"15 billion in two years is enough to build three aircraft carrier formations! In the future, 2 billion yuan per year will be enough for the operation cost of three aircraft carrier formations! Are you kidding? "

"Grandfather, do I dare to joke about such a big thing? If the funds are not in place, you will sell me! " Xu Li saw that Lin still didn't believe in it, so he could only swear.

"Where on earth did you get so much money? Who are the people you know? " Although Mr. Lin knew that Xu Li would not cheat himself, if such a large sum of money could be injected into the national defense construction, it would play a vital role!

Xu Li just wanted to explain with a smile.

But he waved his hand and said, "forget it, you don't have to explain. As long as the money can really be in place, I'd like to thank you on behalf of the three million commanders and fighters in China."

"Grandfather, I'm Chinese too. I'll certainly contribute to the prosperity of our country!"

"Well, I'll report to the chairman immediately about the establishment of a special fund. I'll take my old bone out of my pocket and act as the chairman of the fund myself. I don't believe anyone dares to play any tricks under my nose. If someone dares to misappropriate the fund, I have to shoot him!" Lin Laox ì Ng Ge always listen to wind is rain, got Xu Li's guarantee, immediately ordered the Secretary to dial the chairman's phone.

At this time, the special meeting of the Central Committee has not ended. Taking the phone, the Secretary approached chairman Peng Jili carefully and said in a low voice, "it's Mr. Lin's phone. He said that he has something urgent to report to you..."

Peng Jili knew something about Mr. Lin, but he didn't blame the secretaries. After receiving the call, he said in a loud voice: "Hello, Mr. Lin! I heard that you are recuperating in Helian. How are you doing recently? "

"Of course, my old man's health is OK. OK, no nonsense. I have something to report to you!"

Although he was a reporter, he didn't regard himself as a subordinate. Peng Jili doesn't care about it either. The elder of a country like Lin will one day fight himself with a crutch, and he will have to smile.

"Tell me!"

"Some people are going to donate some funds to the state to support the construction of the national aircraft carrier. I propose to set up a special fund to supervise the operation of this fund. I am going to be the chairman of this foundation in person. I hope you can approve it."

Peng Jili was also startled by Lin's words. So far, the national construction of aircraft carriers still belongs to China. If it is known by foreign forces, I'm afraid it will make irresponsible remarks and give directions. But now someone has to donate money to the state to support the construction of an aircraft carrier. How dare Peng Jili agree?

"Mr. Lin, there's something wrong with that..."

Old Lin was a little anxious and said in a loud voice, "what's wrong! People are willing to help build an aircraft carrier with money. Don't we want it? "

Peng Jili laughed bitterly and said: "Mr. Lin, money is not something you can take at will. You have to find out the origin of the money. If it is used by some hostile forces abroad..."

"This money is given by Xu Li. This year it will be 5 billion yuan, next year there will be 10 billion yuan, and in the future it will be 2 billion yuan a year for maintenance! And it's dollars! " Elder Lin said.

Peng Jili was stunned at that time. As soon as he finished speaking here, Xu Li had a lot of skills. As soon as he finished speaking there, Xu Li made a big effort to provide 15 billion yuan to support the construction of the aircraft carrier. In the future, there will be another 2 billion yuan every year. Did he just rob the bank or change to printing?

"Mr. Lin, how could Xu Li have so much money? Have you asked about the origin of the money? "

"Don't ask, I believe in Xu Li! In addition to his own money, some of it was donated voluntarily by overseas Chinese. Let's take it with ease! Only when the country is strong, can these overseas Chinese have a position overseas! How do you want it? "

Peng Jili thought for a moment before he said, "yes! Of course! But do the overseas Chinese have any requirements? "

"They have only one requirement. This money must be used to ensure that it will not be occupied or misappropriated, and that it will not be embezzled by some people. It must be used for the construction of aircraft carriers! That's why I propose to set up a special fund. I am the chairman to supervise the use of this fund! "

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I guarantee that every cent of this money will be used for the construction of aircraft carriers. If there is any problem with any cent, I am the only one to ask! But you are always the chairman of the foundation... "Peng Jili is also afraid that Lin is old. If he falls down because of his work, it is not only Lin's business, but also the great loss of the country!

"I have promised Xu Li to be the chairman of the foundation in person, even if it's just a name. I can't break my faith. Besides, if I can really contribute to the national construction of an aircraft carrier, when I see the president and the prime minister underground, I can also give them a good news, lest they say I am a vegetarian! "

Peng Jili knew that the chairman and the prime minister in Lin's mouth were the founding chairman and the prime minister. Since Lin mentioned these two old people, he was determined. Peng Jili could not persuade him any more. He could only say: "it's hard for Lin to work. I'll send someone to be the executive vice chairman of the fund. You just need to be responsible for regular supervision."

"Don't worry, I won't interfere in specific affairs, but after the money is in place, we must speed up the construction and strive to build an aircraft carrier formation as soon as possible, which will also show the majesty of our country!"

A moment later, Peng Jili put down the phone. At this time, Su Zaiqi, Tian Hongxing and Ma Zhiguo were still sitting on the scene. Although they heard some meaning from Peng Jili's phone call just now, they could not understand the details from Peng Jili's unilateral phone call. We looked at Peng Jili and hoped he could explain it.

Peng Jili said with a smile: "just now we talked about Xu Li. This Xu immediately gave us a surprise! He contacted some overseas Chinese to donate US $15 billion to support China's aircraft carrier construction within two years, and will provide us $2 billion for maintenance every year in the future. "

"15 billion dollars?" Tian Hongxing couldn't help shouting: "our national defense budget this year is only 350 billion yuan. He's up to one third of our national defense budget at one time. It's a huge sum of money!"

Ma Zhiguo also looked at Peng Jili in amazement. Although it should be true to say this from Peng Jili, it is 15 billion, not 1.5 million. Even today, with the rapid development of the national economy, it is not a small sum“ Is that true? "

Su Zaiqi knew that the money was invested in the construction of the aircraft carrier, although it had little to do with him on the surface. As the premier, the whole country is playing chess. The construction of aircraft carrier has been put on the agenda for a long time. In this year's national defense budget, the construction of aircraft carrier alone is as high as several hundred million, and this is just the beginning. In the future, the investment will be doubled every year. Now someone is willing to provide this fund, so the national financial pressure will be much less. Of course, as the premier, I am happy.

"It seems that Xu Li really has some skills!" Sue was laughing. ro!。

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