome face above, but the sword is close, and the worry is anxious, and does not hide.

Seeing that the night of the cold is so nervous, his heart is warm.

Goodbye to myself is nothing but a small injury. The night of the cold will call the doctor, and there are some minor problems.

Thought of this, Su wine wine immediately reached out, gently arrived at the night of the cold lips, the red lips opened, whispered.

"Cold, I'm fine, but it's just cutting the fruit and accidentally cutting my finger. It's just a minor injury. I don't need to call the doctor to do so."

Su wine and wine open, tell the truth.

Although, there is still blood on her finger, but with the injury suffered before the night of the cold, it is simply a small witch, not enough!

Just thinking about it in the heart of Su wine, the night ink is hearing the words of Su wine, I know that Su wine does not want to call the doctor, nor is it reluctant, just, see the supper wine fingers above, still flow With blood!

Seeing this, the night of the cold cold almost did not think about it, immediately bowed, the soda wine was injured and **** fingers, gently contained in the mouth.


For the night of the cold ink, the face of Su wine is first.

In the next moment, I only felt that a thick and hot air was coming from the bottom of my heart and went straight to my head.

Although, they are already old wives, what has never been done! ?

However, I saw the night of the cold, so with the appearance of my fingers, such awkward...

During the meal, Su wine only felt that his finger was surrounded by a warm airflow, so that the face of Su wine was not red.

"Cold, don't, let people see, they will laugh..."

Su wine and wine, the face, is actually very shy.

After saying this, Su wine will have to take back his injured little hand, but the night of the cold is like her, it seems to be ignorant, just quietly containing her injured little hand, until a while, slow Leave slowly.

"Okay, the blood has stopped..."

The man spoke and whispered.

The low, hoarse voice, at this moment, falls in the ear of the wine, especially the sensibility!

The sun was charming, and it slanted through the opened carved window, and it fell on the man.

It is also the outline of the man's long and lean and charming body.

The man raised his handsome face slightly, and the beautiful cheeks bathed in the sun, as if shining through the golden light, fell in the eyes of the wine, it was so sensual and charming!

There is also a man's mouth, that little blood, but also the front of the man, adding a wild evil charm!

As if in the movie before, I saw the beautiful vampires, the endless sensibility, charming!

Seeing this, the heart of Su wine is suddenly stunned and his cheeks are red.

Looking at the gaze of the night, it is even more humiliating and inexhaustible.

Looking at the face of Su wine wine, the face is red and shy, the face is shy, the night ink is cold and the black hair can't help but flash lightly, the darkness is dark...

With a big hand stretched out, the slender fingers were lightly on the succulent red wine, the more shy and charming little face.

The red lips are slightly open, and if you say something, you will suppress the hoarseness with a few words...

"Small wine, you are beautiful! You are now in the hook, lead me!?"

When I heard the words of the night, the wine of Su wine was a shame, and the face became more shy.

Gently rubbing his face and smiling at the night of the cold cold eyes, the wine wine red lips slammed, and immediately whispered.

"Not serious! Who is hooking, lead you!? Shameless!"

"Oh, shameless!? Now, I don't want to look at you!"

For the sake of the sake of the sake, the night ink cold mouth is a hook first, then the big hand stretches.

The next moment, the whole wine of Su wine, has been pressed down by the night.

Looking at the positive pressure on her body, a face with a smile staring at her night cold, Su wine wine eyebrows first a glimpse, red lips opened, immediately said.

"Cold, don't make trouble! Wait for someone to come in! You are a prince, you are seen like this... will be a joke!"

"Oh, other people laugh at jokes, I don't care! Besides, I love my own woman, others can't control it!"

At night, the cold mouth opened, and after saying this, the handsome face was immediately covered.

Seeing that the night is cold, I will kiss myself.

Su wine and wine see this, although my heart is ashamed, my body is still very honest, I close my eyes, waiting for the kiss of the night cold...

Seeing this, the night ink cold mouth corner hook, then, the meager lips, immediately slowly covered...

Although he closed his eyes, Su wine still felt that the more warm and gentle the man was, the closer he was.

Feeling here, Su wine is ashamed.

However, at this time, suddenly there was a flash of light in the brain of Su wine, and suddenly it was on the picture of the night when the ink kissed the night!

At the thought of this, Su wine wine suddenly shocked, almost did not think about it, hands and force, when the night ink is about to press on her body pushed away!

"Little wine!?"

For the sudden move of Su wine, the night wine was pushed to the side by the wine cellar, and the black scorpion suddenly looked around and looked at the eyes of the wine, but I could not believe it.

After all, this woman just had a bright spring, waiting for his kiss to get it, isn't it? ?

Why now, but suddenly pushed him away! ?

My heart was puzzled, and the night ink looked at the eyes of the wine, but it was a bit of doubt and exploration.

Compared with the murky night of coldness, Su wine is just a big mouthful of gasping.

I only feel flustered and my heart beats faster.

Inside the brain, constantly rushing to the night when the night ink kisses the night of the cold, the heart of the wine is flustered.

Because that day, the night of the night ink kisses the night of the cold, has left a great shadow in her heart!

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