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Cook's behavior made the assistant a little speechless, but he did it anyway.

The assistant thought, Cook originally threw away the invitation letter sent by Changtian Technology, but now he is watching the press conference again, and he does not know what medicine is sold in his gourd.

The press conference of Hanhai mobile phone, the western media only has text and pictures live broadcast.

The video news conference can only be released after the press conference has ended.

In the world, only the 11181 website video channel affiliated to Changtian Technology has live broadcasts.

Cook's assistant struggled for a long time to find the download address of this video website. After downloading, he registered a member to be able to watch without ads. This practice really made Cook extremely disgusting.

But when Cook saw the crowd at the press conference and saw the audience cheering for the Jiaolong 1 chip, he still had some feelings in his heart.

He couldn't believe it. When did Changtian Technology's chip technology become so advanced? It actually directly developed a chip made of 14 nanometers.

You must know that chip technology made of 14 nanometers is a problem for the whole world. Whether it is Samsung, TSMC or Qualcomm, they have no ability to design 14 nanometer chips, let alone produce them.

This fully shows that in recent years, Changtian Technology Hardware Company and Xiaxin International have been secretly developing technology.

And everyone is very low-key. Even if they conquered the 14-nanometer technology, they did not announce it to the outside world. They left this technology in today's conference just to shock the world.

Cook thought that if any technology company in Xia Guo conquered the chip technology made of 14 nanometers, it would definitely be the first time that the global media would come to report it, and I would like to tell everyone about it.

This is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures.

Cook's heart was tight, he felt very uncomfortable, and drank the coffee on the table.

But he was still bored, because he knew that after the Hanhai mobile phone conference ended today, the fate of the iphone 5e5s would be completely changed.

There's a good chance that the frenzied pre-orders of the week after the iPhone's launch will come to nothing.

Cook hated Jobs even more.

At the press conference, after Jobs introduced the two most important areas of Hanhai mobile phone—operating system and chip, this officially entered the main topic of Hanhai mobile phone.

Jobs walked back and forth on the stage, and he did not have any manuscripts that had been written in advance during the whole press conference.

Jobs said: "We recognize that the era of mobile communication is indeed one of the greatest revolutions in the modern history of mankind. A small mobile phone can allow us to connect with our loved ones and allow us to integrate into the mobile Internet era."

"But I always think of mobile phones. Mobile phones are tools that we use every day, and since they are tools, we must make them convenient and portable."

"So when I was leading the design of the iphone4s, I made the phone as thin and light as possible, so the thickness of the iphone4s reached 0.37 inches (9.3 mm), and the weight was only 140 grams."

"And the staff of Hanhai Technology, those great designers, have brought the lightness and thinness of mobile phones to the extreme."

"The total thickness of Hanhai mobile phone is only 6 mm, and the total weight is only 129 grams."

"The height of the phone is 150 cm, the width is 76 cm, and the screen size is 6.1 inches."

After Jobs disclosed the size of the mobile phone, the real pictures and 3D pictures of Hanhai mobile phone appeared on the big screen.

The audience at the scene exclaimed.

Because the four corners of the Hanhai mobile phone are very rounded on the big screen, the mobile phone is also very thin and light.

On the screen, the mobile phone uses a blue and white porcelain blue mobile phone back cover. There is only one large screen on the front of the entire mobile phone, and there are no physical buttons.

This design is unique in the current mobile phone market. Samsung, Motorola and htc mobile phones still retain the physical buttons for returning to the OK and main menu, while Apple also retains the round buttons.

But the Hanhai phone doesn't have a single button on the front.

Take a closer look, this is not just a mobile phone, but like a perfect mirror inlaid on the blue and white jadeite, this is not just a mobile phone, but a handicraft.

"Is this a Hanhai phone? It's really pretty."

The reporters took pictures of the mobile phone mountain maps and photos one after another.

Based on the current technology of smartphone manufacturers.

No manufacturer can design a full-screen mobile phone, no manufacturer can make the smart touch screen 6.1 inches, and no manufacturer can make the thickness of the mobile phone so thin.

And Changtian Technology did it.

