"Oh?" Jiang Guoxiong was really surprised this time. After all, Xin tourism company's original ranking in the UK can only be regarded as the middle of the range. After Yu Liang's acquisition of the company, he increased investment to make Xin company one of the top three tourism companies in the UK. But qianmei group is different. This is an old clothing company. If one of the world's top ten famous clothing brands can really invest in Helian, the impact will be far beyond money“ How's the conversation going? Is it possible to sign an agreement at the Expo? Even if it's an agreement of intent! "

Qianmei group has also been controlled by Yu Liang's storm fund for a long time. In recent years, Xu Li has been relying on the advantages of rebirth to turn stone into gold, which has made storm fund a world-famous investment fund with a total assets of trillion. However, Xu Li, Yu Liang, Sun Ji and others understand the truth of "big trees attract wind", and claim that it is only about 100 billion. Even so, they have already become world-famous financial giants. However, Xu Li knows that, despite the fact that storm funds have enjoyed a good deal in the stock market and futures market in recent years, it is only because of their own foresight and their ability to make use of certain historical events to speculate.

But now it's getting closer and closer to the day of his rebirth. Although most of the regrets of his last life have been eliminated, once he doesn't have the advantage of foresight, and with his economic knowledge, he wants to use stocks and futures to make money, he's looking for death! Therefore, in the past year, with the deployment of Xu Li, the storm fund has been investing more and more in industries, not only in various technology companies, but also in tourism, clothing, real estate, mines and automobiles. Food and other industries are omnipresent. Among the top 500 enterprises in the world alone, hundreds of billions of US dollars have been invested, involving more than half of the groups, and six of them are holding shares. Xu Li plans to double this figure before October 1 next year! Qianmei group is just one of the huge acquisition plans.

"Governor Jiang, you also know that our clothing festival in Helian has a high reputation not only in China, but also in the world, so if we can reach an agreement with qianmei group, it will be a good win-win thing. However, qianmei group, as a large international company, has put forward relatively high conditions for us. Governor Jiang is still needed to guard us! "

Jiang Guoxiong knew that if qianmei group could really settle down in Helian, it would be like putting gold paper on Liaohai's face, and he, the vice governor of Liaohai, would also have light on his face. "They can talk about whatever they want. If you and I can't solve it, you can ask Secretary Jiang and governor Wen for instructions. As long as we can keep qianmei group, we'll make a great contribution."

"I'm relieved to have governor Jiang! I'll ask qianmei group to send someone to come for an interview, at least to make sure that a preliminary agreement of intention will be reached during this Expo! "

"Ha, ha!" Jiang Guoxiong laughed a few times, patted Xu Li on the shoulder and said, "you really have the ability. If you can really talk about these two projects, then our trip to Paris is not in vain!"

However, Xu Li was not satisfied with the result. He had a hard time coming here. Of course, he couldn't go back! What's more, Premier Su and vice premier Teng will also be present in person in a few days. When they have such a good opportunity, of course, they have to show their faces again in front of the two leaders.

"Governor Jiang, I have a college classmate who works in the storm fund. He has a lot of contacts here. I'm going to ask him to help me invite some friends from the financial sector to come and see if there are suitable projects in Liaohai province. I'm afraid we can't sign a formal agreement, but as long as we sign an agreement of intent, that's good! "

"Storm fund?" Jiang Guoxiong was stunned again. Perhaps ordinary people don't know much about the name of storm fund. After all, many storm funds are low-key operations, mainly to make money. But as a leader of Jiang Guoxiong's level, he certainly knows something about the deeds of the storm fund. In his opinion, Xu Li is only about 30 years old. His classmate should be the same age as him. Moreover, the storm fund is a large foreign company. Even if he works in the storm fund, I'm afraid he can be a vice president of any department at most. What is the ability of making friends? So Jiang Guoxiong didn't pay much attention to it, but it's better than nothing“ I'll trouble mayor Xu. I'll thank you when I go back this time! "

Xu Li also saw Jiang Guoxiong's idea, but did not explain, just waiting to give you a big surprise!

The next morning, before breakfast, Jiang Guoxiong couldn't wait to find Xu Li“ Mayor Xu, when will the people from qianmei group and Hexin travel company arrive? Shall we meet you? "

Xu Li can't help laughing at Jiang Guoxiong's eagerness. It seems that even the vice governor can't avoid vulgarity! In order not to lose face in front of premier Su and vice premier Teng, I really made great efforts.

"Governor Jiang, I have made an appointment with them that they will go to the Expo directly at 9:30. After all, this is also a great joy. We should always let the comrades of brother provinces and cities feel happy too!"

"Yes, yes!" Jiang Guoxiong immediately understood what it means to make brother provinces and cities feel happy. These days, because the front door of Liaohai's booth is a sparrow, it has made other people laugh. It seems that Xu Li is ready to give a good look to those who once laughed at him. Think about the wonderful expressions on the faces of comrades in other provinces and cities. Jiang Guoxiong is a relief!

Although Jiang Guoxiong knew that the staff of qianmei and Xin would not arrive until 9:30, he could not wait any more. In a hurry, he took Xu Li to the hotel for breakfast, and then he took Xu Li out to the Expo. Before leaving, I did not forget to tell Zhao Jianqing, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, that he would organize all the cities and counties in the province for a while. The exhibitors must arrive at the exhibition on time, and no one is allowed to be less!

Zhao Jianqing and the comrades from other cities and counties in Liaohai province who came with him were only surprised to see Jiang Guoxiong's happy expression today. You know, Jiang Guoxiong has been staying in the hotel these two days pretending to be ill and refusing to go to the exhibition hall to be teased. What's the matter today? Not only do you want to go by yourself, but also everyone is required to go. Is it a shame to go with him?

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