At the same time, the other side -

"Come on!"

In the study of the two royal palaces, a low voice screamed.

Especially in this charm night, especially clear.

As the man came out, the carved wooden door, which was originally hidden, was pushed away from the outside.

A guard with a knife, slowly approached, followed by a respectful knee on the ground, waiting for the instructions of the master.

Looking at the guards who kneel on the ground, Huangpu's red lips opened, and immediately said.

"According to the instructions of the king, the governor who is in charge of the west of the capital will be removed, and the people will be replaced again. Also, the civilians in the west will be resettled and the houses will be rebuilt..."

Huangpu’s opening, one word and one sentence, said Shen Sheng.

He is the emperor of the Fuling Kingdom and loves the people like a child.

Before, he only knew that he had reviewed the book in the government day, or discussed the national affairs in the court. He did not know anything about the outside world.

Now, since you know it, you have to manage it naturally.

You must know that this is the foot of the Son of Heaven. In your own jurisdiction, there is still such a thing. It is the management of the prefects in the west. The person who is such a person is immediately abolished and replaced with the talented person!

Just thinking about it in Huangpu’s heart, think about things tonight.

Thinking of the woman's derogatory and bold, the world, there are still such women, really admirable!

Moreover, the woman, extremely alert, actually found that he was behind her...

Thinking of this, Huangpu’s heart is not only angry at all, but rather more interesting.

Being able to detect that he is behind him, this woman is still the first person!

Moreover, this is the first time he has made a follow-up thing...

This woman, looks good, has extraordinary temperament, and is very talented.

Just before, why didn't he ever see her? ?

Thinking of this, Huangpu’s heart was more and more curious.

I only think that this woman seems to hide a lot of secrets and mysteries, and people can't help but want to explore layer by layer...

Thinking of this, the narrow black scorpion of Huangpu 眸 first flicked gently, and then, after the red lips started, they continued.

"And, check the king for a woman..."

He is curious, this woman, who is it...


Since that night’s talent competition, Huangpu’s stalking behind her, Ye Zuo Zuo thought that Huangpu’s suspicion was against her.

However, after a blink of an eye, it took ten days, and Huangpu did not come to see her.

In this regard, the left-left left heart has finally fallen.

It turns out that everything is scaring herself.

Perhaps, Huangpu Yu feels that the left leaf is special, so she will be curious about her, but she does not know. In fact, the left leaf he followed that night is in his palace...

In this regard, Ye Zuo left heart, can not help but some funny.

However, since Huangpu does not know his identity, it is the best.

The so-called beauty of love, everyone has, however, she does not want to cause unnecessary trouble because of her current appearance!

I thought, as long as I waited another year, she immediately left the Second Palace and lived the life she wanted and lived freely. That was her most yearning!

Just thinking in Ye Zuo Zuo's heart, I saw the wind and the sun, and immediately put on my new men's clothing, I plan to go out for a stroll.

After the previous events, Ye Zuo Zuo only felt that the lobes were too small.

Inevitably, in the street, I met Huangpu, and I was scared by Xiaoye, causing suspicion of Huangpu. Therefore, Ye Zuo left intends to leave the house alone.

After a moment, Ye Zuo Zuo has been standing on the main street of Beijing.

At the moment, it is the afternoon.

The summer afternoon, the sun is shining.

The golden sunshine sprinkled straight and sprinkled on the person's body, with a layer of burning.

Such a hot weather, not suitable for shopping, the most appropriate, but go to the flower floor to drink a few cups of peach wine!

Just thinking in Ye Zuo Zuo’s heart, suddenly, a burst of exclaiming screams, she rang from behind her –

"Little brother!"

Hearing this hearty voice, Ye Zuo left no response for a while, so he ignored it, but continued to look at the side of the building.

However, at this time, Ye Zuo Zuo heard the running sound behind him, listening to the direction of the running, apparently directed at his side.

Wen Yan, Ye Zuo left in the heart of doubt, could not help but turn around and look.

I saw a young man who was heading towards him.

The man is very young, but he has a long history of ten years.

The face of the country is loyal and honest, and there is a sense of integrity in the eyebrows.

When I saw this young man who was running towards him, Ye Zuo’s face was a glimpse. I only thought that this young man was familiar with it. It was only for a while, but he forgot, where he had seen it. .

Just in the left and left heart of the leaves, I was puzzled, and the eyes that fell on the young man were all doubtful.

When the young man walked in, the left lip of the left and left leaves opened, and he could not help but ask.

"You just called me!? We, know!?"

The left and left leaves are open, and the face is full of doubts.

When I heard the left leaf left, the young man had a slap in the face, and he couldn’t help but lose a bit.

However, very quickly, the young man’s loss was flashing, and the red lips slammed, and immediately smiled at Ye Zuo left.

"Little brother, have you forgotten me?? I am Li Hong! Last time, we also chased the thief together!"

When I heard Li Hong’s words, Ye Zuo’s face was a glimpse first, and I immediately remembered it.

"Yeah, I remembered it! You are the man who chased the thief with me last time! No wonder I was still confused, how do you look so familiar!?"

Ye left and left, looking at Li Hong's gaze, but also a smile.

"Oh, I can't think of it, you remember so much, actually remember me!"

I heard Ye Zuo Zuo’s words, and then saw the hearty smile on the left and left sides of the leaf. Li Hong first reached out and touched the back of his head, laughing and laughing.

"Haha, actually, I don't remember what it is. Just like a little brother, you are so handsome, it is naturally impressive."

When I heard Li Hong’s words, Ye Zuo Zuo immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

After all, there is no woman who does not like others to praise that they are beautiful.

Although today, she is a men's dress...

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, Li Hong’s next moment, like what he thought of, opened his lips and said.

"Right, little brother, where are you going to go!?"

"No, just a mouthful, I want to go to the building to drink!"

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