Before, she just noticed the environment around the hot springs, and it was like a fairyland on earth.

However, nowadays, unintentionally, the thing floating on the edge of the hot spring is even more shocking to the left and left of the leaves!

Because something floating on the shore is not the other, but a bone!

Look at the shape of the bone, it is like... human bones! ?

At the thought of this, Ye Zuo Zuo’s heart could not help but be shocked.

The next moment, like what I thought of, a glimpse, and then, when the red lips started, I almost didn’t even think about it, and I exclaimed—

"Don't go into the water!"


Ye left and left mouth exclaimed, at the same time, another majestic voice, but also with the left and left left.

As the two of them spoke at the same time, everyone around them was shocked. Then everyone’s eyes fell on Ye Zuo Zuo and Huangpu.

Everyone’s eyes on the left and left of Huangpu’s body are full of doubts.

Relative to the people who were puzzled and puzzled, Ye Zuo Zuo heard the words of Huangpu, and his face was first seen, and he could not help but look at Huangpu.

Just right, it’s the Huangpu’s eyes that are like the night, and the bottomless eyes.

When I was confronted with the deep black scorpion of Huangpu, the left and left heart of the leaf could not help but be amazed. I still didn’t wait for Ye Zuo left to say something, but I saw Huangpu’s first glance at her deeply, followed by the red lips. Said Shen Sheng.

"You said."

Huangpu's opening is faint.

When I heard Huangpu’s words, Ye Zuo Zuo quickly returned.

Thinking of what I just thought, my heart is doubtful and anxious.

In order to verify, what I thought, Ye Zuo Zuo first quietly looked around for a moment, then picked up the bow and arrow on his back.

The long arrow is in the hand, ‘嗖’, the bird that originally inhabited the branch, has been pierced by the left and left arrows, and shot down.

Looking at the birds shot by the left and left arrows of the leaves, everyone was shocked, and the eyes that fell on the left and left sides of the leaves were full of admiration.

After all, this kind of bird, the body is petite and exquisite, and the speed is agile, ordinary people want to capture, but it is not an easy task.

However, in front of the boy, it is easy, and the bird is shot down, which proves that the young man’s arrow is so high that he is hidden!

Just as everyone admired, the Huangpu who stood there, looked the same, just quietly watching the act of the boy in front of him.

I saw that the boy in front of him immediately shot a bird quickly, and then quickly picked it up. Then he went to the hot spring.

For Ye Zuo Zuo this move, everyone is Zhang Er can not touch the back of the head, for Ye Zuo left this move, have expressed that they do not understand.

However, for everyone's puzzled eyes, Ye Zuo Zuo did not explain more, just picked up the bow and arrow wearing the bird's body and walked toward the hot spring.

Then, with the bow and arrow wearing the bird's body, soaked in the hot spring.

Looking at Ye Zuo Zuo's move, everyone's brows are a glimpse, and the doubts are even stronger.

"Ye left, what are you doing here??"

"That is, the birds are dead. Do you want to make it a bubble hot spring!"

"Hey! Ye Zuo doing this, there must be his truth!"

For the surrounding or teasing, or doubtful voice, Li Hong has always expressed confidence and affirmation.

Although he did not have a deep relationship with this boy, however, these days, getting along with each other, this young boy's temper, he also knows almost.

Therefore, this boy is doing this now, naturally there is his reason!

Just thinking about it in Li Hong’s heart, I saw that Ye Zuo left at the moment, quietly kneeling on the shore.

However, the gaze that falls on the hot spring is a dignified look.

With the look of the left and left sides of the leaves dignified, the people who had whispered were gradually quiet.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Ye Zuo Zuo.

Until, after a while, when Ye Zuo left took the bow and arrow out of the hot spring water, everyone looked at the bow and arrow and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Yeah! How come this way??"

"Oh my God! It's too unbelievable! Here, it's a hot spring, isn't it?! Why is the body of this bird just soaking in the hot spring for a little while, but melting only the bones!"

"Yes! This is really amazing! This is what it is!"

"Fortunately, just left Ye left to drink us, we have not gone on, or else, now we are all hydrated so that there are no bones left!"

"Yes, even if it is not dead, it will be disfigured. At that time, it is better to live than to die!"

Relative to the shocked people, Ye Zuo Zuo looked at the bones of the birds on the bow and arrow, and the red lips began to whisper.

"Sure enough!"

Before, she was seeing the bones on the shore, and she was puzzled. I couldn’t think of it, just as I guessed it!

Previously, she had watched a report on TV. It is said that there was a man who fell into the hot springs because of the strong sulfuric acid in the hot springs. Immediately, the bones were corroded and dissolved.

That's because, in the hot springs, there is a very high acidity. Once people fall, they will be fatal immediately!

I want to come, the bones of the people she just saw, not long ago, someone fell here, unfortunately killed...

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, Li Hong, standing next to the left left side of the leaf, immediately asked.

"Ye left, this, what the **** is going on!?"

When I heard Li Hong’s words, the eyes of all the people around him fell on Ye Zuo Zuo’s body, and they were puzzled.

When I heard Li Hong’s words, I saw the people all around who were full of doubts and shocks.

"The hot springs are divided into many kinds, some hot springs, because they are extremely corrosive and strong and sour, it is like boiling water. Therefore, once people fall into this hot spring, they will be dissolved immediately. This hot spring is exactly this. a very corrosive hot spring!"

The left and left leaves of the leaf, just a few words, will explain the meaning.

It’s said that everyone is suddenly fascinated.

"Oh, it turned out to be..."

"No wonder, in a short period of time, this bird has only bones left. If it is a little longer, it will definitely be broken!"

"Oh my god! Before, I didn't have a hot spring. I only know that hot springs are the most comfortable thing. I don't think of it. There are such hot springs. It seems that in the future, it is good to take a hot bath..."

"Yeah, it’s terrible..."

"Ye left, you are so powerful! Actually know so much!"

"Yeah, Ye Zuo, you are so knowledgeable, it is really admirable!"

"My life is saved by Ye Zuo. In the future, as long as it is your left thing, it is my business..."

When I heard the praises from all around, Ye Zuo Zuo was just but laughing.

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