Real Empress from a Noble Family

Vol 6 Chapter 38: uninvited guest

Biquge, the latest chapter after the latest update!

The storm at the full-week banquet on the autumn night, because the party did not mention it after returning to the government office, it passed.

Three days later, it was Wang Qingqian's birthday.

Qiu Qilan took Jiang Jingyu and Jiang Jinglang to the door in accordance with the agreement, and the Lian family welcomed them with great enthusiasm. At the birthday banquet, Wang Lianshi found an opportunity and quietly asked, "I heard that the fall period of His Royal Highness Princess Le Xinchang is the same month as Wanshou Festival?"

"Exactly." Qiu Qilan knew what she meant. "After the long princess, it will be His Royal Highness Wei."

Wang Lianshi was relieved. Wang Qingqian accidentally chose the princess, but the dowry was incomplete. This was finally solved after the Duanjia family. Followed by the Empress Dowager Gu and the Emperor, they both collapsed. On the advice of the minister, King Wei It is three years of filial piety; after the period of filial piety, Wang Qingqian was inexplicably stigmatized ... In recent years, the Lian family has broken the heart for this marriage, and it is easy to look forward to the filial piety of Wang Wei, Wang Lian Shi ’s wish for her daughter to come out of the house early, so as not to regenerate the sprit!

Now that Qiu Qilan is here, it's not too late to have a big wedding in the remaining months, although July has already reached the second half. In particular, Princess Yongfu, the mother of Empress Jiang, was two years older than Wang Qingqian. Wang Lian thought that she was afraid that her daughter's youth would be delayed, and she would also have to calculate for Princess Yongfu. So if nothing else, Wang Qingchan should be able to go out this year.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Lian's heart must be, and asked Qiu Qilan to wear the Shengshou Festival for a few days.

After going to the banquet from Lian's house, Qiu Qilan changed her clothes, and Shaner who was in front of Shuijin—Xianer and Juaner are now a lot of people. Grandma still took the name next to the female character, Shaner, Jiaoer, Jieer, Yuaner, headed by Shaner-come and sue: "My wife, please ask Madam Nineteen to go over it!"

"What's the matter?" He Shuijin has always been busy, especially now that she has a child under her lap and has to guard against the mother-in-law of He's, it will be even more busy. In the past year, there is nothing to make her confidant directly. Rumors rarely asked Qiu Qilan to discuss it in the past. At this moment Qiu Qilan couldn't help guessing if something had happened?

Sure enough, Shaner whispered softly: "It seems to have something to do with a few sons from Yixian going to **** Miss Sun to Beijing."

"Counting on the days, the eldest brother and the eleventh brother have already given filial piety, and Huizhi has twenty, and it is time to return to Beijing together." Qiu Qilan followed Shaner to Sanfang, and when he saw He Shuijin, he asked, "This thing ... is there any change that needs to be discussed?"

He Shuijin glanced around and waited until everyone withdrew. This is the only way: "It wouldn't matter if only the grandchildren of the big room came back with their great-grandchildren, but this time some people in the second and fifth rooms also came."

"Oh?" Qiu Qilan was slightly surprised. "Aren't these two houses not working? Come to Jingli ... Are you just coming to see?"

"That's really good, but you think, although Yixian County is much richer than before because of our Jiang family, but is richer and can be compared with Jingli?" He Shuijin dialed the tea bowl in front of him, positively said. "Even if they really came here to open their eyes, they can continue to hold on to seeing this flowery world? Grandpa's attitude towards Uncle Grandpa's pulse, we are all very clear! At first, we did not allow the second and fifth bedrooms to be released. It ’s the meaning of Uncle Grandfather. Now that Uncle Grandfather has gone, and he has n’t stayed in the second and fifth bedrooms, he wo n’t be allowed to go on duty. You said, if these two people begged for grandfather, would the grandfather be soft-hearted? ”

"Further, even if they do not mention the word, they rely on eating and drinking in Beijing ..."

He and Shuijin spread their hands, "It's not me being stingy, but just brothers and sisters, you know, our family only spends money up and down, no matter how much you earn! Your fourteenth brother is one of them! The experience of the management industry, in the end, there is no point to turn into alchemy, and it is still okay to maintain the current situation. If you can add a few more, you can't afford it! "

"To put it in a bad language, the current state government's property is managed by our three bedrooms, but in the future, you will be separated in the four bedrooms and the eighth uncle's bedroom. There is no reason to reach out-Dafang has been following his grandfather for decades, and it ’s fine for them to eat, wear, and live in one bedroom. If the second and fifth bedrooms also take the country ’s government as their head, this ... ”

Obviously, He Shuijin does not welcome people from the second and fifth bedrooms to Beijing!

After all, the industry she currently hosts will be scored in the future, two in the third room, and one in the fourth and eighth rooms-that is, without considering Qin Guogong's gift to his nephews before his death, Half of the assets that He Shui Jin is worrying about are for the four and eight bedrooms.

Even if the three-bedroom can take two copies as a long room, but the third-bedroom is not just a man-in-law of Jiang Yaheng. The property of the three-bedroom property has to be divided into four. Jiang Yayi and Jiang Yaheng each took another copy. Even if considering that it has been Heshuijin who has been hosting them for many years, Jiang Yaheng can score more points, but it may not exceed Jiang Yaqing's share!

In this case, it is necessary to supply outsiders, and it is reasonable to have grievances with Shuijin. Who wants to accumulate their own hard-earned property, and the extravagant people will not waste it?

