Guixiang looked at it carefully. He shook his head“ I'm afraid it's really a wild cat and dog. There's no obvious sign of breaking these branches. There are only a few broken branches. If it's really a person, it's impossible to jump so lightly! Besides, there are no footprints here. "

But Xu Li didn't open his mouth. Instead, he went to the gap and looked at it. Then he picked up the longest and thickest branch on the ground and looked at it. He said, "it's really hard to say! The branches are piled so high that the wild dog can't get up. It may be a wild cat or a chicken. But you can see that the cut branch has the thickness of little finger. The average poultry can't weigh more than seven or eight Jin, and it can't weigh more than ten jin. It's obviously impossible to break such a thick branch! " Xu Li finished, but regardless of the slit narrow dirty, a short body drilled in.

Zhang Guixiang, Li Xiaoguo and Song Feng saw that Xu Li had gone in and said, "Secretary General Xu, be careful." other soldiers and police quickly surrounded the crevice. In case of danger.

Xu Li stood in the crevice up and down, left and right, and looked carefully before he came out. Song Feng hurriedly came forward to pat the ashes on his body for Xu Li and said, "Secretary General Xu, if you have anything to tell me, you can go in person."

Xu Li said with a smile: "it's OK! It's all for work, but it's not the same! "

"Secretary General Xu, what have you found?" Li Xiaoguo saw that Xu Li went to see the situation in person, and he also admired Xu Li very much. In today's world, although leaders are advocated to do things by themselves, how many leaders can do it? What's more, Xu Li can be said to be the highest leader here now. He only needs one word, but he can't rush up. Xu Li has to go up in person.

"Something! Come and have a look! " Xu Li turned around and pointed to the crevice on the left side of the wall more than one meter high and said, "here

Everyone's eyes immediately turned along Xu Li's fingers, but the half meter wide gap certainly couldn't squeeze so many people. Although Song Feng was anxious, he could only stay behind and let Zhang Guixiang and Li Xiaoguo see the situation first.

"It's like a footprint!" Zhang Guixiang cried out.

Li Xiaoguo also nodded: "not bad! Although the trace is not clear, but such a large trace should be the footprints left by people's toes! But this man is not ordinary. In such a narrow space, he can jump more than one meter high, and without leaving any other trace, he can easily jump over the two meter high branch wall! "

"It should be the murderer we are looking for!" At this time, Xu Li knew that it was impossible for ordinary people to drill here, and the one with such skill should be the suspect who had received special training.

"At last I found this son of a bitch!" After all, the provincial Party committee, the provincial government and the provincial public security department gave him hard targets to solve the case in three days! If we can't solve the case, how can we explain it to the top.

Although Song Feng on one side has not seen the situation inside, Xu Li and Zhang Guixiang have confirmed it. Should be not away from ten, now is more excited face red, way: "finally can relax!" Among these people, Song Feng's pressure is the biggest, but the case happened in JinDaLai county. If the case can't be solved, the impact can't be eliminated, and he, the director of public security, can't shrug down!

"Order the search teams in other regions to stand by and watch out. Half of the search teams will concentrate on the seventh area and conduct carpet search on the seventh area! " Xu Li ordered.

With the arrival of personnel, the seventh district, with a mere area of more than 3000 square meters, was surrounded by more than 300 military and police officers.

Just as was about to order a search, a call came from the walkie talkie, saying: heart, fierce, I'm an eagle. There's someone in a family's house with a piece of white cloth in his hand! "

"What? Someone? Still holding the white cloth? " Song Feng mechanically repeated the words in the walkie talkie, but his head was not enough. For so many days, Song Feng couldn't eat, sleep and fight with the criminal. Now he finally found the trace of the criminal. He thought he could have a big fight. But when the arrow was in the air, the criminal came out with a white cloth? How can I shoot this arrow? Song Feng felt that he had finally gathered all his strength, and his punch was no more than a millimetre away from his opponent, but he surrendered!

Although Song Feng, Secretary General Xu, was so excited that he almost lost his breath, he didn't forget his identity and that the people around him were the decision-makers of the operation. Besides, it's thanks to Xu Li's finding clues several times that he can find the murderer. Otherwise, he may still be eating dry food and drinking ice water with people in the mountains.

Xu Li is also a frown. Of course, we all heard such a loud voice in the walkie talkie. We were very happy to know that the murderer had come out to surrender.

But Xu Li is not happy.

Zhang Guixiang also came to Xu Li and whispered, "Secretary General Xu, what should I do? The province is ordered to die, not live! It's hard for us to deal with his surrender! Why don't people shoot at once and kill the murderer on the spot? There is no outsider here, just a password. There should be no problem! "

Xu Li thought about it. The idea was originally his own. It was originally a helpless move to calm the anger of the local people. However, the current situation is different from his original idea. The murderer is not an ordinary people, but a well-trained soldier. If he kills him in this way, many of his doubts can not be explained.

"Secretary Zhang, the situation has changed. You think, according to our observation in recent days, we can basically confirm that the murderer is a soldier with special training, but we just surrounded him and he came out to surrender. How could he be so afraid of death? What's the purpose of his sneaking in? I'm afraid we can't deal with it in the same way as before! " Zhang Guixiang nodded thoughtfully and said, "how can you explain that in the province?"

"It's OK, I'll explain it in the province! Secretary Zhang, let's go to bring out the murderer and tell the police to be careful to prevent the murderer from hurting people. Head Li and Director Song, please inform the cable teams on the mountain to stand by and inform Ma Jinbao to find a room. Let's have a sudden trial immediately! As long as it is confirmed that this person is the murderer, we can report the good news to the province and let the mountain search team withdraw! " Xu Li orders in an orderly way.

Let's make a group according to Xu Lifen's instructions. Xu Lize and Zhang Guixiang brought a group of police close to the courtyard where the murderer was.

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