Chapter 216

After understanding the situation of each company, this meal is almost complete.

After bidding farewell to them, Su Cheng took Qin Weimu, a small attendant back home.

While lying in bed at night, Su Cheng was still thinking about what was in his mind just now. This was the ultimate plan made by the two as early as when Noah Russell went abroad.

Many of the subsequent plans are some of these small plans, so they are not so special.

Of course, in the 21st century, many industries can no longer enter, and many industries already have giants, and only in the semiconductor industry, the Internet industry, and the financial industry. Good opportunity to enter.

And Standard Chartered is a good place to enter, and there are several banks that are a good choice, but this requires a certain amount of strength. Originally, it was not easy for Su Cheng and Noah to do this step.

However, who would have thought that political power would be dropped from the sky? This is really exciting.

Originally, Noah didn’t care much, or said that he didn’t have complicated feelings for the family behind him, just because of the exchange of interests.

Therefore, this thing must be done.

17 Only in this way, in the future will not be controlled by others.

And this time, Noah returned to John Bull’s territory and entered the Russell family in a high-profile manner, which meant that he had integrated into another level, which was a certain amount of “capital.”

Therefore, Su Cheng believes that soon this news will spread across both sides of the ocean.

When Noah has merged into that circle, wins over the current John Bull royal family, and promises certain benefits, things will be much simpler then.

After all, with the help of the duke and the royal family, as long as the price is right at this time, things will be much simpler then.

The most important thing is that although Noah got the nationality of Lao Mi, he did not give up the nationality of John Bull, and the most important thing is that this side recognizes dual nationality, so Noah has both Lao Mi nationality and John Bull nationality.

After all, they are all the people of the Queen, so how can there be so many things!

So, for example, Royal Bank of Scotland or something, this is not a citizen of the country, hey, take it.

Noah has been keeping in touch with Su Cheng, talking about some of these things, and then the two people discussed and revised the original plan, and then they improved it bit by bit, until finally got everything done. , It is considered to give up.

After all, other people take one step and look at three steps. Can Su Cheng see it 15 years later, isn’t it an exaggeration?

So when you do a lot of things, you can always be all right.

But the financial crisis is a very good opportunity, an opportunity for transformation, and an opportunity that must not be missed, so Su Cheng appeared to be particularly careful.

I’m always thinking about whether there is any place or not, but where is it all?

Sometimes it’s because of luck from the sky that this situation can happen, such as Aurora’s sentence: Don’t bother me to watch the robot.

Who could have thought that it would trigger a movie-watching frenzy, this is something that no one can think of.

Even if robots are in hot screenings now, it is estimated that by the time it is released, profits alone can bring in at least $500 million, not to mention subsequent successive revenues, which is a huge market.

Therefore, sometimes, Su Cheng is also feeling: Qingmei is not against the sky, this thing is true.

As usual, before going to bed, I contacted Noah, because the time difference between the two people is different, so I usually contact him at this time except in emergency.

“Give you a blind date? Then you have to pay attention, take a good look and take a look, hey, let alone, old Russell still paid a lot, I’ll give you a lot of work.”

“Hmph, that is seeing my value, otherwise he would do it?”

Su Cheng is noncommittal, it’s none of his business anyway.

“Anyway, you are also there. Just take advantage of this time period to get a good understanding and collect information about local technology companies, all of Europe, and tell us what is suitable for us as soon as possible.”

“Well, I understand. In addition, how about your participation in logistics? Would you like me to help?”

Su Cheng smiled, “Yes, you will also pay for some shares at that time, and I will push you to the front of the stage, and I will see who dares to post our e-commerce platform idea.”

“Okay, I’ll solve this for you. It’s very simple. I now truly understand that not only is money, but also status. Otherwise, many things are really hard to do!”

“Okay, don’t sigh, I’m asleep, and I will be busy tomorrow!”

After hanging up the communication, Su Cheng looked at the ceiling and muttered:

“I’ll go home tomorrow. It’s time to see the little guy, and the two old people. It’s a good idea to stop by to see the game show this time!”

With this thought, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, at dawn, Su Cheng got up early, because it is the summer vacation and the game show is only one week, so many fans are really excited.

Many people came to Chengdu not far away, just to get a glimpse of this r8 game show.

This time the game exhibition is not only a game exhibition, but also a comic exhibition and so on, so it can be regarded as a full-type exhibition.

And this time, not only Renren’s games, but also R-Star’s new games, V-club’s new games, and even the partners who brushed it up.

After all, can you not sell others’ face in China?

And foreign game manufacturers originally wanted to build a game platform by themselves, but they came out after everyone, and then a series of software, this time made them 037 retracted.

md, this group of people is crazy, for the user and registration volume, in order to occupy the market, it is really a lot of money, scaring a few game manufacturers back.

And as everyone learns more about everyone, they become more powerless.

The game is really a lot of money, especially after the game platform is made, the valuation of the game platform is much worse than everyone, but it also has a valuation of 2 billion dollars.

After the conversion, it is 100 million soft sister coins. In two years, how can such a big mac be lost?

Moreover, the market occupied by the game platform for everyone is getting larger and larger, and more and more people in the world understand this platform, which means “monopoly.”

Su Cheng thinks about not only the current PC terminal, but also the mobile terminal in the future. What a powerful gimmick would it be to transplant the Renren game platform to his own mobile phone at that time?

At the same time, this will also be a new era.

After all, the shareholders of Renren Game Platform are not easy to provoke, and this thing is not as socially sensitive, so in fact, Su Cheng is most optimistic about this platform, after all, moisturizing things are silent.

“elder brother!”

Just opened his eyes and squinted Su Su, some people who couldn’t believe the person in front of him actually appeared in front of him. .

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