Gu was pulled by Miao Lin's sleeve. In front of so many people, he was not good enough to pull with GE Meigao, so he had to stop and say, "well, I'll just say a few words!"

Miao Lin finally agreed to be interviewed when she saw Xu Li. A pair of big eyes turned into crescent moon with smile, released Xu Li, handed the microphone up, and listened to Xu Li's speech seriously.

Xu Li cleared his throat and said: "the provincial Party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to the homicide case in JinDaLai county and the Autonomous Prefecture, and specially set up a joint inspection team composed of relevant comrades from the provincial Party committee, the provincial government's inspection office and the Provincial Bureau of letters and visits to go deep into the front line to investigate the relevant situation and supervise the relevant departments. The public security system of Songjiang city and the garrison stationed in an autonomous prefecture also actively cooperated and mobilized nearly 3000 soldiers and police to provide support. Only in this way can the murder be solved within three days and the suspects be successfully arrested! What we are most grateful for is that the 3000 soldiers and police and thousands of ordinary people in Jindalai County who rushed to the front line, regardless of the cold weather, searched the mountain inch by inch, found the trace of the suspect, and finally forced the suspect to have no way to escape and fall into the net of law! Reporter Miao, if you have time, you might as well go into the mountains and interview the front-line soldiers, police and volunteers. They entered the mountains early the day before yesterday and haven't gone down for three days and two nights. They eat dry food and drink ice water on the mountain. They are the most admirable people! Please let Secretary Zhang answer you about other specific situations! "

Xu Li said, without waiting for Miao Lin's reaction, he dodged and threw Zhang Guixiang in front of Miao Lin. Miao Lin was very anxious. A, but also dare not to grasp Xu Li not to put. After all, everyone's identity is there. If Xu Li has any bad ideas about himself, it will be difficult to find Xu Li for an interview next time.

Seeing that Zhang Guixiang was interviewed there, Xu Li called Gong Wei and Song Feng again and said, "the suspect is too dangerous. He may hurt people anytime and anywhere. There is no suitable place to interrogate him in majiatun. I suggest that the suspect be brought back to the county immediately for trial again!"

Song Feng was at the scene just now, and saw with his own eyes that the suspect was violently injured. If Xu Li didn't do it in time, the consequences would be unimaginable, so he didn't dare to be careless. Gong Wei also listened to Song Feng's report, and knew that the matter was not as simple as he thought. He quickly said, "OK, I'll arrange someone to take the suspect back to the county immediately. Let's go there together and seize the time to interrogate the suspect. Only when we get a positive reply, can we get back to the army and police on the mountain.".

After arranging the police car, two policemen were sent to sit on both sides of the back seat of the car to detain the suspect. Song Feng drove the car himself, and Xu Li sat beside Song Feng, ready to deal with emergencies at any time. The two policemen who are in charge of detaining the suspect are even more attentive. Even if the suspect blinks his eyes or opens his mouth, they will touch the gun in their waist for fear that the suspect will hurt again.

After Zhang Guixiang's interview with Miao Lin and Gong Wei's return to the county with the police car, majiatun left Li Xiaoguo, Zhang Kai and two deputy directors of the Public Security Bureau in Songjiang city and JinDaLai county to take charge of the overall situation.

A row of eight police cars drove out of majiatun with their sirens blaring high. On the way, they never stopped when they were overtaking or red lights, in order to return to the County Public Security Bureau in the shortest time. Fortunately, along the way, the suspect did not know whether he knew that the situation was over or was scared by Xu Li. He did not produce any more demon moths, and finally safely escorted the suspect to the County Public Security Bureau.

The County Public Security Bureau has also received Song Feng's order. Early prepared, from the door of the public security bureau is a line of fully armed police on guard. When the motorcade drove into the Public Security Bureau compound, the 20 policemen who came back with the motorcade immediately got out of the car and were on guard with guns. They were afraid of another dangerous scene in majiatun.

Two policemen, one on the left and the other on the right, got out of the car and directly took the suspect into the interrogation room. In order to prevent accidents, in front of more than ten policemen in the interrogation room, two policemen came forward to completely strip the suspect and conduct a second body search on the suspect. Xu Li stood and watched, constantly reminding the policemen of the matters that should be paid attention to.

The results of these two body searches once again stunned everyone. They found many little things in the suspect's ears, nostrils and hair that they didn't know how to use. Finally, Xu Li went forward in person. He broke the suspect's mouth and beat each tooth with a small hammer, then he took off another false tooth. In other people's eyes, he smashed the tooth with a hammer on the table, and a stream of black water came out. It seems that this weapon should be the suspect's last weapon. However, this weapon is not aimed at the enemy, but at himself. Unfortunately, when it falls into the enemy's hands, You can bite this tooth at any time and commit suicide, so as to avoid telling secrets that you shouldn't“ What's this and this for? Who is he and how can he have these things?. Even Zhang Guixiang, an old public security officer, was tongue tied about the pile of things on the table.

Xu Li used a camera to fiddle with these little toys for a moment, then said: "these are tools often used by special forces or spies. Change the suspect's clothes and start the interrogation immediately.".

After a while, the suspect was changed into a suit. He was wearing a pair of 10 kg shackles on his feet and a pair of 5 kg handcuffs on his hands. At the same time, he also used the other two handcuffs to put his hands on the cast iron chair in the center of the interrogation room. There were seven or eight policemen around with guns to monitor the suspects. At this time, not to mention that the suspect is just a specially trained soldier, even if Spiderman comes, he can only honestly accept the interrogation, and can't play any tricks.

Song Feng was in charge of the trial, accompanied by Xu Li, Zhang Guixiang and Gong Wei, and two stenographers were in charge of recording.

"Name, identity!" Song Feng watched the suspect and asked coldly in Korean. Song Feng knows that facing the suspect in front of him, he is afraid that he will face the biggest challenge since he was a policeman. If he can make the suspect speak smoothly, he will show his face in front of Xu Li and others. That's why Song Feng put up such a big battle. He put psychological pressure on the suspect first, and only when the psychological defense line of the suspect is broken can he confess.

But the suspect actually glared back at Song Feng, and the fierce light in his eyes was sharper than Song Feng. Then he gabbled and made Song Feng angry!

Zhang Guixiang couldn't understand what the suspect said, but he could guess from Song Feng's eyes that the suspect didn't say anything good. He asked Gong Wei in a low voice: "what did the suspect say?"

Gong Wei said quickly: "the suspect said that Song Feng is not qualified to interrogate him. He doesn't talk to useless people!"

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