Xu Li's words calmed the enthusiastic crowd in front of the door a little, and the young man who was crying on the ground made us see Xu Li's determination. For a moment, no one dared to attack the gate again, but stepped back a few steps.

Xu Li turned his head and told Zhao Guoqing and Jiang Li in a low voice: "it seems that persuasion alone can't solve the problem. Someone dares to attack the gate and allows you to shoot! But try to hurt, don't kill! "

"Yes Jiang Li saw Xu Li's marksmanship. Although she didn't know how a mayor of Xu Li could have such a good marksmanship, it didn't affect her admiration for Xu Li. Of course, she would not refute Xu Li's words.

Zhao Guoqing immediately organized the police to set up a defense line in front of the gate, and ran up and down the building to check the situation, so as to prevent people from rushing into the building.

For a moment, the building is silent, but the outside is noisy. The strong contrast makes people feel more depressed. However, just now a shot did frighten some people. The young man had been carried to the yard, but because the telephone was blocked, and the hospital also got the instructions from the leader of a certain county, no ambulance arrived at the scene. But with the example of that young man there, no one dares to break into the office building, and the two sides confront each other across the gate.

As time went by, Xu Li stood in front of the third floor window and looked at the people in the yard carefully.

Although there were tens of thousands of people in the courtyard, in the half an hour after the confrontation, some of them had already stepped out and wanted to go home. But just a few steps were stopped, presumably these people are Wang Donggang's people. Although Xu Li didn't know how these people tried to persuade the masses, the masses really stayed, and the number of people inside and outside the county Party committee compound did not decrease, but increased. Well, by now, the masses of the whole changjiao island have come.

More than 20000 people have gathered inside and outside the compound. Although there are hundreds of officers and soldiers outside the compound of the county Party committee under the leadership of Guo Changhe, even Guo Changhe does not dare to act rashly in the face of these people. In addition to the officers and soldiers sent to the docks, Guo Changhe gathers hundreds of officers and soldiers in company to closely observe the scene and prevent emergencies.

"Mayor Xu!" Zhao Guoqing walked behind Jingli and said softly.

"What's going on down there?"

"At the instigation of some people, the people outside smashed all the windows on the first floor, but I have sent people to guard the windows because there are iron fences and no one can come in. There are a lot of people in front of the gate, but with the example of the young man, no one dares to break through the cordon we have laid for the time being. "

"Well! Look at the outside "...", Xu Li pointed to the crowd gathered into a small group outside and said to Zhao Guoqing, "order people to closely observe the situation outside. I'm afraid these people will take action soon!"

Zhao Guoqing has been busy arranging the defense in the building just now. As long as people from outside don't rush into the building, he has no time to pay attention to them. At this time, following Xu Li's advice, I saw that the people outside didn't know what they were talking about, but there were always people looking at the Ligong building, and even some people pointing at the office building.

2... "Before Zhao Guoqing's voice fell, a police officer rushed in and said:" report... "

"What's the matter?" Zhao Guoqing's nerves are already in high tension. Seeing that this "civilian" police officer is in such a hurry, has the masses below started to take action?

"Someone climbed in from the window on the second floor. We've got him under control, but he said he's a snow leopard and wants to see mayor Xu!"

"Oh?" Xu Li began to hear that someone had climbed in from the second floor window, which was a bit unexpected. However, when he heard that it was a snow leopard, he was relieved and said, "bring people here!"

"Yes The policeman ran out at once. A moment later, under the escort of two policemen,

A young man was brought in.

As soon as Xu Li looked at the young man's posture standing there and the spirit he showed, he knew that he was not lying. Although the man is under the custody of two policemen, we can see that although the two policemen control the young man's arms from left to right, they do not control the young man's joints. They just hold his upper arms. With the explosive power of the young man, it is impossible for the two policemen to control him.

"Well, let him go!" Xu Li raised his hand and motioned.

"Mayor Xu..." Zhao Guoqing was worried that it was the killer sent in by Wang Donggang's men.

"Don't worry, except the snow leopard, who can sneak in under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes? And this person is not you caught, but he took the initiative to find you

The policeman who started to report è A red, Zhao Guoqing know and Xu guess right.

Since Xu Li can be sure that the comer is a snow leopard, he has nothing to worry about and stands behind Xu Li.

Two policemen let go of the young man, who immediately saluted Xu Lijing and said in a loud voice: "Snow Leopard team member Zu Wanjun reports to you!"

"At ease!" Xu Li took a closer look at Zu Wanjun and then said, "what's the situation outside? Where is your captain now? "

Zu Wanjun legs apart, hands behind him, the standard standing posture won the admiration of all the people at the scene“ According to the report, Captain Wang and Vice Mayor Yu led us to control the County Public Security Bureau first, and all the remaining "civilian" police were detained in the interrogation room. Then we went to all the communication departments of the county separately and cut off the communication network. Captain Wang also led us to search walkie talkies and satellite phones in the whole city, and ordered me to bring some walkie talkies and satellite phones to Mayor Xu! "

"Got the walkie talkie and the satellite phone? Where is it? " Xu Lixi went out. With the walkie talkie, you can contact Wang Tao, Yu Guangqi and Guo Changhe outside the building, and the satellite phone is the most important, which can let Xu Li know the situation outside. Although he has already called Wentian to ask him to control public opinion. But such a big thing happened in the sea, all by force, I'm afraid it's difficult to suppress the news, now outside still don't know what has become, Xu Li is eager to communicate with Wentian, understand Lian Litian's action, so as to make timely response.

"I gave it to this comrade when I came in!" Zu Wanjun pointed to the "Min" police road that he had just reported.

The policeman nodded his head and said, "when Comrade Zu found me just now, he gave me a big bag. I saw it. It was all walkie talkies, but I didn't know the identity of Comrade Zu at that time. I didn't dare to bring it in!"

Zhao Guoqing also knows the importance of communication ì Ng, if you had a walkie talkie, you would not have had to run upstairs and downstairs for half an hour just now. Just sit here and say a few words.

"Don't you bring it in as soon as possible!".

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