Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 817 The rise of Falcon 9, the beginning of all-out PK

Netizens who pay attention to the aerospace industry around the world have been obsessed with Daystar and Space Exploration Technology Company during this period.

The Venus 9 MAX has just completed its live broadcast launch, and the re-launch of the improved Falcon 9 is about to begin again.

"Masco, are you sure this time?"

At the launch site, NASA Administrator Griffin personally came to watch the launch of the improved Falcon 9.

"Gryffin, for me, the name Falcon 9 contains an irresistible force. It represents mankind's ambition to explore the universe, and it also symbolizes the perfect combination of technology and natural forces."

"As it is about to usher in another magnificent lift-off moment, all employees of SpaceX are extremely excited and look forward to the arrival of this great moment."

Masco will definitely not directly say whether he is sure or not sure at this time.

It's inappropriate to say you're not sure. Let's say you're sure. It seems that empty talk isn't very convincing.

So it's better to just pull something big and empty, and there won't be any problems anyway.

"Venus Technology over in China has sent heavy rockets like the Venus 9 MAX into space and successfully conducted recyclability tests."

"If the improved Falcon 9 cannot be successfully recovered this time, then we will be far behind Venus Technology."

"This is absolutely unacceptable."

The United States has always established its high-tech image, and there are many reasons behind it.

The high-tech image is an important symbol of America's national strength, demonstrating its leading position and strong strength in the global science and technology field.

This image not only enhances the international reputation of the United States, but also wins it more voice and influence on the global stage.

Before the emergence of Daystar Technology, America's high-tech image in aerospace was very secure and no one could challenge it.

But now because of Daystar, America's high-tech image is no longer so solid, at least when it comes to drones and rocket technology.

As the head of an agency like NASA that is closely related to high technology, Griffin naturally cannot accept such a thing.

"Our engineers are doing preparatory work before launch, and everything is going on in an intense and orderly manner."

"Engineers are working around the clock to check every detail of the rocket to make sure it goes flawlessly when it takes off."

Falcon 9 stands on the launch pad, like a sharp sword pointing straight into the sky. Its streamlined body shines in the sun, exuding a charming brilliance.

The surrounding equipment is working nervously and orderly, making a slight buzzing sound, as if making final preparations for the upcoming magnificent liftoff.

Masco pointed to this scene, which gave Gryffindor a little more confidence.

As the official launch time approaches, the entire launch site is filled with a solemn and sacred atmosphere.

Many people drove up nearby and stopped to watch, some holding smartphones or cameras to record this unforgettable moment.

Some people prayed silently, hoping that the launch would be successful.

Fortunately, Musko did not keep these people waiting too long, and the improved Falcon 9 began to countdown to launch.




With the countdown, everyone's breathing seemed to have stopped.

Every tick hits the heart, making the heart beat faster and the blood boil.

The engineers stared intently at the console, their fingers tapping rapidly on the keyboard to ensure that every data was accurate.

Suddenly, a loud ignition sound sounded, and the entire launch site seemed to be shaking.

The improved Falcon 9 engine ignited successfully, and a raging flame spewed out from the bottom of the rocket. The flame roared like a giant dragon and shot straight into the sky.

The air around him seemed to be on fire, and the heat wave hit his face, making people suffocating.

Immediately afterwards, Falcon 9 slowly rose, its speed getting faster and faster, as if there was an invisible force pushing it.

Its figure became smaller and smaller against the backdrop of the flames, until it finally turned into a bright spot and disappeared into the distant sky.

The whole process is short and shocking, like a visual and auditory feast.

Cheers immediately erupted from all around Masco!

Although it just took off successfully, it will still take some time before it can be successfully recovered.

But this is at least a good start.

"Everything during takeoff was consistent as expected, and there were no problems with all engine controls."

Seeing the improved Falcon 9 heading towards space, Musko finally had time to chat with Griffin again.

"Last time there was a problem in the final recycling process. The most critical thing now is to see if the recycling process can proceed smoothly."

Griffin is not that easy to fool.

Of course, he didn't really want the launch to fail, he just felt that it wasn't the time to really cheer yet.

Of course, Musko is also very clear about this.

Therefore, he did not disturb Griffin anymore and quietly listened to the busy sounds of various staff members in the command room.

Many people's fingers were flying, tapping quickly on the keyboard, confirming every detail.

"At present, the rocket has entered the predetermined orbit and the flight status is stable."

"How is the propulsion system? Is there anything abnormal?"

