"Don't think about biting your tongue. Even if you bite off your tongue, I promise you won't die, but you just suffer in vain." Xu Li saw the intention of the female killer and warned.

Female killer a Leng, but he understands, with the present medical level, bite tongue really won't be fatal, as long as the rescue in time, keep X ì There is no problem with life.

"What do you want?" the female killer was finally a little discouraged, and even began to regret taking the task.

"It's very simple. It may make you less painful to recruit your accomplices."

"Bah, it's impossible," the female assassin gritted her teeth. It has been five years since the establishment of their Xiao group. Although there is no blood relationship among the members of the Xiao group, they have already been in love with their brother and sister in the tests of life and death. It is impossible for her to betray her brother~

"Think about it, you can think about it at most when you have a Xiao, and I hope you won't change your mind after a Xiao." although Xu Li used Zhenqi to torture people for the first time, his own method is the best. It's not Xu Li's whim to import Qi into other people's bodies. It's Xu Li's experience of this kind of pain. Even Xu Li, an iron man, almost collapsed. Fortunately, he finally straightened out the true Qi and attributed it to the meridians. Moreover, Xu Li also benefited from misfortune. The true Qi in his body was also Xiaocheng, and it could be released. Today, because of Jin Xin's death, Xu Li uses this method for the second time. Judging from the performance of female killers, the effect is good. Maybe it can become a new method.

Under the guard of Zhao Peng, the female killer has no chance to commit suicide, and she doesn't dare to think about biting her tongue. Otherwise, she has to suffer. It's better to accumulate some energy to cope with the next round of pain.

At this time, outside the hotel, there was a loud siren. After Zhao Guoqing got the report from the police, of course, he did not dare to neglect it. He immediately organized the police in the bureau to rush to the city hotel. In less than 10 minutes, nearly 100 police had gathered in the hospital of the city hotel.

Zhao Guoqing got out of the car, deep complexion, a word no, the first rushed to the city hotel building~ Dozens of police also rushed in. The police outside the building also began to appease the guests who had just escaped from the building and control the situation.

Although Zhao Guoqing knew that Xu Li was not injured, Jin Xin's sacrifice made Zhao Guoqing feel like a huge stone. Xu Li has long told himself that there are foreign killers lurking in Helian, but he did not show them in advance, so that they directly threatened Xu Li's safety and caused the explosion of the city hotel. After the news spread, the City Public Security Bureau may also face the blame of all parties.

Into the hall, Zhao Guoqing immediately saw a policeman is hiding in the side of the corridor. See Zhao Guoqing and police rushed in, he immediately welcomed up, said: "Zhao bureau"

"What about mayor Xu?" Zhao Guoqing is most concerned about the safety of Xu Li at this time.

"In the stairwell" police said immediately in front of the road.

Zhao Guoqing rushed into the stairwell and saw that Xu Li was all right. He was relieved and said, "Mayor Xu, are you ok?"

Xu Li shook his head and said, "it's OK, but Comrade Jin Xin died. He died for me."

Zhao Guoqing also saw Jin Xin lying on the ground. He was shot on the forehead and was never lucky. Zhao Guoqing is still very familiar with Jinxin. He personally transferred Jinxin Chou to the ad hoc group. Originally, Jinxin had made great contributions to the protection of Yin Mei's family. As long as the case is over, Jinxin will be promoted and reused. But I didn't expect that Jin Xin died at this time. Zhao Guoqing solemnly stood in front of Jinxin, took off the police cap and gave Jinxin a military salute. The police who came in with Zhao Guoqing saw their former comrades lying there quietly, and they all took off their hats and saluted, which was the last way to send Jin Xin

Knowing that this is not the time for grief, Zhao Guoqing turned back and said in a loud voice, "take the criminals out and protect mayor Xu."

The police who came in with Zhao Guoqing rushed up to cooperate with Zhao Peng and others to detain the female killer. Several other police surrounded Xu Li to protect Xu Li from going out of the stairwell.

"Mayor Xu, go to the Municipal Bureau first. No matter how arrogant those killers are, they will never dare to make trouble in the Public Security Bureau," Zhao Guoqing said.

Xu Li thought for a moment. Although Zhao Peng and others protected him, we can see from today's events that these black stab killers did everything they could to assassinate themselves, and they had no worries about ordinary people. It's a good idea to go to the Public Security Bureau if you go to other places, and you can get the relevant information of the case at the first time in the Public Security Bureau.

In order to ensure Xu Li's safety, Zhao Peng gives the female killer Jiao to others, but he is responsible for protecting Xu Li. At the same time, there were five policemen around Xu Li. Under the protection of the policemen, they didn't give the killers the chance to continue to attack.

Xu Li was sent to Zhao Guoqing specially transferred to the bank cash truck, in order to prevent another killer on the road to assassinate Xu Li.

Half an hour later, Xu Lilai came to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. At this time, Yu Guangqi was also waiting here early. As soon as he saw Xu Li, Yu Guangqi immediately welcomed him and said with a guilty face: "Mayor Xu, it's our dereliction of duty..."

Xu Li knew that Yu Guangqi would not feel better at this time, for fear that he would be angry with him. But this incident is due to their own, plus these black thorn killers are outlaws, also can't blame these police useless. Moreover, Yu Guangqi was promoted by himself. If he really wants to be held responsible, isn't he beating himself in the face?

"Forget it, this is not the time to investigate the responsibility. We should try the female killer immediately. We must catch all these outlaws in the shortest time to protect the life and property of the people in the whole city."

"Yes" Yu Guangqi heard that Xu Li didn't blame himself. He finally let go and immediately arranged for someone to interrogate the female killer.

The interrogation of female killers was not smooth. In just ten minutes, these policemen exhausted their means with the acquiescence of Guangqi, but the female killers faced all kinds of torture ù Ridicule, these police feel no face at the same time, also have to admire the will of the female killer.

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