Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 4 Chapter 122: Kill two, put one, who will you choose?

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

Qiu Qilan is actually not very enthusiastic about cooking for the emperor, but he is not afraid that he has prepared the meal hard, and the emperor does not want to use it—I am afraid that the emperor really has an appetite. In that case, Yongfu Doesn't the princess call to the palace every day to be a cook? !!

But these days are quite troublesome for Empress Jiang, and the Empress has the most pain for Princess Yongfu, which is really hard to refuse. I promised calmly in my mouth, but I made up my mind: "I will do two casually in a while. Anyway, Yongfu doesn't know what my cooking is like ... I don't want to run into the palace to cook in the pot!" Although she is not As a young lady, should you handle all the trivial matters in your yard?

Taking a step back, even if you have nothing to do at home, you can talk to the Empress Jiang at the palace, but you can still brush your emotions, and cook for the emperor ... There is only a limit to the benefits of cooking oil fume. She has no such love!

After all, the emperor couldn't afford to eat--whatever he thought was that he moved to Funing Palace after being poisoned. Not only did he leave his group of warm and tender jade, Queen Mother Gu and Jiang also banned his harem from talking to most sons and daughters. Come to see him and insist on letting him recuperate in Funing Palace until he is fully recovered before being allowed to leave?

"Let your mother-in-law scream on her concubine, and I promise he will give birth to all kinds of spirits immediately!" Qiu Qilan, while persuading Princess Yongfu, went into the small kitchen of Zishen Palace with her. Thinking, "Once the emperor caught up with a terrific mother, a spoiled wife, as a emperor, but even the concubine must rise and fall and begged the queen, and it was depressing enough. Now even the only pleasure in the harem is deprived, What ’s the difference between a prisoner and a man who can still eat? It ’s no use to ask me to cook for him! You can find a few concubines like flowers to play games with him! ”

Princess Yongfu didn't know her thoughts-it was too difficult to learn how to look at this princess's environment-she kept talking about the emperor's long and short throughout her cooking: "... the day before yesterday When I went there, the emperor deliberately asked someone to show me his "Fen Baolin". I was still thinking at first, wouldn't this Fan Baolin be able to walk? Why was it brought in? And the emperor's grandmother and his mother didn't let the harem Do you disturb Father Huang Jingyang? How can there be Baolin in Funing Palace? When the little housemaid got it, I realized that it is a 'Fenzhuanglou', also called 'Yu Linglong'. I do n’t know what it is? In fact, it is the rose! The father said that he had cut himself alive last fall, and now he had several buds on it. Father said that he would reward me when he was well ... "

Qiu Qilan was upset at first. Later, when she saw that she was talking about trivial matters, she also talked very vigorously, but she felt a little sympathy for the princess: "How rare it is to get along with my father and father. I'm so excited about this trivial matter that I can't stop talking? "

Isn't it just a pot of rose flowers ...

Such a soft heart, I originally planned to put some water when cooking, only to ensure that the dishes are good or not, and to make sure that they are delicious.

When he was out of the palace, he regretted: "I won't really eat the emperor, and the princess will always be entangled in the palace to smoke and smoke ?!"

While she was troubled here, the curtain in Shazhou was gradually closing--

"Are you finally here?" Qiu Jinglan was dressed in a suit with his head wrapped in sackcloth. It was the dress of Zhongxiao Xiaozi, and hemp shoes, facing the cold north wind in Shazhou at this time, he looked quietly at the be Put on the shackles, and held by the armored men, step by step on the high platform, Kung Qingwu.

The high platform was only a few days ago when Ximan retired and ordered people to rush to work day and night.

Although the platform is very high, there are not many things on the platform: it is only three pillars each tied with one person, and a sacrificial incense case in the middle of the pillars.

In addition to the three tied up, there were few armored men in charge on the stage. However, all of them are light and shameless, all of them are the only masters left in The End of the World.

One on the pillar held his head, his hair spreading, covering his face; the other two were forced to show his face, one of which was Khan Shihan; the last one looked embarrassed, but still could see the elegant manners, if any Officials in the city of Shazhou here will surely recognize that he is the biological daughter of Empress Gu, Her Royal Highness Princess Xingkang!

In these days waiting for Qing Qingwu to throw himself into the net, Qiu Jinglan would not let the enemies who killed his father kill his mother idle, and he often used the punishment of the couple, so the Princess Xingkang couldn't even stay awake at this moment, and The general in the west of Zhenxi was only wearing a coat, with blood stains on his clothes, and people froze involuntarily in the cold wind.

After seeing Kuang Qingwu being detained, this kind of shiver simply became an unstoppable trembling-in fact, Kuang Qingwu was not much better than him at this moment, although he was dragged over as soon as he was captured, and nobody was on the road He was deliberately tortured, but his pale, pale face, and bloodshot eyes, apparently could not rest for a while these days.