"The propulsion system is running well!" the engineer quickly replied. "All engines are working normally and fuel consumption is within expected limits."

Soon, the first stage rocket detached and re-ignited, and everything went smoothly.

Then comes the most critical recycling stage of re-ignition.

As the rocket successfully completed its re-ignition mission, people's attention began to focus on the launch site.

The launch site is carefully arranged, like a huge stage, waiting for the return of the protagonist.

Around the venue, the audience and staff were waiting nervously and excitedly, their faces full of anticipation and curiosity.

Suddenly, a dazzling light appeared in the sky. It was Falcon 9. It was flying through the clouds towards the launch site.

Its figure looks particularly spectacular against the blue sky and white clouds, as if it is a brave warrior returning to show its glory to the world.

As the rocket got closer, Masco's heartbeat accelerated.

The atmosphere at the launch site became increasingly tense, and you could hear the anticipation and excitement filling the air.

Falcon 9 descended slowly, and its tail sprayed out blazing flames, which formed a sharp contrast with the ground.

The flames illuminated the entire launch site, as well as the hopes and dreams in the hearts of Masco and Griffin.

At this moment, the rocket landed steadily at the designated location at the launch site.

The entire launch site seemed to be boiling with cheers, applause, and cheers one after another.

Falcon 9 stands quietly at the launch site!

The success of this recovery and landing at the launch site not only means that the reuse of the Falcon 9 rocket has become possible, but also represents another major technological breakthrough for Space Exploration Technology Company.

"Diles, you can consider officially launching the Falcon Heavy research plan!"

Masco danced with a group of staff for several minutes before slowly calming down.

The successful launch of the improved Falcon 9 is a successful ending and a new beginning.

It marks the overall rise of Falcon 9 and can compete head-on with Daystar 9.

In the next step, Space Exploration Technology will compete with the Venus 9 MAX on the Falcon Heavy.

Even for the starship project proposed by Daystar Technology, Musko is also preparing to conduct preliminary research within the Space Exploration Technology Company.

Once the Falcon Heavy is successfully launched, the next step can begin.

"Well, I will officially hold a launch meeting for the Falcon Heavy launch vehicle within the company tomorrow."

"Strive to successfully achieve the first flight within the next three years."

Diers feels that he should try his best to buy some time for the team to avoid being too stressed.

"Musk, if your Falcon Heavy rocket can be developed, it will provide new opportunities for cooperation between NASA and you."

Griffin felt that at this time, he still needed to seduce Masco appropriately.

In this way, he will have more powerful motivation to promote the development of Falcon Heavy rocket.

Otherwise, the next step of the Space Exploration Technology Company's work is likely to be to use the Falcon 9 recyclable rocket to launch Starlink satellites, and try to get their Starlink out as much as possible.

This matter is naturally very important, but the development of the Falcon Heavy rocket is also very important.

According to Griffin, the Falcon Heavy rocket has huge thrust and carrying capacity and can send larger and heavier payloads into space, which can meet many of NASA's needs.

Whether it is establishing a lunar base, colonizing Mars, or developing space tourism, the Falcon Heavy rocket can become a key force in achieving these goals.

This powerful carrying capacity allows NASA to get rid of its dependence on Polar Bear rocket engines in the future.

Although the United States purchases Polar Bear engines, there are many reasons.

It's not that American engine technology is not good.

Even though American rocket engine technology is quite advanced, in comparison, Polar Bear's engines are more competitive in price.

This allows the United States to consider cost-effectiveness when purchasing rocket engines and choose products with higher cost-effectiveness.

Ultimately, the United States can reduce the cost of space projects to a certain extent.

If the Falcon Heavy rocket, a large recyclable rocket, is successfully developed, all NASA missions in the future can be completed by Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy.

The cost is much lower than before.

This is naturally what Griffin wants to see.

"We will definitely develop the Falcon Heavy as quickly as possible."

"We even have some preliminary design concepts for the Falcon Heavy rocket within our company. The next step is to improve it and then produce it."

The situation of Venus 9 MAX has provided a lot of reference for the Space Exploration Technology Company.

Although innovation is very meaningful, when there is homework to copy, few people will refuse to copy the homework.

And while Masco and Griffin were happily communicating about the situation of the Falcon Heavy rocket, Cao Yang from China naturally already knew the news about the successful launch of the improved Falcon 9.

The other party has been studying the rocket for so many years, so it is normal for it to be successfully launched today.

