Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 81 Keep fighting!

"Have you gotten through?"

"The line is not always busy!"

The admissions office teacher frowned and said: "I guess other schools are also competing, so let's continue. Although they are unlikely to come to our NTU, the recruitment work still needs to be done. New"

There are still three hours until the college entrance examination results are officially released.

However, some top universities have obtained the results of a small number of people through disclosures from relevant departments.

Which handful?

Probably the ones at the top of the national rankings.

The top scorers in each province, even the top scorers in each district of the municipality, and a small group of students of similar level.

This is not a matter of seeking power for personal gain, but is a common practice in previous years, in order to allow students who do well in the exams to gain early access to the admissions process of top universities.

The education department also hopes that students with high scores can go to better institutions and have more suitable room for development, so as to avoid underestimating high scores or underreporting high scores.

If the situation is true, the local education bureaus will also open a back door to prevent children from wasting their good grades because of wrong choices.

What? You said you were not contacted in advance?

Sorry, it should be because your score is not high enough.

For top schools, this is also an opportunity to grab people.

And the top scorer in the country is like the jewel in the crown of admissions.

If you get the top score in the national college entrance examination, you can come to school at home.

This is tantamount to proving the strength and charm of our school to the whole society.

Behind it is a series of news reports and exposure.

If you are applying to your own school, you need to be sure of the other person and visit them on the spot to avoid being poached. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Barβ†’πŸΌπŸΏπšœπš‘πšžπš‘.πšŒπš˜πš–

If you are not applying for your own school, let alone, dig, dig, dig!

Basically the top ten universities in the country will carry out this work.

Among them, Tsinghua University and Beijing University are the most outstanding ones. They have the geographical advantage of being located in the north of Beijing, and their reputation across the country is even greater.

Basically, I hit the famous orders from top to bottom, either coming to my home or going to the next door.

Relatively speaking, although other top colleges and universities can also harvest a group of top students, at least their competitiveness against the top few will be much lower.

The number one candidate in each province and country over the years, Peking University.

As for Fuda in Shanghai, after learning that this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination applied for their own university, they were so happy that the champagne was popping. They kept calling Zhou Rui on his mobile phone to prevent the top pick from Peking University. , Qing University poached him.

The results kept beating! It keeps busy!


Zhou Rui thought he would fall asleep until the next morning. After all, it was written like this in many novels. When he woke up, he would be covered in mud and the like.

But no.

The physical changes caused by receiving the entry only lasted for more than two hours.

He rubbed his temples and got up from the bed.

Except for the sweat all over the body, there seems to be no "impurities" being discharged.


He became stronger and taller.

Faintly feeling that the height of his eyesight was slightly different than usual, Zhou Rui gestured with the door frame, and there was a line he drew on it. This line had not changed much for more than half a year.

And at this moment.

He is nearly three centimeters taller, reaching 182cm tall. New πŸ…‡.πŸ„²πŸ„ΎπŸ„Ό

Officially entering the 180 club!

And Zhou Rui felt full of strength!

He took off his shirt and saw that his body under the clothes was sharp and angular, much stronger than before.

Although he has not yet reached the level of a "big muscle man", he

Just like the name of the entry, it can be said to be "strong and strong".

Six-pack abs, clear mermaid lines, and strong limbs

Plus his current height of 1.82 meters.

At this age, it can be called a perfect figure!

Especially the three centimeters in length seem to be all added to the legs, making Zhou Rui's proportions even more excellent.

He feels great now!

As the system said, the mystery of the human body cannot be explained by simply adding a certain value.

He felt not only stronger but also healthier.

If I must say, my vitality has become stronger?

He went to check the system messages again and found that in his eagerness, he had missed an important message.

"It has been detected that the host has five entries at the same time. The reward is to reveal a synthesis path related to the host."

"Revealing the path: [Strong and strong body] + [Martial arts enthusiast] + [Inheriter of non-heritage] = [Heir of ancient martial arts]"

Zhou Rui's eyes shrank

This sounds a bit surreal, right?

However, this synthesis path is very similar to the one in [Flash of Inspiration], which is a bit of a word game.

This time I bought two entries, and the taskbar has two empty entries, so I need to plan carefully.

He was full of curiosity about this somewhat "surreal" entry!

The phone was still ringing, and Zhou Rui felt his scalp numb as he saw a series of unanswered calls from strangers.

"Hey! Is this classmate Zhou Rui?"

They were classmates, and at this time, Zhou Rui probably guessed what was going on.

"Hello, yes, I am Zhou Rui."

"We are the Admissions Office of Peking University. Student Zhou, do you know your grades?"

"Probably know something."

"First of all, congratulations to you. In this college entrance examination, you won the first place in the national college entrance examination and the national examination paper."

This news should be exciting for everyone, including Zhou Rui himself.

But it doesn't matter to the teacher in the admissions office, because every year he dials the number of the top scorer in the national college entrance examination, and he has become numb.

The admissions teacher was silent for a while, as if giving Zhou Rui time to cheer, but he was disappointed. There was silence on the other side of the phone, except for Zhou Rui's steady breathing.

"Well, on behalf of Beijing Peking University, I now formally extend an invitation to you. I hope that Mr. Zhou can join Peking University for further study. When you filled out your application, you may have underestimated your achievements, but it doesn't matter. We can do it."

"Ahem, wait a moment." Zhou Rui interrupted.

"Beijing University is not my target school and I did not underestimate my scores."

There was an obvious silence there, and then he said, "Is Mr. Zhou planning to go to Tsinghua University?"

"No, I have no intention of changing my choice."

Zhou Rui originally thought that they would give up easily, but unexpectedly he underestimated the determination of top universities to win the top spot in the college entrance examination.

"Student Zhou may not know much about the conditions of various institutions. Peking University is not only ranked among the top universities in the country, but also in the world."

The admissions teacher began to talk endlessly about the excellence of Peking University.

It took Zhou Rui a long time to find the opportunity to interrupt. He said sorry and hung up the phone.

It seems that the admissions matter is more intense than imagined. It is estimated that admissions teachers will still be sent there.

I thought that with only one application filled out, the matter would be settled, but I didn’t expect that various colleges and universities were not ready to give up on poaching.

Zhou Rui felt it was a bit new. He had only heard about it a little bit in his previous life. He heard that the real top high-scoring monsters would be competed by various schools and would even offer various preferential treatment conditions, scholarships, and even help solve family difficulties.

Unexpectedly, I would have the opportunity to experience it this time.

(If you are interested, you can check it out. It is more exciting than the TV series.)

After that, Zhou Rui received calls from the admissions offices of several colleges, but he politely declined all of them.

However, it seems that they will not give up so easily. Before the volunteer batch officially starts to be put into operation, they can do their work.

Qinghe County will definitely not have admissions teachers from top universities, but those from other big cities may already be rushing here.

It also includes Zhou Rui’s goal of being an admissions teacher at β€œFu Da”.

No. 277 Tianhe Road, Qinghe County, a corner defense battle is about to begin!

The actions of various colleges and universities to snatch students are probably beyond the imagination of many ordinary students.

Any bonuses, scholarships, etc. are all child's play.

For example, when I came to my door at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, my parents called the police directly, and when Peking University picked me up for a trip, my phone was turned off, so I couldn't contact Tsinghua University for half a month and had to give up.

Especially Qingbei is the most vicious.

Various off-board moves.

Students at the top level will really be kicked out of their homes.

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