Dingding looked at his only bones and blood, and Shi Han didn't know what it was like--about the time when General Ruan heard that his son and grandson were killed, was he right now?

Unfortunately, at that time, General Nguyen Nguyen could still cry and cry, and when the mouth was blocked, Shi Hanhan could not make any noise! He could only use his eyes to show Qing Qingwu ... but what on earth was this son who had fallen into Qiu Jinglan's hand?

"This is a retribution!" Shi Shihan's weakness collapsed, and the ropes and the pillars behind him caught his body, keeping him in his original kneeling position-the direction in which he was kneeling was Qiu Zhongyan. Where he died! Forced to witness such a gesture, to recall the past, the situation at the moment was cold and just wanted to die quickly.

"It would be great if I could die before Qingwu, but Qiu Jinglan tortured me wholeheartedly, how would I be willing?" Qi Shihan thought sadly, "At that time Qiu Zhongyan and the Ruan family descendants, the former died under my hands, the latter Died in the hands of Xi barbarians ... at least General Ruan and the others in Xihe Palace did not see it with his own eyes! So Qiu Jinglan, killing my only son in front of me, is enough to calm your anger? If so, give Qingwu a happy moment, don't torture him! "

It's just that the development of things is more cruel than he thought--

Kuang Qingwu was detained in front of Qiu Jinglan, but the latter did not mean to punish him or humiliate him, but looked at him calmly, then pulled out his sabre and threw it in front of him: "There are three people here. I will take the heart of two of them as a sacrifice. You kill two. The last one, I can let him go!"

This sudden change made Qing Qingwu who was ready to go to Huangquan stop ...

Kanda Shihan, who was tied up, knew instantly that he was struggling madly-the end was smashed by the guard behind the guard with a knife handle until he was unable to struggle!

Qiu Jinglan didn't look at the movement over his side, and looked at Qing Qingwu with a smile. "How? I can not only let the last person. If you do this, I can let you go!"

Kuang Qingwu watched him vigilantly, without having to remind him, he could also hear the maliciousness in Qiu Jinglan's words.

Just turning his gaze on the three on the stage, he still asked with a dumb voice: "Mr. Leshan? The father and the son paid me nothing to say, but how innocent is the husband?"

"Mr. Leshan ... is naturally in it!" Qiu Jinglan waved his hand, and someone pulled the man's hair out of his long hair, exposing Mr. Leshan's pale face, and the breathless appearance made Kuang Qingwu The pupils shrank, "What's wrong with you?"

"I heard that he knows you very well. I had hoped that he could provide you with what you could do, or write a letter calling you somewhere ..." Qiu Jinglan said casually, "Who wants him though I was so ill that I was too angry to endure torture, and I would not say, because I was afraid of death, I would simply tie here to let you choose! "

"A liar! A liar !!!" Kuang Shihan screamed wildly, "Qingwu, don't be fooled-that old thing is the one that hurt our two grandchildren !!! Qiu Jinglan, Ren Ziyong You ca n’t die, you ca n’t die! You actually use this method !!! Qingwu simply came back to save Ren Ziyong! You still did this to him! Pity my son, it hurt you for your father If it were not for the father, I would recommend that Ren Ziyong as a master to you as a teacher ... Oh my god! Why would I revenge my innocent child in this life !!! "

However, he couldn't spit out Seb's words no matter how hard he tried, and he could only watch Kuan Qingwu's look changed in vain. After picking up Qiu Jinglan's sword, Shen Sheng asked: "Do you mean it ?!"

"Natural." Qiu Jinglan stared at him intently. "Kill two and let one go, but also you ... how about it?"

Seeing that Qing Qingwu took up his sword and walked to the Princess Xingkang, without blinking, he lightly pierced the chest of this golden branch and jade leaf!

"Ah-!" Even in the coma after being sentenced, the honorable princess had no time to make a short scream. The body twitched quickly, and then stopped moving.

"I wanted to do this a long time ago!" Kuang Qingwu looked down at her body, without any respect from his sister-in-law to his aunt, but with a hint of joy, "I really hate your fake gangster and ca n’t wait I wish I had died earlier! "

Qiu Jinglan is not surprised that he simply killed the Xingkang princess so much. Kuang Qingwu's hatred for his aunt is from the shadow of his biological mother's tragic death in the hands of his biological father. Try to control the Zhenxi Army. Regarding Kuang Shihan's sole heir, of course, she must try to control it—this control, already explained by Mr. Leshan's conspiracy, has long made this auntie black in the mind of Kuang Qingwu.

If it wasn't for the Queen Mother Jiuya and the identity of the emperor Xingkang Princess, it is estimated that Qing Qingwu would have been killed by her. Now that I have a chance, the first one will kill her without any hesitation.

"This second one is the highlight, I hope you don't let me down!" Qiu Jinglan smiled and watched Qing Qingwu shake off the blood on the sword body, then turned around-who would you go to? R638

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