However, Zhao Siyu's mentality is not so stable.

"Mr. Cao, the improved Falcon 9 has been successfully launched. The next step is that the Space Exploration Technology Company will definitely quickly build a Starlink system. This is a huge threat to us."

"And I estimate that they will also start the development of heavy-lift rockets immediately, which is also a threat to our Venus 9 MAX."

"If we want to maintain Lingxina's advantage in the global rocket launch market, we must build the starship as soon as possible."

At this time, there was no need for Cao Yang to supervise. Zhao Siyu himself knew the importance of the starship project.

Whether Daystar Technology can completely establish a foothold in the high-tech industry is closely related to the research and development of starships.

"The successful research on the improved version of Falcon 9 is indeed a huge threat."

"Based on our company's current internal calculation data, although the launch tonnage of Venus 9 MAX can reach three times that of Venus 9, the cost is actually more than three times."

"In the end, if there is no special need for large-tonnage launches at one time, Venus 9 will be enough."

"Putting it on the United States side, it means that the improved Falcon 9 can already meet 80% of satellite launch needs."

Cao Yang is naturally very clear about the significance of the successful recovery of Falcon 9.

But also, after today, Falcon 9 will be fully developed.

Although there are some differences between the performance parameters and Venus 9, there is no order of magnitude difference.

"Indeed, the rise of Falcon 9 is a huge threat to us."

"Originally, there were some American users who inquired about using Venus 9 to launch their own satellites. After today, it is estimated that these potential customers will slowly disappear."

Zhao Siyu also sees problems relatively clearly and thoroughly.

SpaceX is a pioneer in private space exploration.

It will also be Daystar Technology’s biggest competitor globally.

Backed by their respective strong local markets, many people are optimistic about the future of both Venus Technology and Space Exploration Technology Company.

But different people have different views on what the competition between the two companies will look like.

"It doesn't matter. The domestic launch demand is enough to keep us busy for several years."

"We will have more important tasks to do in a few years."

Cao Yang's current mentality is very stable.

As long as the sky doesn't fall, everything will be fine.

Even if the sky falls, there will still be tall people holding on.

Compared with the calmness of Daystar Technology, the United Rocket and Aerospace Company cannot be calm.

After Grotin returned to China, he held several meetings within the company.

It was originally planned to cooperate with Daystar Technology, but then I heard the news about the successful rocket recovery test conducted by Space Exploration Technology Company.

This made Grotin's mood suddenly complicated.

Why have the United States and China successfully developed recyclable rockets, but they have struggled for so long without success?

"Dmitri, do you think the technical direction of our recyclable rocket project is wrong?"

China and the United States are developing vertically launched recyclable rockets. This plan is hugely different from the United Rocket and Space Company's plan.

Grotin had always believed that their solution was the best, as almost all parts of the rocket could be reused.

But seeing that his opponents were developing so fast, but their own rhythm was a bit unsatisfactory, Grogin became a little anxious.

"There is nothing wrong with the direction of the space shuttle itself. The Americans have been working on it for decades."

"Our recyclable rocket has some similarities with the space shuttle, but the production cost will be lower."

"This general direction cannot be said to be wrong."

Demetri has now arranged a large number of manpower to work on the project of recyclable rockets. If he admits that the general direction is wrong, wouldn't all projects have to be cancelled?

He absolutely cannot accept this.

"But after the American space shuttle carried out its last launch in September 2010, there were no further follow-up activities."

"Not only are these space shuttles very expensive to produce, their safety is also unsatisfactory."

"The design of our recyclable rocket is much more complex than that of Venus 9 and Falcon 9, which means that no matter how hard we try, the final production cost will be much higher than others."

"And there are more parts and the design is more complicated, which means safety will be reduced."

"This is very detrimental to the development of our project."

When Groting went to China a few days ago, he had already reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Cao Yang.

United Rocket and Aerospace Company has come up with a rocket engine to share with Venus Technology.

As for Venus, they took out the engine control system of Venus 9 and shared it with Polar Bear.

Both parties are quite satisfied with this cooperation.

In the past, United Rocketry and Space Corporation would choose to dig out previous recyclable rocket projects from the archives for redevelopment because it could not find a better solution.

But now with the engine management system of Venus Technology, they have relatively good rocket engines themselves.

Then as long as we refer to Venus 9 or Falcon 9 and directly build a United Rocket 9 recyclable rocket, the difficulty is not that high.