"And this is only considered in terms of family assets. In terms of political cake, even if the second and fifth bedrooms are currently not available, they will not be high, but what will happen in the future? It is a man from the Yixian male group. Before the Yixian male was not allowed to go to the second and fifth bedrooms, not only to not occupy the nephews' interests too much, but also to calm Jiang Tianyi's grievances. Now the Yixian male is dead. The people in the house followed the big house back to Beijing and said how could it be possible without the permission of the big house? "

Qiu Qilan's mind turned, "The big house is not someone who will miss brotherhood. They must have done something to do this--is it because Jiang Yayue passed away and the credible manpower is not enough, he intends to switch from the second house. Did you help with Wufang? "

From the consideration of the Jiang family as Qin Guogong, Qin Guogong did not like Mrs. Han, but the second and fifth bedrooms of Mrs. Han were also the blood of the Shexian man. When Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tianjie were aggrieved, the second old man, Jiang Tianju, and the fifth old man, Jiang Tianjun, were both young, and it wasn't when their mother taught them to bully their brother and sister. .

These two houses stayed in Shexian for decades. No matter how prominent the Jiang family in Beijing was, they could only keep their father as a squire in their hometown-it was just for their mother. How could Qin Guogong be kind to them? .

As far as the second and fifth bedrooms are concerned, they are not allowed to go out of the office, and they will not be allowed to study in Beijing anymore, and their fame is artificially restricted to the level of raising people. Even if the ban on employment is eliminated, it may not develop in a short while. And because they have been living in Shexian for many years, they have never got along with the relatives of Qin Guogong and Jibei Hou, and they have no relationship at all.

In contrast, the big room, despite its heavy grievances with them, is always closer to the bloodline, and the children of the same branch also have more contacts. When they enter the government, who can they not follow the big room?

"I didn't expect Jiang Tianyu to choose this way after the death of his father-this move is equivalent to a generous amount of money in front of Qin Guogong." Qiu Qilan narrowed his lips and said slowly: "Just said there Come, we can't say we don't want them to come? "

"The fourth brother family under Erbo's knees, and the fifth brother family under Wushu's knees, the people who will be filial piety here in Yixian County, except for the married daughter, can all be said to have come." He Shuijin sipped. Cha Shui, "The fourth elder brother has a good name for the people, not to mention the daughters under his knees, the only male son Jing Mu is only 11 years old. Do you say he can come and try the spring cricket? If the spring cricket is not successful, maybe just continue to test, I have already inquired about the behavior of our fourth brother ... "

Spreading his hands, "It's a bit like Starling."

Well, needless to say, Qiu Qilan already knows the behavior of the fourth brother who has never met.

"Even if it's hit, it's not that I said bad things to my elder brother, but my brother and sister, if you think about it, do you think that the elder brother is a person who is willing to leave Beijing, even if he has the reputation of Jinshi?"

Of course it is impossible—Jiang Yadan had accompanied Jiang Qizhen to Shazhou before. It was already his only advantage and he valued his brothers and sisters. At the time, Jiang Yadan thought he could return to Beijing after going to Shazhou. He never planned to How long to stay in Shazhou-change it to something else, tell him to leave the bustling capital, I am afraid he will not be killed!

"Pian Jingjing Mu is at the age when he is studying. The Fourth Brother University can talk to him. He can't take him outside, don't worry, take him, and he's afraid that there isn't a lot of Hongru in Beijing, delaying him!"

So after the fourth son Jiang Jingzhao's family came, unless he was willing to leave, the possibility of trying to drive him away basically did not exist.

"Besides Wu Brother-Wu Brother's son-in-law is not prosperous. After the death of two sons, Jing Zhan, his wife, Xiao Jin, was terrified. Since the news of the widower, you also know the younger sister."

"Now the five brothers and one family are said to be one family. In fact, the five brothers and the younger brother Jingman are full. Jingman is two years older than Jing Mu and only thirteen!"

"Five brothers are not interested in reading, but I heard that he was quite experienced in enjoyment together. In Yixian alone, he never made a hundred dollars for daily use! This is because Yixian is just a county and is prosperous Limited! When I come to Jingli, I really don't know what kind of expenses I can afford? "

Sighing with Shui Jin, "Father Xiao Xiao, I heard that Jing Zhan was similar to Wu Brother before his death-Jing Man was young, but he should be about the same as his father and brother? If you really do, what will we do in the future? Ever? "

Qiu Qilan knows that this level of profligate government is actually affordable-but why!

Can not help frowning: "Are they not planning to bring any expenses to Beijing?"

After the rise of the Jiang family, although there were countless captures on the Beijing Central side, there was a lot of money on the Yin County side. How else would Jiang Ya spend one hundred dollars a day alone?

"The big room has been used for many years in our state government office. It is said that Grandma Dou opened her head before she died." He Shuijin chuckled. "They have role models and they were brought to Beijing by the second and fifth rooms. Do you say that you will not take advantage of them? In their eyes, they have been in the country, but have been aggrieved! It is easy to come to Jingzhong, we are used to them all should be! "

"At that time, they will see their grandfather. Grandfather will probably leave them to stay in the government ..."

After living in, people reached out and opened their mouths, but they did n’t mention the money. Qin Guogong is still alive.

Qiu Qilan rubbed his forehead and groaned, "Either, Xunzi now said that there was something wrong with the account, and reduced the cost of people other than grandfather and grandmother up and down the Hefu? By the time these two came, Compared to our share of entertainment after reduction, we ca n’t say that we are slow. In addition to the expenses, the sisters pretend to be confused and let them think of a way to go? ”

It seems that this is the only way, can't catch people directly? R638

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