Xu Li saw that the crowd at the back of the line was a little unstable. He immediately called the hospital security team leader and said, "send someone to the back to maintain order. Tell everyone to line up in two rows and take off hats, masks and other items. Maybe the speed can be faster!"

The security captain patted his head and said, "why didn't I think of that! Or mayor Xu, you are far sighted

Xu Li's flattery to the security team leader is a little sad, but he still needs him at this time. Instead of saying anything, Xu Li gives him an encouraging smile.

The security team leader saw the smile on Xu Li's face, and immediately felt that he was full of strength. Regardless of his hard work, he ran to the back of the crowd to maintain order. The crowd stranded in the hall, under the persuasion of the security personnel, consciously lined up, and the flow of discharged people gradually became smooth.

But in the twinkling of an eye, five minutes have passed, ten minutes have passed, but has not found Lian Li Tian's figure! After contacting Gao Wenhua and the two officers and soldiers guarding the small gate, they also didn't find Lian Litian. At this time, even Xu Li couldn't help but wonder if Lian Litian had gone? Or what other exits does the hospital have?

Because Xu Li was the only one who was familiar with Lian Litian, he didn't dare to leave here before he got the exact news that Lian Litian had fled the hospital. He could only order a comrade from the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission to say, "go to each room on the first floor and the second floor and ask if there is any other exit from the hospital, or if anyone jumps out of the window to leave!"

The comrade immediately called the two men to run away. A few minutes later, he came back and reported to Xu Lihui: "Mayor Xu, there are iron railings on the first floor of the hospital, including the toilet. We also asked about each department on the second floor. No suspicious person was found!"

Xu Li nodded. It seems that Lian Litian either left the hospital before he arrived, or found himself and Gao Wenhua blocked in front of the door. At this time, he was hiding in that corner waiting for an opportunity.

Just then, a 120 ambulance outside the door sounded the alarm and drove to the door. Several medical staff opened the car and quickly pushed down a patient from the car. The patient seemed to be in a very serious condition, not only with a drip, but also with oxygen. Even so, the patient still had more air out and less air in. I'm afraid it was a lot of bad luck. The security guard at the door immediately organized the crowd to make way for them. Several medical staff pushed the patient into the emergency room of the hospital.

In less than ten minutes, the patient who had just been pushed in was pushed out of the emergency room, and several doctors and nurses followed closely á Before that, they didn't go to the inpatient department. Instead, they came to the gate.

One of the nurses called the security team leader and whispered a few words. The security team leader looked up and found that there was a long line at the exit, but there was less flow of people at the entrance. He immediately went to the entrance and began to evacuate the crowd.

Xu Li walked over and asked, "what's the matter?"

Seeing that it was Xu Li, the security team leader explained: "the patient was in a critical condition just now, but our hospital didn't have any medicine. We need to send him to the provincial hospital in an emergency!"

"Oh Hearing this, Xu Li knew that it was a matter of life and death, and immediately came forward to help persuade the people waiting to enter the hospital to open up a green road for them è Access.

Several medical staff and the patient's family pushed the emergency patient in a hurry, and the doctor who pushed the patient was sweating.

The people around also sympathized with the patients, not only no one, but they took the initiative to let them out. Many people are still whispering: "it seems that the doctors in the first municipal hospital still have medical ethics. At least there are no black heart hospitals like those reported on TV. No matter whether they can be cured or not, they will give you injections for a few days first, and they will never let you leave the hospital until the critical moment of life and death!"

"No! A relative of mine was hospitalized in a hospital in Yangcheng. After four or five days of injection, his condition was not good at all. Our family asked to be transferred to another hospital, but the hospital refused to let him. If his son hadn't had a big fight with the hospital, he might have died there in the end! But after I went to the hospital in Beijing, I only had one day's injection, and it was basically good! "

Xu Li stood aside to hear the comments of the masses and felt the same. It seems that the image of the health industry of Helian is better in the hearts of the people.

Just as several medical staff were pushing the patient out of the door, Xu Li accidentally saw the shoe on the foot of the doctor pushing the patient. His heart moved and he suddenly cried out: "Lian Litian, stop!"

Xu Li's loud voice is very loud. I'm afraid the whole hospital building can hear it clearly, not to mention the hospital hall. Everyone looked at Xu Li. They didn't know whether he was mentally ill or what was going on. They yelled at him in the hospital.

However, there are exceptions. The doctor who pushed the patient didn't seem to hear Xu Li's cry. There was no pause at his feet, and he still pushed the patient forward.

As soon as Xu Li saw it, he strode to the doctor and caught him in front of the ambulance.

"What are you doing? Who is responsible for delaying the best rescue time of patients? What are you doing in a daze? If you don't drive this psychosis away soon, otherwise, I'm not responsible for the patient's accident! " The doctor was caught by Xu Li and was immediately dissatisfied.

"Who are you? Let go of your hand Several family members of the patients quit immediately. Two young men rushed up and grabbed Xu Li's arm.

"If you give the patient to him, I'm afraid he will die sooner!" Xu Li's cold way.

"What do you mean? Is it in your hands? " The most taboo word of the patient's family members at this time is this dead word. As soon as Xu Li cursed his relatives, a grumpy young man immediately swung his fist at Xu Li.

Xu Li grabbed the young man's fist and said, "I doubt that he is not a doctor at all. If you give your relatives to him, can you still live?"

"Not a doctor?" The young man who wanted to fight Xu Li could not help but loosen his fist“ Impossible? He has been helping in the emergency room just now. How can he not be a doctor? "

"When I put on his mask, it will be clear!" Xu Li shook his hand to release the young man, but suddenly came forward and pulled down the mask on the doctor's face.

Seeing the true face of Lushan behind the mask, Xu Li said with a cold smile: "Lian, when did you change your profession to become a doctor? If you really have this ability, you might as well cure your aunt first! "

The doctor in white coat is Lian Litian who Xu Li and others are searching for!

At this time, lianlita was stripped of the disguise, face s è Yi Bai said, "how can you recognize me?"

"It's very simple. No matter how well the doctors in the first municipal hospital are treated, I'm afraid they can't afford to wear the pair of Italian handmade leather shoes on your feet. I'm afraid they cost more than 100000 yuan?" [email protected]。

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