The female reporter who was filming on the scene put down the camera in her hand, fixed on the big screen behind Jobs, and said with some shock and fascination: "My God, this is the best-looking mobile phone I have ever seen."

Anyone likes beautiful things, especially girls.

Hanhai mobile phone is so fashionable and in line with the aesthetic design, it captured the hearts of everyone on the scene as soon as it was unveiled.

The reporters announced the shape and size of the Hanhai mobile phone through the lens, which made the netizens who were broadcasting live on the forum exclaimed in amazement.

"Changtian Technology is really awesome. It actually sets the phone to be full screen."

"In the past, I always thought that the design of the iPhone was very fashionable, with a thin body, rounded corners, and a cute key, which made people very fascinated, but today when I saw the full-screen design of Hanhan's mobile phone, I suddenly felt Apple phones are so ugly."

"I can't wait to buy a Hanhai mobile phone, it's really beautiful, but there is still a problem, if there is no physical button, how to exit?"

"You don't have to worry about it. The Hanhai mobile phone is set to have a full screen and no physical buttons, so the convenience of the mobile phone must be taken into account."

Under the live broadcast room of the Weibo press conference, netizens have already mentioned their boyfriends, and the meaning is very clear, that is, I hope that my boyfriend can buy one for me.

The on-site press conference continued.

The staff has already delivered a real Hanhai 1 mobile phone to Jobs under the arrangement of Jobs.

Jobs carefully picked up the phone, and then held it high to show the crowd at the press conference and the cameras.

The scene continued to applaud, and the reporters frantically took pictures of the physical mobile phone. The camera turned on a high-power lens to observe it in detail.

Sitting in the VIP seats in the first row are Rebs and Apple Lu Lei.

The Mi 2 mobile phone was released in August last year, while the Mi 3 has obtained the Internet access license from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and is expected to be released in September 2013. It's less than 4 months away from now.

That is to say, the design of Xiaomi Mi 3 has been completed, and it has been filed with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Rebs was very confident in his design a minute ago, thinking that Xiaomi Mi 3 will be one of the most beautiful mobile phones in the world. Although it is not as good as the iPhone 5e5s with strong industrial design capabilities, it is comparable to other Android phones. In comparison, the appearance will definitely not be bad.

It was when Rebs saw the Hanhai 1 mobile phone that he suddenly felt that he had overestimated Xiaomi's capabilities.

In front of Hanhai 1 mobile phone, the appearance design of Xiaomi Mi 3 is more like some copycat mobile phones in Huaqiangbei, with no texture at all.

Rebs even had some inferiority complex and wanted to cancel the launch of Xiaomi Mi 3.

Of course, Xiaomi Mi 3 has also put a lot of energy and time into Xiaomi's staff, so it is definitely impossible to cancel the Xiaomi Mi 3 conference.

However, Remus also changed his propaganda slogan. He originally wanted to promote both the performance and cost-effectiveness of the Xiaomi Mi 3 mobile phone, and the appearance of the Xiaomi Mi 3 mobile phone.

But he is now going to only advertise the price of Xiaomi Mi 3, because apart from the price, the Xiaomi Mi 3 mobile phone has no advantage whether it is compared with Apple or compared with the Hanhai that is being released.

Rebs already had another idea in his mind. At first, he placed expectations on the Xiaomi Mi 3 mobile phone, hoping that the sales price of the Xiaomi Mi 3 mobile phone would be higher than that of the Xiaomi Mi 1 and Xiaomi Mi 2, but now it seems that the price is absolutely It can’t go up, and it has to go down a bit, so that it can attract more segmented customers (users pursuing low prices) and avoid competing with Apple mobile phones and Hanhai mobile phones.

Lu Lei, who was sitting next to Rebs, was already blushing.

There are three things that make Apple the most proud of the iPhone.

One is a closed operating system, the ios closed operating system, which can make the mobile phone experience better and the system run more smoothly.

One is the thinness of Apple. Since the era of Steve Jobs, Apple has pursued thinner and lighter, so that the mobile phone can better integrate into the user's environment, rather than becoming a burden and burden on the user.

