The others saw that more than 30 of them rushed up, but when the other side shot, five or six of them fell down. They were all a little scared. Although they are all evil men who have seen blood, they can deal with ordinary people fairly well. It's like a mouse seeing a cat attacking the police. First of all, they are at a disadvantage psychologically. Then they see that the other side's shooting skills are accurate. Suddenly, one by one, like a frightened bird, they withdraw quickly. Some people even plan to run all the way home. Otherwise, they may be the next one to be shot.

"Don't be afraid." when Heisha saw that his men were going to run, he had to stand up and said in a loud voice: "there were only six or seven of them, all with pistols. We had more than 20 people, and hunting rifles. I was afraid that they would follow me. As long as they killed the Yin family, I would guarantee that each of them would get 200000 rewards after they went back."

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men. These people are people who tie their heads on their belts. How much money can they get even if they take back the bank? Today, there are only six or seven people on the other side. No matter the number of people or the firepower on their side, they are all in the ascendant. When will we have to wait if we don't fight at this time?

Heisha saw that everyone was moving, but they all stood still, knowing that they were waiting for themselves to take the lead. Heisha was also afraid that these people would be killed or injured again. He was afraid that no one would dare to give him more money, so he had to step forward and said, "everyone spread out, and when they reach 50 meters, they will shoot to suppress his firepower, so that they can't hold up their heads. I don't believe that six or seven of them can kill us all."

Heisha threw his shotgun and strode up. The others immediately followed Heisha a few meters behind and approached the Yin family.

The panoramic forest in the room also heard the words of Heisha. With a cold smile, he took the opportunity to change his ammunition clip and said to the people around him, "don't worry. Hide carefully. When they get close, shoot them and kill them. I'm afraid these mobs can't be called out."

Heisha and his men approached the Yin family about 50 meters, pointed their shotgun at the wooden window, pulled the trigger, and only heard a loud noise. The originally strong window was smashed to pieces, and pieces of glass and sawdust were flying everywhere. However, panoramic Lin and others came from the barrage of bullets. They didn't think much of such a small scene. They caressed the glass and sawdust off their heads, and still paid close attention to the enemy situation outside the window.

Heisha leads people to get closer. Seeing that no one in the room dares to shoot, he thinks that the other party has been suppressed by his own firepower. He can't help but quicken his pace. He hopes to take advantage of the other party's not slowing down and finish the task.

Just when Heisha and others got to the window less than 30 meters away, panoramic forest yelled: "hit". Suddenly, seven people stuck out their heads from their hiding places. After a burst of gunfire, there were several more bodies on the ground. Although some people were hit to the core, they struggled and refused to swallow their breath. On the contrary, they yelled for help, hoping that these dog friends who used to eat and drink with them could help themselves

But at this point, it's too late for everyone to save their lives. There's time to save people, but Heisha, who rushed to the front, didn't get hurt. When he heard the shouts from panoramic forest, he fell to the ground and let panoramic forest get a shot. Heisha relied on his rich experience and rolled left and right on the ground. Panoramic forest didn't even hit the key with three shots. Only one shot rubbed Heisha's shoulder and brought out a blood ditch.

At this time, some of the others had already rushed to about 20 meters, and panoramic forest could not care about Heisha, so it had to shoot at other people again, so as not to be suppressed by them. After all, there were only a few of them, but there were more than 20 people on the other side, which was several times as many as his own, so Heisha escaped.

Heisha, who has dodged the three guns of panoramic forest, is also in a cold sweat. Although he has never been a soldier or a policeman, he has worked for him under Wang Hao for many years, and he has not seldom met veterans from the army, some of them are his own brothers, some of them are from the other side. It can be said that Heisha's current skills are not only learned from those veterans, but also honed in actual combat. Heisha thinks that he is a good hand even when he gets to the army. But he didn't expect that the policemen he met today were so difficult. He didn't hurt each other, but almost lost his life.

During the firefight between panoramic forest and Heisha, not only the 110 command center of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, but also the police calls of all police stations in the city were almost blasted by nearby residents. Although this area belongs to the slum, some people know the leaders of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, but they don't know it. Nowadays, information is so developed, either through the Internet or through friends, They all tried their best to get the main leaders of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government to call them

Of course, many members of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee, such as Lian Litian, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, and Xu Li, mayor of the municipal Party committee, were awakened by the ringing of the telephone. They didn't know who was calling. In short, the first sentence they said was, "Hey, there's a gunfight here. Hundreds of people are fighting. Come and help us."

Of course, Lian Litian, Xu Li and others can't ignore this situation. If this panic can't be eliminated as soon as possible, tomorrow's news may not be what it will be like. If it is known by some foreign forces, it will inevitably be hyped up, and then the provincial leaders or even the national leaders will be alarmed, then they will be passive.

Even though it was late at night, he immediately called the Municipal Public Security Bureau to inquire about the situation. However, no matter he called 110, or Yu Guangqi, Zhao Guoqing and other leaders of the Public Security Bureau, the line was busy and could not be connected. Lian Litian immediately realized that the situation was not good, immediately put on his clothes, let the driver to pick him up, personally rushed to the City Public Security Bureau to understand the situation, command the overall situation.

When Lian Litian arrived at the gate of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, he happened to meet mayor Xu Li, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee Ying Guangming, Secretary General Wang Jing, organization Minister Sun Xiaoping, and Secretary of the political and legal committee Shen Xingnong, who also arrived at the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Lian Litian immediately ordered Secretary General Wang Jing to call all members of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee to the Municipal Public Security Bureau for a meeting. Then Lian Litian and Xu Li and others walked into the door of the city public security.

Lian Litian, Xu Li and others enter the building of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, only to find that the lights are bright here, and there are no panic police everywhere in the imagination of Lian Litian, Xu Li and others. However, everyone came in from the gate until they entered the building. Except for a policeman standing guard at the gate, no one was on duty.

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