Even the outer shell of the rocket can be produced directly from stainless steel like the Falcon 9.

The polar bear's use of stainless steel is very unique. The supersonic fighter aircraft of that year used stainless steel as the skin.

So there is no problem with the related stainless steel technology.

Of course, these are just Grogin's own ideas, and they have not been formally discussed with everyone.

Originally, he had to struggle for a while, but the Space Exploration Technology Company has developed an improved version of the Falcon 9 and successfully completed the recyclable rocket project.

At this point, Grotin felt that he could not wait any longer.

Otherwise, United Rocket and Aerospace Corporation will lag far behind its international counterparts.

This is unacceptable.

"Although the structure is a bit complicated, we have a lot of ready-made data for reference, and we can start completing the first launch next year."

Dmitry's words were a bit irritating to Grotin. He said directly: "If we use mass-produced engines and adopt a similar design structure to Venus 9 and Falcon 9, is it possible to The first launch at the end of next year?”

Among rocket designs, the development of engines and engine control systems is the most time-consuming.

If there are no problems with these two parts, the overall design is not a big problem.

Polar Bear’s talent accumulation in this area is still very profound.

Even after more than twenty years of bloodletting, it is still stronger than 99% of the countries in the world.

"If you just design and produce the rocket for testing, the problem will not be big, but the first launch may not be successful."

Dmitry also knew Grotin very well.

When he heard this, he knew that the other party had already made up his mind.

At this time, it no longer makes much sense to continue to insist on anything.

So he quickly began to change his thinking and considered developing recyclable rockets based on Falcon 9 and Venus 9.

The most important thing for him was that the project could not be cancelled.

If it is just a slight change in the product being researched, it would still be acceptable.

"Even if the current project can be launched next year, there is a high probability that it will be difficult to complete successfully."

"Even if it succeeds, there will be no competitive advantage based on the current estimated cost."

"In this case, it is better to change the research direction quickly and make changes while most of the parts of this project have not yet started trial production and the cost of silence is relatively low."

"If it continues to be delayed, the budget will have been spent, and it will be too late if we think about changing the research object."

When Grotin said this, Dmitri completely understood.

United Rocket and Aerospace Corporation’s annual research and development funding is budgeted.

Especially after the reform and becoming a complete polar bear state-owned enterprise, the budget becomes even more important.

If the current recyclable rocket project uses up its budget and then produces a relatively useless product, then the problem will be huge.

It will not be a matter of continuing research and development at that time, nor will it be a matter of changing another plan to study it.

In a dilemma, he, the person in charge of the rocket project, might be pushed out and take the blame.

This is certainly not a situation Demetri wants to see.

"Grotin, you still have the foresight to see things clearly."

“I think we can take advantage of Venus Technology’s exchange of engine control system technology with us to learn more about the design of Venus 9.”

"But their carbon fiber shells may be difficult for us to learn, unless the other party is willing to sell carbon fiber products to us at a low price."

Demetri is obviously preparing to combine the plans of Falcon 9 and Venus 9 to form his own recyclable rocket plan.

This is not a big problem for them.

And these solutions have been proven feasible by the two companies. If they follow up with research and development, the risk will be very low.

Imitation is much less risky than innovation.

"It is impossible to sell carbon fiber products to us at low prices. Our rocket shells should be made of stainless steel like Falcon 9."

"Other places can learn from Venus 9. It just so happens that Venus Technology has also released a lot of information about Venus 9. Let's take it and compare it. It should save a lot of time."

When Grogin said this, Dmitri couldn't help but add: "I just don't know if the information released by Daystar Technology has been specially processed."

"For example, the dimensions of a certain area were deliberately marked incorrectly."

"Or the proportions of some parts, they deliberately made them special. Then we may have to take a detour."

Demetri's worry is actually not unfounded.

The United States and the Polar Bears both did similar things back then, and both suffered losses in this regard.

"Aren't we going to share engine technology with each other?"

"During this cooperation process, everyone needs to communicate well and gain mutual trust."

"Anyway, we don't have much competition in this area, and Venus probably doesn't regard us as the main competitor of their Starlink satellite system."

"So as long as the communication is good, I think everything is possible."

I have to say that Grogin's analysis is still very reasonable.

Even if the polar bear builds its own star chain, it is destined to be impossible to use in China or around the world.

This has little impact on Venus Technology’s Starlink.

For Venus Technology, the main competitor is always Space Exploration Technology Company.

So it is entirely possible for them to cooperate with polar bears.

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