The bar manager was very happy to see that these people didn't mean to leave. If these people go away, how can they tell the boss? As long as they don't leave, the boss will solve everything.

"What are you doing in a daze? Go to clean up the table and send them what they want right away!" The bar manager pushed out the two waiters who were hiding in the bar.

Although the two waiters didn't want to go, they could not give up the job. Finally, they could only come to Qi Tian and Xu Li carefully. hu ā Rong, of course, would not embarrass the waiters and said in a loud voice, "go and get the best wine you have here!", The waiter didn't dare to ask any more questions. He immediately turned around and went back to report to the manager. The manager gritted his teeth and said, "go and get two bottles of Hennessy XO and send them to them."

"Manager, you have to pay for this wine first," a waiter reminded. A bottle of this kind of Hennessy costs thousands of yuan on the outside, but it's doubled here. A bottle costs about 5000 yuan. Of course, you have to pay first. Otherwise, if the guests don't pay, they can't afford it.

"Go and get it. I'll be responsible for the accident!" The manager is just trying to keep Xu Li. As for a few bottles of wine, it's not a problem at all.

After a while, the table in front of Xu Li and others was cleared out, and a table full of fruit plates and dried fruits were placed, and two bottles of Hennessy were opened.

Qi Tian immediately picked up a bottle, poured a cup for Su Qian, and said, "Miss Su, let's be shocked First!"“ But I can't drink Su Qianchang is so big that she hasn't drunk any more. She looks at the golden s in front of her eyes è My wine frowned.

"This wine is vanilla, Hu ā The rich flavor of the essence of the fruit, spices and spices is perfectly integrated, and the taste is faint, such as the fragrance of the Cui Lin after the rain, and do not believe you smell it! Qi Tian seldom introduces wine to Su Qian in a serious way.

Su Qian is learning the hurdle of Qi Tian, gently shaking the wine glass, golden s è The Hennessy let Su Qian some intoxicated, sniffing the wine with the tail Hu ā、 The elegant fragrance of violet and rose and light resin fragrance make Su Qian's heart beat.

After a taste, the taste of the wine continued, and after a moment, it turned into sandalwood, not as spicy as she imagined.

"The taste is OK. I still have a bottle of Hennessy at home. It tastes better. Have a chance to taste it together?" Death day smiles to invite a way.

Su Qian didn't reply for a long time, but her face was very red. It's just a few hours today

At that time, Su Qian tried too much for the first time in her life. Now she even drinks wine. When her father knows, she has to scold herself to death. If you let your father know that he's dating a man, he may be angry.

Looking at Su Qian's shy face, Qi Tian can't bear to make her feel a little sad. Although Su Qian does not recognize herself, but I know Su Qian's family, I will never let such a pure little girl

hu ā Escape from the palm of your hand.

Xu Li and others look at Qi Tian, who always claims to be a prodigal son in love, but today they are all trying to please Su Qian. Everyone is more than tolerant. However, we all know Su Qian's family background, and we also know that Qi Tian may be serious this time, otherwise he would never dare to provoke Su Qian. This matter concerns Qi Tian's life-long happiness. Of course, brother's fight will not break down.

A group of people have a tacit understanding of Qi Tian and Su Qian as transparent people, ignore them, drink their own wine.

Two bottles of wine will be finished soon, Hu ā Rong knows that no matter how much wine he drinks today, he will drink for nothing. No matter how arrogant Liu San is, he will never dare to ask for money. Otherwise, Liu San will never want to be in this circle. Since you don't have to ā The last one to pay for the money is Liu San ā Rong certainly won't save for him“ Waiter, take half a dozen more Hennessy... "The waiter was startled and looked at the manager. The manager looked out from time to time. He didn't know why the boss didn't come. He was afraid that these people would leave after drinking. He could only gnash his teeth and said, "give them!" The waiter brought half a dozen Hennessy to Hu ā In front of Rong and others, Li Bin immediately pours for everyone. Everyone drinks wine while waiting for Liu San. At this time, the whole bar only heard the laughter of Xu Li and others at the table. Although the others didn't leave, they also deliberately lowered their voices, waiting to see a good play. As for the thugs who were beaten, they were all helped to one side. Fortunately, Tian Dashan and others had a good sense of propriety. Although each of these people was seriously injured, their lives were not in danger for a while, so they were not in a hurry to send them to the hospital, waiting for the boss to deal with them.

The door of the bar was suddenly pushed open, and the whole room was stunned. Five strong men came in to open the way in front, and then a young man in suit and shoes came in. It was evening, and the light in the bar was dim, but the man was still wearing a pair of sunglasses.

The manager of the bar ran forward as if he had seen a savior. The young man took off his sunglasses and looked around. Seeing that the bar was in a mess, he said to the bar manager: "what's the matter with you? Can you still do something! You've made such a good place

"Sanjian, I, I..."

"How many brothers were injured? Is the injury serious? "“ The brothers are all hurt The young man noticed that the sofa in the corner of the bar was full. However, all of them were dejected. They didn't even dare to look up when they saw the boss coming. Only the security manager struggled to stand up with the help of two waiters. When he finally came to the young man, he was startled. The head of the security manager was as swollen as a pig's head. If he was not familiar with him, he would not even recognize people.

"How did that happen? Who's calling? " When young people see that their younger brother has been taught this way, they are also very angry.

"Boss, boss! You are going to avenge us! Those people not only don't take us seriously, but when we talk about you, they even speak rudely to you, saying that they want to show Liu San a good look! "

The security manager finally found the backbone, of course, to add fuel to the complaint.

But the young man frowned. Nowadays, there are not many people in Beijing who dare to call themselves Liu San. Is it true that there are many people coming here“ Where are the people? " The bar manager pointed to the bar where Xu Li and others were, and said, "it's all over there! They have already drunk several bottles of Hennessy. I'm afraid they'll leave, so I'll have to serve them wine first and wait for three less to deal with it! "“ Go and have a look! " With that, the young man strode to Xu Li and others.

But when he came to these people, he found that they took him as the air, and no one stood up to greet him. At this time, the manager of the bar had a backing, and he was not as submissive as he was just now. He cried out, "our boss is here, you still don't stand up!"!.

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