Real Game: I Exposed the Old Ones

Chapter 147 Your shamelessness looks like me

The black explosion-proof vehicle did not stop Lu Hou from flying.

Under the influence of inertia, Lu Hou flew out together with his car, and finally hit an invisible wall of air.

The void rippled like water, and it took a long time to calm down.

Marquis Lu fell from the air like a broken sack, making a shallow pit on the ground.

The investigators who witnessed all this couldn't help but look at each other.

They couldn't believe that the invincible Marquis Lu could be defeated so simply.

A dejected atmosphere quietly spread among the crowd.

tread! tread! tread!

The soft sound of horse hooves broke the dead silence in the space.

However, every sound of horse hooves seemed to hit the investigators' hearts, making them almost breathless.

The investigators subconsciously held their breath and turned to look in the direction where the sound of horse hooves came from.

In the dark ruins, a ray of light lit up.

The investigators gasped.

The knight with wings on his back walked out of the ruins.

He is noble and sacred, like the messenger of the gods, bringing the oracle of death in iron and blood to the world.

Knights of the Apocalypse.

A low moan sounded.

According to legend, when the world ends, a lamb will break the seven seals of the book and summon knights riding four horses, white, red, black and gray, to bring plague, war, famine and death to mankind who are undergoing the final judgment. .

At that time, everything in the heaven and earth will be out of balance, and the sun and moon will change color.

Then comes the destruction of the world.

In the eyes of the investigators, the priest who defeated Lu Hou was clearly the incarnation of the Knight of the Apocalypse.

At this moment, the priest's popularity quietly increased by dozens.

Sometimes people are so weird and tend to surrender to the strong.

Ignoring these investigators, the priest's sharp gaze passed through the crowd and landed on Marquis Lu.

You lost. The priest said calmly, as if stating a fact.

It was just a moment of carelessness. Lu Hou snorted coldly.

Although he was unwilling to admit it, Lu Hou already regarded the priest as a powerful rival of the same level in his heart.

Even the priest in a violent state was even stronger than him.

The mournful cries of the weak are really noisy.

The priest gradually matured under Yun's influence.

He was speaking sarcastic words, but he was constantly building momentum in his hands.

The unicorn and the priest are connected.

After the priest finished accumulating power, he looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, carrying the priest and rushing towards Lu Hou.

The cross sword in the priest's hand swung out brilliant sword flowers one after another, hitting Marquis Lu like raindrops.

Marquis Lu took a deep breath, his face showed neither sadness nor joy. He held the halberd broken in two and opened the bow left and right, scattering the sword flowers one by one.

The sword energy escaped and fell to the ground one after another, creating cracks nearly several meters long.

The investigators who were slightly closer were blown away by the air waves.

After a shower of swords, the priest rushed forward.

The cross sword carried an aura unmatched by Pei Mo, and stabbed towards Lu Hou's face.


This is Lu Hou’s judgment.

The broken halberd in his hand turned into thousands of cold rays, surrounding him from all directions. With extremely delicate martial arts skills, he continuously digested and deflected the priest's inevitable blow.

With Marquis Lu using his speed to defeat the slow and his cleverness, the priest's attack was finally neutralized.

The priest sneered and changed his tactics again in an impossible situation.

The giant cross sword slashed out horizontally, crashing into Marquis Lu like a meteor.

Lu Hou had no time to dodge and was struck by the attack alive.

Father Suo Xing was exhausted, and this sword did not damage Lu Hou's fundamentals.

Just let me take a breath and teach you how to behave in minutes

Lu Hou thought silently in his heart.

The priest had a playful look in his eyes and patted the unicorn's head.

The unicorn let out a long cry, raised its front hoof at the right time, and hit Marquis Lu hard on the face.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Lu Hou's facial features were distorted and deformed, and the muscles on his face were trembling irregularly.

Then, in full view of everyone, he drew an extremely dazzling parabola in the night sky and landed heavily in the center of the crowd.

In the second round of confrontation, the priest had a slight victory.

It just so happens that the rage ability ends.

The priest's face suddenly turned pale, but he recovered in a short time.

He added another violent spell to himself with his backhand, and then approached Lu Hou with a grin.


The investigators who had been watching finally came to their senses. They gathered around Lu Hou and fired bullets at the priest as if they were free of charge.

They do not hope to kill or injure the priest, they only hope to interfere with him!

You bunch of ants.

The priest easily dodged the investigators' attack.

It doesn't matter if there are one or two investigators, but with so many investigators gathered together and with the assistance of firearms, the priest has no way to get close to Lu Hou.

Moreover, the bullets of the secret mechanism are specially made and can pose some threat to him.

The priest asked Xiang Yunqi quietly in his heart.

Is there any way to clean up these miscellaneous soldiers?

Yun Yan thought for a while and suddenly said loudly: I can spread biochemical viruses, contaminate them and control them temporarily.

The priest said happily: Then what are you waiting for? Let's try it quickly.

The wings behind the priest spread out.

Countless black spores flew out like dandelions and engulfed the unsuspecting investigators.

The biochemical spores took effect quickly.

Ah sneeze!

An investigator with a mohawk suddenly sneezed.

The mohawk had a weird look on his face.

It seems like smiling but not laughing, like crying but not crying.

The companion next to him asked with concern: What's wrong?

Mohawk replied: It's nothing, I just feel a little cold.

The companion nodded.

As soon as he looked back, he suddenly felt a cold wind coming, and a dagger stabbed directly into his chest and abdomen.

The companion narrowly escaped the attack and turned to look at Mohawk: You're crazy.

Mohawk said with a sad face: My body is out of control.

But his attack did not stop, but became more ruthless.

You fart!

The companions fought back angrily.

The biochemical spores took effect.

The commotion was originally limited to one corner, but as time passed, it quickly spread to the entire battlefield.

The infected investigators turned their weapons and started fighting with their former companions.

In the chaos, no one cared about the priest anymore.

The priest walked towards the place where Marquis Lu fell.

Suddenly he stopped.

Lu Hou's figure had disappeared, completely covered by a black ooze-like monster.

He seemed to be undergoing some extremely dangerous transformation.

The danger alarm sounded again, louder and louder than the last.

The priest turned and walked out.

What, are you scared? Yun Jie mocked.

No, I just think losers are not worthy of my sword. The priest replied with a natural expression.

Yun Ye nodded with satisfaction: Your shameless appearance is very similar to mine.

Priest: .

Taking a deep breath, the priest looked into the void in front of him.

I will take the first step today.

The priest stepped heavily, and cloud waves erupted on the spot. The unicorn carried him across a stream of light and rushed towards the invisible wall of air.

The long sword in his hand stabbed straight out.


There was a dull loud noise, and the priest was bounced back.

So tough?

The priest was confused.

Just then, a shadow enveloped him.

Looking back, the monster that looked like an ooze completely changed its shape, turning into a terrifying body over four meters high.

Marquis Lu's cold voice came from the monster's body.

Are you in such a hurry to leave?

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