So there was a joke that it took Steve Jobs several months to finally make the iPhone 0.1 mm thinner, but after the release of the phone, consumers around the world added a 5 mm case to the phone in order to protect the phone.

Duanzi returns to Duanzi, which fully illustrates the positioning of the iPhone and its advantages.

The third is the design of the iPhone. After the appearance of Hanhai mobile phone was announced, many reporters and users believed that Hanhai mobile phone was not only a commodity, but also a work of art.

The same is true of the previous iphone design. The design of iphone tries to conform to people's aesthetics, and even leads people's aesthetics. It makes the phone round and smooth, and looks very artistic. But compared with Hanhai, it is too far away!

But at present, these three advantages that Apple is most proud of, without exception, can't compare to Hanhai mobile phone.

In terms of thinness and lightness, Hanhai phones are thinner and lighter than Apple's.

Speaking of the operating system, according to Jobs' statement just now, the Firefly operating system will bring people an intelligent experience, not just a simple closed operating system.

In terms of the appearance of the mobile phone, the appearance of the mobile phone is definitely a work of art. The full-screen mobile phone does not have any physical buttons except the power button and the volume button, which cannot be found on any mobile phone brand in the world.

At the press conference, Jobs said with Hanhai mobile phone in his hand: "Hanhai Technology understands consumers' demand for mobile phone performance, so we have launched three versions in total."

Three different versions of the Hanhai phone appeared on the big screen.

2gb+32gb, 2gb+64gb, 4gb+128gb.

When Jobs read out the three configurations of Hanhai mobile phone according to the relevant parameters on the big screen. Everyone at the press conference stood up, followed by a burst of warm applause and screams.

What is the crushing of strength, the configuration of Hanhai mobile phone is the crushing of strength against the current iPhone and other brands of Android phones.

Take the iPhone 5s just released by Apple as an example.

The basic configuration is 1gb+16gb, and the top configuration is 1gb+64gb.

The Galaxy 4 mobile phone released by Samsung before is configured as 2gb+16gb, but it can support 64gb expansion memory card.

Whether it is the configuration of the iPhone 5s or the configuration of Samsung, it is more than one grade worse than the Hanhai mobile phone.

Both iPhone and Samsung Galaxy use Samsung memory and flash memory provided by Samsung, while Changtian Technology uses carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage.

Compared with the storage of ordinary memory particles of Samsung, the performance of carbon crystal storage is not too strong.

This is not Changtian Technology's self-talk, but has been tested by the market and has been unanimously recognized by the majority of users.

So even if the basic configuration of Changtian Technology the actual user experience is much better than Samsung's peerless and the top configuration of iphone5s, not to mention that the top configuration of Hanhai 1 has reached 4gb+128gb. Configuration, which is not found on major mobile phone brands around the world.

As far as the configuration of Haihai mobile phone has been announced (chip performance, storage and memory performance), the paper configuration has already exploded all mobile phones currently on the market.

Jobs squeezed his hands, hoping that the audience who stood up would sit quietly.

The conference of Hanhai Technology is mainly about itself, so it will never be friendly and face-to-face.

Jobs said: "The configuration of the mobile phone is only the paper data of the mobile phone, and for the user, the actual experience of the mobile phone is much more important than the paper data."

"For example, compared with Android phones and Apple phones, although Android uses 2gb of memory, while iPhone only uses 1g of memory, but in terms of the actual user experience, because of the logic of the system, iPhone's 1gb phone may be better than Android's. 2gb memory phone is smoother, faster and more responsive."

"The same is true, the firefly system of Hanhai mobile phone is a closed system. At the same time, we integrate the logic of the application, and integrate the application fragments one by one into the firefly system itself, plus our super high-performance carbon crystal Storage, which can bring users a great experience, this is the design concept of Hanhai, and it is also the biggest advantage of the Firefly operating system.”

Jobs used the projection method to project the user interface of the Hanhai mobile phone in his hand onto the big screen.

The audience at the scene suddenly felt very magical when they saw the big screen, because the entire mobile interface of Hanhai mobile phone is completely different from the touch screen interface of Android and Apple.

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