However, among all the participants, the happiest was Minister of Commerce Tan Hao. It is precisely because of Xu Li that the investment amount and investment projects attracted by the Expo are more than twice as large as expected. He is really the Minister of Commerce

On the night before the closing of the conference, Tan Hao personally called Jiang Guoxiong, Xu Li and others to invite them to have a dinner together. At the dinner party, Tan Hao dug up a corner again in front of Jiang Guoxiong, and even promised that as long as Xu Li was willing to come to the Ministry of Commerce, he would be able to solve the problem of Xu Li's treatment within this year, and ensure that he would be promoted to the post of vice minister within three years

Jiang Guoxiong is speechless about Tan Hao's promise. Although it may not take Xu Li two years to be promoted to vice governor in Liaohai, how can the vice governor of Liaohai compare with Vice Minister of Commerce? If Tan Hao invited himself this time, he would have agreed. Jiang Guoxiong didn't dare to persuade Xu Li any more because it was so important. However, after this incident, Jiang Guoxiong also saw Xu Li's ability. He really didn't want to let go of the QianLiJu. He could only say: "Mayor Xu, I know I'm a low-power man and I can't promise you anything, but if you are willing to stay in Liaohai, I will immediately propose to Secretary Jiang and governor Wen to promote you to vice governor of Liaohai."

Yan Xu, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce on one side, also has an incredible expression. He admires Xu Li's ability. However, he worked hard in the Ministry of Commerce for 20 years before he was promoted to the position of vice minister step by step. Tan Hao is going to promote Xu Li to vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce because of an Expo. This is no joke

But even more puzzling to everyone is that Xu Li turned down Tan Hao's proposal“ Thank you for your appreciation, Minister Tan, but I'm still young. I'm afraid I can't convince the public if I really get to the Ministry of Commerce. I'd better take more exercise at the grassroots level for a few years. "

In fact, Xu Li has his own considerations. Although going to the Ministry of commerce is really beneficial to my promotion, the Ministry of commerce is one of the key departments in China. It is always under everyone's attention. I don't want to be such a public figure. After all, I am only 30 years old next year. If the outside world knows that I have a vice minister under 30 years old, it is uncertain that there will be any bad news for me. Maybe even when I was young, I would go to the tree to dig out birds' eggs and fish in the river. It's hard to be observed under a magnifying glass by more than one billion people across the country. Besides, until now, Xu Li hasn't found out the real murderer behind his assassination in his last life. Of course, Xu Li can't give up and leave Helian.

Tan Hao didn't get angry when he saw Xu Li refuse on the spot. He just said with a smile, "Xiao Xu, last time I asked you to be rejected in Songjiang, this time it's no accident, but I won't let go of you. If you want to help me at any time, I'm always welcome."

"Thank you, Minister tan. I'd like to propose a toast to you. You can rest assured that you will be able to use any place I can make in the future. I promise to be on call."

"Ha ha, Xiao Xu, don't be careful with me here. Who didn't know that you had the nickname of Jiuxian when you were stationed in Songjiang in Beijing? I'm afraid there's no one in the whole capital who can compete with you. Don't bully me." Tan Hao was very happy because of the extraordinary success of the Expo. He couldn't help joking with Xu Li.

"Well, I'll make this cup, you can do it at will." Xu Li said and really made a cup of wine. Tan Hao is joking, but Xu Li's face still needs to be given. He said: "Premier Su and vice premier Teng will also come to the closing meeting tomorrow. We can't drink too much today. I'll call more drunkards from the Ministry of Commerce next time when I have the chance. Then we'll get drunk." and Tan Hao finished half a drink.

Because the next day is the closing meeting, and Premier Su and vice premier Teng will also be present in person, everyone is afraid to drink more. Except for Xu Li, everyone has two glasses of wine, so that the banquet will not be cold, and we will be able to greet the leaders of all parties with a good mental outlook tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Tan Hao, together with the relevant staff of the Ministry of Commerce and the Embassy in France, personally arrived at the airport to welcome Premier Su Zaiqi and vice premier Teng Suqing. Relevant French departments also sent relevant leaders to accompany them.

The Expo will officially close at... In the afternoon, so after su zuiqi and Teng Suqing got off the plane, accompanied by Tan Hao and others, they went directly to the Expo site to inspect the grand occasion of the Expo.

Although Su Zaiqi and Teng Suqing received a report from Tan Hao two days ago, when they arrived at the venue, they were still shocked by the lively scenes. At this time, the exhibition site, which covers an area of more than 10000 square meters, is full of people, and there are countless people in front of the exhibition booths in various provinces and cities. Especially in front of several popular city booths, it can be said that they are overcrowded, especially in Helian city. Because of the lack of preparation for the grand occasion of the Expo, the local products in many provinces and cities have been out of stock, but it is too late to transfer materials from China. We all regret it.

"Tan Hao" Su Zaiqi called Tan Hao and pointed to the humanity in the exhibition: "this is not a face project you are engaged in. These people will not be paid by you to fool my old man." Su Zaiqi still can't believe it. You know, the country holds all kinds of investment fairs all over the world every year, but there are few such hot scenes. If they can reach this level, I'm afraid that country's economic development can be doubled. However, when Su heard that an exposition was held in a certain province in China, there were only a few visitors. In the end, the organizer paid a lot of foreigners to fill in the exhibition. The final data were also very gratifying. We all know that the projects signed on that exposition were countless, and even the investment of the whole exhibition was confiscated, which can be said to be a laughing matter.

"Premier Su, how dare I fool you? You see, that's the vice president of Wal Mart, that's the vice president of Ford Motor Company, and..."

"Ha, ha, they are really old friends." Su Zaiqi, as the premier of the state, had exchanges with the leadership of these big companies. In addition, Su Zaiqi's memory was amazing, so he recognized these old friends at a glance“ It seems that the Expo has been fruitful. You, the Minister of Commerce, have made great achievements this time. "

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