The city's ordinary people suddenly found that recently, when they went to work in various units, they no longer had the "three difficulties" treatment of being difficult to enter, ugly and difficult to handle. On the contrary, all the staff members were kind-hearted and didn't bother to ask questions. Some things that had been delayed for several months were solved at once this time!

Although this matter has attracted the attention of all units and departments in the city, there are always some people who don't believe in evil. The supervision team has gone deep into the grassroots to investigate, and within a week, it has investigated and dealt with more than a dozen violations. Because Xu Li hinted that the inspection team would focus on Jinhai county. At the same time, three inspection teams went deep into Jinhai County, and these people did play a role. They investigated and dealt with a lot of violations of rules and regulations during working hours, such as drinking to work, chatting online and speculating in stocks during working hours. The worst case happened in the Agricultural Bureau of Jinhai county, A deputy director actually took several staff members to play mahjong in the Bureau office during working hours, but they were blocked by the supervision team, and all the staff members were removed on the spot by the supervision team. This case caused a great sensation in Helian. All the people dare not violate the rules at will. They are careful in every move for fear of being blocked by the inspection team!

Jinhai county is regarded as its forbidden area by Lian Litian, but this time Xu Li directly used the supervision team of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government to directly remove a deputy director, which made the leaders of Jinhai County feel scared. Wang Donggang, a member of Jinhai county Party committee, could not sit still. He personally called Lian Litian and reported the matter to him.

After hearing this, Lian Litian disagreed and said, "it's just a deputy director of the Bureau of agriculture. If you withdraw it, just withdraw it. Mayor Xu, because what happened at the city's tourism work meeting is really not bright, I will advise him not to annoy mayor Xu on this matter. It's almost OK. Don't take entering the sea as a typical example. "

"Yes Wang Donggang finally felt relieved. In just a few days, Jinhai county has successively removed two deputy department level leaders and seven section level leaders. All the leading cadres in the county are in a panic. He is afraid of further investigation. I am afraid that Jinhai county will really face major personnel changes, and even his county Party committee will not be able to do it.

Lian Litian put down the phone, but did not directly talk to Xu Li. He also knows that although Xu Li is suspected of overstepping his authority, there is a reason for it. Who wants you to embarrass Xu Li in public in Haixian county? Even if he is not good enough to persuade Xu Li. Lian Litian thought about it, called an Ping, director of the municipal Party committee's supervision office, to the office and said, "the first half of the year is almost over. Your supervision office should conduct a comprehensive supervision on the work of all counties, cities and departments in the city in the first half of the year, and report the work of all departments to me as soon as possible."

"Even, recently, people from our supervision office have been sent to supervise the construction of the political and professional style of various departments..." Enron didn't know whether Lian Litian didn't know about it or forgot, so he had to remind him.

"Although the work of building the style of administration and business is important, it is a long-term work. It is a matter of top priority for all departments to achieve the work goals set in the first half of this year. You should put other things aside first, do this work well, and report the report as soon as possible!"

"Yes! I'll immediately organize people to go down to the grass-roots level for inspection! " Enron out of the office of Lian Li Tian, but secretly abdominal Fei unceasingly. Isn't this a mess? The construction of political and professional style should belong to the work of Party construction, which should be under the charge of the municipal Party committee. However, in the first half of the year, the work of various departments should be in the charge of the municipal government. But now in Helian, it's just two twists. The Party committee has done the work of the government, while the government has snatched the work of the Party committee. The most difficult thing is these people. On the other hand, the work assigned by Mayor Xu Li has not been completed yet, but Lian Li Tian has assigned the task. He has no skills and dare not really give up. It's really hard to be human!

However, no matter how emotional you are, you still have to do your work, and even more, you have to complete the tasks that Lien Li Tian ordered. Enron had no choice but to contact Zhao Ping, director of the government's supervision office, hoping that Zhao Ping could understand his difficulties. It's better to report the matter to the leaders and not make it too difficult for the people below.

Zhao Ping also understood Enron. Moreover, the municipal government's supervision office and the municipal Party committee's supervision office often have to work together to supervise the grass-roots units. Of course, their relationship is good. Although in the past year, because of Xu Li's strength, the government supervision office led by Zhao Ping has been more powerful than that of the municipal Party committee, now it is Xu Li who is in power. If there is a new mayor at any time, the municipal government supervision office will certainly listen to the advice of the municipal Party committee supervision office.

After thinking about it, Zhao Ping found it useless to find other leaders. Xu overpass was responsible for the work. No one in the municipal government dared to refute it. He had to ask Xu Li for instructions.

When Xu Li saw Zhao Ping looking for him, he knew that something must have happened“ Zhao Ping, sit down first. It happens that I have something to look for you, too! " When Xu Li finished, he criticized the documents he was looking at and put them aside. Then he said, "it's hard for you recently! How about going down to inspect? "

"Mayor Xu, after several days of supervision by our government's supervision office and the municipal Party committee's supervision office, we have found many kinds of problems. We have dealt with 22 leading cadres below the section level and two leading cadres at the department level. The atmosphere of all grass-roots units in the city has been greatly improved, and the masses have a strong response to this incident."

Xu Li nodded his head. I'm afraid it was unintentional. Originally, he just wanted to create an opportunity to facilitate Zhao Guoqing's investigation work, but unexpectedly, he was praised by the masses and corrected the atmosphere of government officials“ Have all the counties, cities and departments arrived yet? Is there any difficulty? "

"The city's three county-level cities, one county, six districts, four state-level pilot areas for opening up and 162 municipal departments have all carried out supervision. Now we are preparing to carry out supervision on the departments directly under the city's towns, counties and urban areas as well as the subordinate units of the municipal departments. But... "

Seeing Zhao Ping's hesitation, Xu Li said, "if you have any difficulties, just tell me. I'll try my best to help you solve them."

"Just now, Enron, the director of the supervision office of the county Party committee, called me and asked him to conduct special supervision on the work of all departments in the city in the first half of the year as soon as possible. And according to the usual practice in previous years, this kind of inspection is generally carried out jointly by the inspection office of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government. The personnel of our inspection office are limited, I'm afraid... "Ro! ~!

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