If you think too much before you come, you will worry yourself Qian Jiaping also said with a smile: "maybe I think too much, and I will see you young people in the future!"

Xu Li said quickly: "Uncle Qian, if you say this to other people, I'm afraid you'll say that you don't have a pain in your back when you stand up. Let alone in other provinces and cities, even among the provincial leaders of Liaohai, you are young!"

"Ha, ha!" Qian Jiaping smiles, but what Xu Li says is also true. Although the central government has always stressed the need to make cadres younger, they can be promoted step by step from ordinary civil servants to provincial and ministerial leaders. If they go step by step, they will be more than 60 years old, and they will not be retired for a few years. Although they are not so many deputy provincial leaders in their early 50s, they are not so many. Of course, we can't compare with Xu Li. If we compare with Xu Li, we might as well jump into the Bohai Sea.

Xu Li ends his call with Qian Jiaping. Although he doesn't pay attention to Tang Hong, who is going to work in Liaohai, he can't help it. After all, Chen Yanfeng has been in Liaohai for a short time, so it is difficult for him to fight Wei guangbin in a short time. What's more, even if he really wants to recruit people, whether he is a member of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party committee or a leading cadre at all levels in the province, under the influence of Jiang Zhongmin and Wen Tian, 20% of them are firmly on their own side. Three adults are at least in their own department, and most of the remaining five adults are inclined to themselves. I'm afraid they can't help it. Therefore, it is not realistic to rely on Chen Yanfeng to set up the banner and Wei guangbin to fight hard. I'm afraid he will finally have to rely on his own strength. 1(1)

To learn more about Tang Hong. Xu Li picked up the phone again“ Hello. Is it Governor Wu Jinwu? I'm Xu Li from Helian, Liaohai! "

"Xu Li? Xu Ji? Hello, we haven't been in touch for some time Since Wu Jin saw Xu Li's energy at the European Economic Expo last time, he has been very attentive to Xu Li's affairs. Just from the attitude of premier Su and vice premier Teng to Xu Li at that time, he knows that if nothing happens, Xu Li will enter the ranks of national leaders in the future. He may even ask to go to Xu Li's door. Now that he has known Xu Li, Wu Jin certainly has to seize this opportunity, Have a good relationship with Xu Li. In the period after returning home. Wu Jin basically calls Xu Li once a month. Although it's no big deal, he still strongly invites Xu Li to visit tiandusheng when he has time. I didn't expect that Xu Li would take the initiative to call him today. Wu Jin knew that his long-term emotional investment was not in vain.

"Governor Wu. But you know Liaohai is not peaceful recently. Your old monitor has come to Liaohai. I think our two provinces can form mutual aid provinces and develop together! " Although Xu Li has known Wu Jin for some time, Wei guangbin never left Tiandu province until he was assassinated, let alone worked in Liaohai. Therefore, Xu Li has always regarded Wu Jin as an ordinary friend. He is not very concerned about the political situation in Tiandu Province, let alone the relationship between Wu Jin and Wei guangbin. Of course, it's even worse to directly inquire about Tang Hong's situation.

Wu Jin is obedient to listen to the sound, guess the meaning of Xu Li. Recently, the transfer of Wei guangbin and Tang Hong to Liaohai province has also had a great impact on Tiandu province. For Wei guangbin, a powerful provincial Party committee, less than half of the leading cadres in Tiandu are applauding. When you hear that Tang Hong is going to be transferred to Liaohai, whether he was originally Wei guangbin or not, it's just like the Spring Festival, From this, we can see what kind of position Tang Hong is in the minds of the cadres and the masses.

As the vice governor of Tiandu Province, Wu Jin spent more time with Tang Hong. When he heard that Tang Hong was going to be transferred away. He specially picked up two bottles of good wine and arrived at the governor's home of Tiandu province. They got drunk.

"Xu Ji, first of all, I want to congratulate you. When I was your age, I seemed to be the deputy director of the county office. That's it. Everyone thinks I'm on a plane, but I'll compete with you. What kind of plane is that? At most, it's a tractor pulling bricks! " Although Wu Jin and Xu Li know each other, they are separated in different provinces. There is no intersection or competition in their work, so they are more open-minded when chatting, and they don't have so many worries.

"Governor Wu is joking!"

"Xu Ji, we have known each other for some time. Although we can't get together often, our friendship between gentlemen is as thin as water. I really treat you as a friend! I heard that Tang Hong will also be transferred to Liaohai Province as Secretary General of the provincial Party committee? "

"It's a rumor!"

"Listen to my brother, you must be careful, careful and more careful with this person!" Wu Jin heard that Xu Li was silent on the phone and knew that he was talking about Xu Lixin. He immediately said, "you don't know. It's said that Tang Hong is going to be transferred from Tiandu province. All the leading cadres at all levels in the province are jubilant."

It's hard for Wu Jin to say some words directly, but Xu Li also understood. Those who can make the cadres of Tiandu Province as if they were sending off the God of plague are afraid that they will not turn into the God of wealth in Liaohai! Now that Wu Jin has said this, Xu Li is less worried. He can hear that Wu Jin and Tang Hong are not friends, or even political enemies. Otherwise, they would not be so cruel.

"Governor Wu, I'm afraid we don't have much say in the transfer of Tang Hong to Liaohai. The main thing is to listen to Comrade guangbin. But after all, you have been with his colleagues for so many years, and you should know something about her! "

"Understand? Of course, I understand, and I'm afraid there's no one who doesn't know Tang Hong! On the surface, this man seems to be frank and outspoken. He even relies on the fact that women are making trouble at all kinds of meetings, and the governor is also in a mess. But in fact, there are many little things in this woman's heart. At the beginning of this year, the director of our Provincial Department of transportation made a little mistake, but he was caught by Tang Hong. Not only did he make a review at the small meeting of the general assembly, but he lost his dignity. Finally, he went all the way to Wei guangbin, who had to transfer the director from the Provincial Department of transportation, and the new director was Tang Hong's cousin! "

After hearing this, Xu Li could not help frowning. For such a shameless woman, let alone herself, I'm afraid everyone will have a headache“ Governor Wu, thank you for telling me. Next time you have a chance to go to Liaohai and Helian, you should tell me, let's get together again! "

"There will be a chance!" Wu Jin said with a smile.

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