Real Game: I Exposed the Old Ones

Chapter 204 The Main Festival and the Paper Bride

[Act 2: Peep into the secret. 】

[Requirement: Investigate the truth about the sacrifices in Zangling Village. 】

Finally entering the main plot.

Zhu Zheng turned over and sat up from the bed.

Thinking that he would die in three days, he immediately lost sleep.

If your guess is correct, the truth about the sacrifice should be hidden in the Burial Temple, and it is related to the sacrifice two days later.

Two days later happens to be the day when the plot character 'me' dies.

Perhaps my investigation offended some people's interests, thus making them have murderous intentions?

In any case, we must first perform according to the requirements of the script, and then wait for an opportunity to escape from the plot.

It is impossible to passively strike, because this will attract the attention of the punisher.

Although holding the Midnight Butcher's skull-crushing hammer, Zhu Zheng was confident that he could beat the Punisher 50-50, but this was the home court of the King in Yellow after all, and who knew how many unspeakable things were hidden in the secrets.

Pay attention to the decision.

Zhu Zheng was ready to take action.

Listen carefully.

After confirming that his grandparents were asleep, he quietly walked out of the room without disturbing anyone along the way.

When I arrived at the entrance of my yard, I didn't rush out, but looked out along the crack in the door.

There was no one in the central square, except for an old locust tree standing alone on the ground, baring its teeth and claws in the darkness, like a warrior guarding the burial temple.

This old tree must be at least a hundred years old.


Zhu Zheng slipped out of the room and headed straight towards the Burial Temple.

Although his grandfather stopped him, he still found out a lot of news about the Zun Zun Temple from his grandmother during the meal.

The Zunzun Temple is the most important place in Zangling Village. There is a small ceremony here every year and a main ceremony every ten years. The incense is constantly burning every day.

The god enshrined in the Zun Temple is the Zun.

There is actually a special legend about the origin of the Buried Zun.

It is said that in the early years when the village was not called Zangling Village, there was a great epidemic in the village, evil spirits were rampant, and the villagers were miserable.

At this time, a holy monk named Xuanzang settled here.

The holy monk realized the suffering of the villagers, so he went to the altar to perform rituals and rang the funeral bell to ward off the evil spirits. Only then did the plague recede.

Later, the holy monk Xuanzang left the Six Burial Scriptures and continued to travel to the west.

In gratitude for the great kindness of the holy monk, the villagers changed the village to Zangling Village, called the holy monk the Six Burial Bodhisattva, respectfully called the Burial Lord, and built a burial temple for him to worship him day and night.

It is precisely because of this period of history that the scale of the burial temple is second to none in Zangling Village.

The Burial Zun Temple has four main halls: the Burial Hall, the Fengsha Hall, the Zhenyin Hall, and the Sutra Offering Hall, as well as several side halls and rooms.

According to the village practice, the burial temple is managed by Dawu Xian.

However, the Great Wu Xian has always been held by a respected elder in the village, and this time the Great Wu Xian is the village head of Zangling Village.

The village chief is busy with things, so it is naturally impossible for him to live in the Zun Zun Temple. Therefore, an older devout believer is appointed to be the temple blessing. He lives in the Zun Zun Temple on weekdays and is responsible for some simple care work.

Zhu Zheng took advantage of the darkness to reach the temple of the Burial Lord.

He was just about to find a low place to climb over the wall when he suddenly heard a conversation coming from the path not far away.

Is there anyone there at this late hour?

Zhu Zheng was somewhat surprised, but not panicked. He nimbly hid in the shadow of the temple wall.

Then he moved carefully and looked in the direction of the sound.

The cold moonlight shines on the dirt road, and simultaneously hits a man and a woman leaning against each other.

The man has the usual characteristics of rural men.

The body is strong and the skin is dark.

Moreover, there is a centipede-like scar on the left side of his forehead, which looks ferocious and fierce.

The woman has a fair complexion, brightly dressed clothes, and looks like an urban beauty.

The combination of the two is really not harmonious at all.

However, what we actually see is that the woman is more proactive.

The woman whispered: Abba is a light sleeper, don't wake him up.

The man looked completely obsessed: It's okay, we are far away from the temple, Uncle Tu can't hear you and you haven't returned to the village for a long time, I feel warm in my heart.


The two fought fiercely.

He didn't notice at all that there was a pair of eyes peering into the darkness in the distance.

Just then the woman spoke: The day of sacrifice will be in two days. How are you preparing?

The man chuckled and said, It's definitely no problem. Everything is ready. This is the main festival that happens once every ten years. My family takes it very seriously.

That's good, I also want to participate in this sacrifice.


There was some hesitation in the man's tone.

The woman immediately became unhappy and said coquettishly: What's wrong? You look down on people.

The man laughed dryly and explained quickly: The main reason is that I am worried that you will not adapt, and Uncle Tu will definitely not agree to your participation in the sacrifice.

Why don't you agree? There's another thing. I heard Abba said that a paper bride is used for the main ceremony. What is this paper bride? Why does Abba have such a mysterious expression?

We'll know when the time comes.

You have to find a way to let me participate in the sacrifice, otherwise I will go back.



Zhu Zheng hid and listened for a while, then turned and left.

Someone had a private affair, and the plan to visit the burial temple at night naturally came to nothing.

Through the conversation between the two, I can confirm that the woman is Miao Zhu's daughter, and she is also an 'actor'.

The script she got is also related to sacrifice, and she may have to participate in the sacrifice in person.

In addition, we can learn that this once-in-a-decade festival is related to the paper bride. I just don't know what the paper bride refers to?

Now that I have discovered the issues related to the sacrifice, I can only continue to delve deeper and find out the truth of all this. I believe that when I figure out the meaning of the paper bride, a small part of the secret of the sacrifice will be revealed.

A scar on a man's forehead can be used as a clue to his identity

Just as Zhu Zheng was thinking about his plan, he heard someone in the small courtyard whispering his name.

Zhu Zheng turned around and saw that it was the handsome uncle who was speaking.

At this time, he was lying at the door of the small courtyard and looking out.

Hey, it's you. Zhu Zheng walked over.

What a coincidence. Just when I said I wanted to go out for a walk, I saw you.

The handsome uncle opened the door and let Zhu Zheng into the room.

After a brief conversation, Zhu Zheng introduced himself without touching the script.


The handsome uncle also spoke.

My identity is a newspaper reporter. Since there have been several missing persons cases in Zangling Village, but they were all ignored in the end, out of curiosity, I came to the village to look for the families of the missing persons and prepared to write a follow-up article. Report.”

It's just that when I was doing the interview in the afternoon, I discovered something weird.

Zhu Zheng's curiosity was immediately piqued: What kind of weird thing is it?

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