Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1656: Four hundred forty two

Hearing Qi Zhenbai's son-in-law's voice, Chi's father's face sank instinctively. It's not so easy for him to talk to his daughter-in-law, what's the matter with this kid suddenly coming up?

The thought of this kid didn't know what trick he had used to get his daughter to change her age and obediently get the certificate with this kid, Chi's father always felt agitated when he thought of it.

His daughter is still young, how could this kid put his daughter into the bowl in such a hurry, he knew that something like this would happen, and he shouldn't have made a good face in the military area.

He originally wanted to stay with his daughter for a few more years, even if it was too early for him to obtain a certificate after graduation, let alone now.

The more Chi's father thought about it, the more upset he became. If it hadn't been for the knocking on the door, he wanted to ignore the man outside.

Chi Shuyan still felt a little distressed for her own man. Seeing that her father had a slight affection for Qi Zhenbai just now, she was very helpless and had a headache with an unhappy expression on her face.

Why is the relationship between the father-in-law and son-in-law of other people's family very good, but when she came to her house..., Chi Shuyan also had a little thought, turning around and thinking of bypassing her dad to obtain the certificate, and immediately felt very guilty and guilty.

She originally wanted to wait for the man outside to leave first, so she continued to say a few more good things for her man, but she didn't know that the knock on the door has not stopped, and the man's voice has not stopped.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to meet his dad’s unhappy expression without seeing him, and deliberately said: "Dad, someone outside the door is calling you, or should I open the door for you?"

Without waiting for Chi's father to say anything, Chi Shuyan hurriedly got up to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, it turned out that a certain man was standing upright outside, in a very formal suit and leather shoes, and his face was quite serious.

In the middle of the night wearing this suit, Chi Shuyan twitched her mouth. Before she gave the man in front of him a wink to let him leave first, only the low voice of the man in front of him asked naturally and familiarly: "Yan Yan, is Dad sleeping? ?"

The shout of "Dad" was so natural, I didn't know that I thought it was his father.

Chi Shuyan looked at the man in front of him more, then looked back with a guilty conscience, and his father had finally spoken at this time, knowingly and deliberately asked: "Yan Yan, who is here at this late?"

"Dad, it's Zhenbai!"

Confirming that his father-in-law was not asleep, Qi Zhenbai opened the door quite naturally, and shouted with a friendly face, "Dad, it's late, I'll pick up my wife!"

Chi's father was first twitched by the boy Qi Zhenbai's naturally familiar ‘dad’ call, and then his face went dark after hearing his words.

Chi's father just didn't pay attention to the time when talking to his daughters. It's a bit late, not to mention that this is the Qi family, and the two fathers and daughters will have to get up early tomorrow morning. Chi's father is more dissatisfied now. He also had to hold back his heart and immediately waved his hand to let the couple leave quickly, indicating that they would talk again tomorrow.

Qi Zhenbai said in a very gentleman's tone: "Dad, I'm free these days, Yan Yan will have to go to school tomorrow. Then I will take you to Kyoto for a stroll. You can talk to my son-in-law if you have anything. ."

Chi's father snorted coldly, not wanting to pick up the stubble.

Chi Shuyan felt that it was necessary for the two men to cultivate a little bit of affection, and she felt relieved that this man would accompany her dad, and hurriedly said: "Dad, what Zhenbai said is that you can find him if you have anything to do. These days Let him show you around."

Chi's father originally wanted to refuse, but he didn't directly refuse in front of his daughters. He just said, "I'll talk about it tomorrow!"

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to nod her head, hoping that her father would be in a better mood tomorrow, look open, and slowly accept Qi Zhenbai this man, stop angering him, the two can get along with each other in peace, or she will have a headache in the future.

"Dad, then I and Zhenbai are leaving first?"

Chi's father looked at the couple together and was an eye-catcher, so he simply waved his hands and let the couple leave quickly.

Qi Zhenbai recorded his father-in-law's impatience towards him. His eyes were deep and his complexion was calm. His complexion had not changed. Chi Shuyan subconsciously looked at the man next to him and saw that his face was calm, not because of his father's impatience. The discoloration was relieved.

She didn't want to stand with this man anymore and make her dad unable to sleep, so she hurriedly pulled the corner of the man's clothes and let him go with him.

"Be careful!"

"What?" Chi Shuyan looked confused.

"Does my stomach hurt?" The man asked solemnly!

Chi Shuyan:...

Father Chi:...

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan to speak again, Qi Zhenbai suddenly grabbed her waist and carefully guarded her out. He didn't know what she was fragile.

Chi Shuyan didn't feel sleepy talking to her dad just now, but now she is really sleepy, she didn't think much, and didn't pay attention to her dad's face of thunder and shock.

Just as the two were about to go out, Chi's father suddenly got up and shouted, "Wait!"

Chi Shuyan stopped immediately, wondering what else was going on with his dad. Who knows, Qi Zhenbai suddenly patted her waist and said to her: "Go back to the room first, I will say a few words to my father-in-law. I guess my father-in-law also has a few words to say to me!"

Chi Shuyan:...

"Hey, rest early, or it's not good for your body, you can't be tired of your body recently!" Qi Zhenbo urged him to glance at her stomach subconsciously, and Chi Shuyan became more confused.

Chi's father shaking his hands angrily: ...what does it mean to not be tired recently?

Waiting for his wife to return to the room first, Qi Zhenbai looked at his father-in-law with a calm and peaceful expression, with an innocent face and sincerely said: "Dad, Yan Yan has been recuperating recently. I can't bear it. It's not too late to sleep. Just talk to me directly, or talk to me and Yan Yan during the day."

Chi's father didn't want to think too much before, but now the kid in front of him has so many hints that he has to make him think more, is it possible? Could it be...? A ridiculous thought suddenly flashed through Chi's father's mind, is it possible that his daughter really has it?

Father Chi didn’t wait to get back from the news. He first shook his finger at the tall boy in front of him. He couldn’t say a word of anger: “ Yan Yan is pregnant now?"

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