The huge explosion at the scene can be seen clearly by telephone, and Xu Li can even feel the tense atmosphere of war at the scene!

Only one of the test shells deviated more than 50 meters from the yacht, and did not cause any damage to the gunboat. But even so, it still makes Lian Litian and others tremble.

The captain, Lao Liu, trembled with fright, looked at Lian Litian and said, "brother, what should I do? They really dare to fire, or stop! "

"Can't stop!" Lian Li Tian supported the railings on the deck and said: "if we stop, we will have no way to live. If we can get there, there is still a chance of life! Go ahead, as long as we can see the warship, we will be saved! "

Of course, Lao Liu also understood this truth. He could only calm himself and ordered his first mate, Lao Zhang, to go ahead in a snake shape

At this time, in the gunboat behind, Du Guoyu had already called out: "adjust the angle, three shots in a row!"

Only three shells flew to the yacht accurately. However, at this time, Lao Zhang had already lashed the rudder, and the yacht drew an arc on the sea. Two of the three shells deviated again, and only one exploded less than 10 meters from the stern. Huge earthquake à Ng Li, let everyone on the yacht for a moment, one of the crew accidentally fell into the sea!

The crew on the boat could not help screaming. Some people who had a good relationship with the crew wanted to save people, but at this time, the yacht was chasing by the gunboats behind, and it was impossible to stop. We can't do anything but throw the lifebuoy to the sailor, hoping that he will survive.

Although Du Guoyu, who followed him, also saw that the crew was still struggling in the sea, he also had no time to stop the ship and save people. He could only ask people to throw out a few more lifebuoys to do his best.

The yacht swung left and right to avoid gunboat attack. Because the two ships were far apart, and the yacht was advancing in a serpentine shape, Du Guoyu had to calculate carefully before firing each time, for fear that the shells would fall into the sea and cause disputes. So in five minutes, although Du Guoyu had ordered his men to fire more than a dozen shells, they were all within a millimetre. Only one shell exploded a few meters from the tail of the yacht, and the flying shrapnel caused one of the yacht's engines to fail. But this did not affect the speed of the yacht's escape.

Du Guoyu can only continue to order people to fire while speeding up the pursuit. A few minutes later, the gunboat was only two nautical miles away from the yacht, but at this time, the warship had clearly appeared in front of us.

Seeing the warship Lian Litian and Du Guoyu, they were in a very different mood. Lian Litian seemed to see a straw and ordered Lao Liu to approach the warship immediately. However, Du Guoyu had to be cautious. This is the high seas, and it is less than one nautical mile away from the sea. If his gunboat accidentally runs into the sea, who knows whether the warship will launch an attack. Once the two ships fight, the consequences will be unimaginable!

At this time, the warship also found the two ships in front of the chase, and saw the gunboats behind attacking the cruise ship in front. It's less than one nautical mile away from the sea area, and the yacht fleeing in front of it is almost close to the border. Although the artillery shells of the gunboat didn't fall into the sea area, the warship would not sit back and ignore it at this time, fighting to their own door. It's amazing!

What's more, the hundred year old feud between the two armies can't be easily resolved. Even if the gunboats behind didn't fire, the warships would have to give a warning when they saw this kind of gunboats. What's more, this time they hit their own door. If they didn't show up, wouldn't it make people laugh!

The military boat immediately sounded the alarm and came towards the gunboat. All personnel on the ship are in combat readiness. When Du Guoyu saw a warship whose tonnage was more than ten times his own, it would be bullshit to say that he was not afraid! Not to mention the Fuxiu firepower on other people's warships, just a slight collision will be enough to knock over their own gunboats and make them sink into the sea!

But at this time, Du Guoyu also knew that he represented not only dozens of officers and soldiers on the gunboat, but also the dignity of the country! If you don't deal with each other, you can retreat easily. Although you can save your life, what face do you have to live in the world in the future!

At this time, someone on the warship began to shout in broken Chinese: "please pay attention to the ships ahead, you have entered the waters of our country, please stop the ship immediately for inspection, otherwise we will attack you!"

Lian Litian and Lao Liu on the cruise ship in front heard this, and their heart finally fell down. In front of the warship, the small gunboat behind is just like a toy. Even if they dare to step forward, they are not the opponents of the military aviation!

"Big brother, let's drive over now?" Lao Liu asked in a low voice.

"Take the boat out to sea and wait. In the hands of the military, it is also a trouble! If they really fight, we may have a chance to escape! "

Lao Liu nodded, immediately ordered people to put up a white flag on the ship to express their willingness to accept inspection, and then drove the ship to the sea to stop.

Du Guoyu watched the yacht sailing into the sea, but he couldn't help it. At this time, his mind was no longer on the cruise ship, but on how to deal with the warship. If he could delay for a while, there would be many comrades in arms behind him. Although they were all small gunboats, the quantity could accumulate to a certain extent, and qualitative change could take place. If there are more than a dozen gunboats, this warship will have to be measured.

When the warship saw that the yacht was driving to one side, it became more arrogant and continued to shout to Du Guoyu: "please stop the gunboat in front and accept our inspection. Your shelling has seriously violated our territorial waters. I hope you will cooperate with our work!"

Although Du Guoyu intended to delay time, he could not show weakness in front of the warship. Immediately talk with the warship through the ship's amplifying equipment: "our ship has been driving in the high seas and has not violated your territorial waters. There are important Chinese fugitives on the yacht in front of us. I hope you will cooperate with us and give us the yacht!"

The warship did not expect that the opposite gunboat would dare to be so arrogant under its own warship. Not only did it not admit that it violated the sea area, but also wanted to let itself return the yacht to them. Standing in the cockpit of the bow of the ship, the captain could not help shouting: "baga! Fire warning

"Captain, don't fire! Whoever fires first will be caught by the other side. It's not good for us! " The adjutant whispered. ro!。

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