Soon Jia Yuan, Jiang Zhongmin and others sat down one by one. At this time, the applause gradually stopped.

Although the official document on the adjustment of the leading group of Liaohai province has been issued, Jiang Zhongmin is still the Secretary of Liaohai provincial Party committee without holding the provincial leading cadres' meeting one day. So today's meeting is still hosted by Jiang Zhongmin. He first welcomed the arrival of Jia Yuan, Wei guangbin, Chen Yanfeng and others. He also introduced all the comrades present to the leaders, and then invited Jia Yuan to make an important speech.

Today's meeting is not a formal handover, so Jia Yuan did not take out any speech draft, but casually said a few words, which only affirmed the past work achievements of Jiang Zhongmin and Wentian, and briefly introduced Wei guangbin and Chen Yanfeng to you. Finally, he hoped that you could unite closely around Liaohai provincial Party Committee and cooperate with Wei guangbin and Chen Yanfeng, Make due contributions to the development of Liaohai.

Then Wei guangbin made a statement. But Wei guangbin's speech once again made everyone feel tight“ Comrades, I feel a lot of pressure when I come to Liaohai to hold a post this time! Liaohai is not only the vanguard of the national economic development, but also an important industrial base in China. Recently, it has become the focus of public opinion at home and abroad. Three standing members of the provincial Party committee have been appointed to Liaohai by double rules. I'm walking on thin ice and dare not be careless! " Speaking of this, Wei guangbin intentionally saw Jiang Zhongmin, Wen Tian and Xu Li, and his intention is self-evident.

However, Jiang Zhongmin and others will not have any expression in front of Jia Yuan's face. They just sit in their seats with a smile on their face and wait for Wei guangbin.

Of course, Wei guangbin knows that his words may hurt the nerves of Jiang Zhongmin and others, but he doesn't care. Jiang Zhongmin and Wen Tian are about to leave Liaohai. Liaohai will be their own territory in the future. What can they do to themselves?

"I'm here today in front of minister Jia Yuan, Secretary Jiang and governor Wen. In the future, I will unite with all the comrades sitting here, focus on the development of Liaohai, and strive to make Liaohai reach a new level in the national economic ranking! However, I have a straight temper and I hope to put some words ahead. If someone influences the development of Liaohai for his own benefit, I will not be polite! "

Wei guangbin's words can be said to be murderous. When he said these words in front of Jia Yuan, Jiang Zhongmin and Wen Tian, he obviously regarded himself as the leader of Liaohai. At the same time, he also showed that he would not be as weak as Jiang Zhongmin when he was in office. What he said today is that he intentionally knocked these people to make them honest and stop making trouble for himself, Otherwise, I will not let them go easily!

Although Wei guangbin's words made everyone here feel uncomfortable, we should pay attention to the most basic etiquette. With the end of Wei guangbin's speech, applause broke out again in the meeting hall, but the applause seemed weak at this time. As soon as Jiang Zhongmin raised his hand, the scene immediately quieted down. It was obvious that everyone was taking the opportunity to give Wei guangbin a powerful hand. Although you are the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, you are just one head and two hands. The specific work is not to be maintained by everyone?

"Comrades, although Secretary Wei's speech is brief, it is true to the point. I hope you can unite closely around the Party Central Committee and contribute to the development of Liaohai in the future." Jiang Zhongmin's words are obviously a covert change of concept, replacing Jia Yuan's request for unity around the provincial Party committee with unity around the Party Central Committee, which is tantamount to excluding Wei guangbin. But no one dares to say that his words are wrong. Is the provincial Party committee bigger than the Party Central Committee? Instead of pestering Wei guangbin for his speech, Jiang Zhongmin said, "now let's invite Comrade Chen Yanfeng to speak! Let's applaud Then he took the lead in clapping.

The applause at the scene was obviously more enthusiastic than just now. Chen Yanfeng quickly stood up, bowed to the comrades present and said, "thank you for your support!"

In fact, Chen Yanfeng also understands that it is the Standing Committee members of Liaohai province who are here who are creating contradictions between themselves and Wei guangbin. However, Wei guangbin and himself are not in the same family. Wei guangbin may be able to suppress the following standing committee members by virtue of his position, age and his strong style of work. However, he is only in his early 40s, and his qualifications and age are not equal to those of others here. Even though the youngest Xu Li is more than ten years younger than himself, he has just arrived in Liaohai for more than a year. However, he has gradually become a member of the Standing Committee of Liaohai provincial Party committee and Secretary of Helian municipal Party committee from acting mayor of Helian. If he does not retreat, he knows that he must not be underestimated. If you look at Xu Li's ranking among the Standing Committee members, it turns out that he is only behind the organization Minister of the provincial Party committee. However, the people behind Xu Li have not expressed any dissatisfaction. This shows Xu Li's ability. If you want to gain a firm foothold in Liaohai, if you want to make your own voice in Liaohai, if you want to compete with Wei guangbin, I'm afraid you need the support of these people here.

Chen Yanfeng sat down in his seat with his face in great contrast to Wei guangbin just now. Since he wants to win over all the Standing Committee members present, Chen Yanfeng of course has to show his kindness.

"Comrades, Liaohai is the only coastal province in Northeast China, one of the earliest provinces to open ports in modern China, one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation and civilization, and the cradle of the rise of new China's industry "Eastern Ruhr.". In recent years, under the leadership of Zhongmin secretary and Wentian governor, Liaohai has made obvious achievements in both economic and social development, which not only gives me an opportunity to learn, but also gives me great pressure! "

In just a few words, the people sitting here can see that Chen Yanfeng has indeed made great efforts, and they can also see that Chen Yanfeng is obviously different from Wei guangbin, which should belong to the class of Confucian officials. But we do not know whether such a gentle and elegant person is his opponent in the face of the strong Wei guangbin.

"I have been working in the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League before, and I have never worked in a local area. All of you here can be said to be my predecessors. I hope to get your support in working in Liaohai this time, and jointly lead the 40 million people in the whole province to achieve common development and common prosperity!"

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