Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1699: Four hundred and eighty five

Not to mention that the sarcoma on the inside of Yuan Yuan’s face not only shocked all the doctors in the hospital, but also almost shocked the whole hospital. Yuan Yuan woke up in time and refused to be in the hospital. All the free examinations requested by the hospital, leaving the hospital in a hurry, this matter was reluctantly given up, many experts in the hospital want to explore the face sarcoma no way.

Later, many legends about facial sarcoma circulated in the hospital.

The story of ghosts and monsters is actually a misunderstanding. It is only evidence that there was no facial sarcoma in the hospital at the time. Secondly, if you talk about ghost stories, you may not really believe it. Unless you have seen it, it will be considered impossible in the end. After all, only occasionally talk about gossip when chatting in the hospital.

On the other side, Chi Shuyan and Gu Beizheng were still concentrating on dealing with the dirty thing. They had pushed this thing into the corner. The skin on its body was also pulled off by the two people. The thing only vomited a few mouthfuls of black blood, and it did not cause it. What a fatal injury, Gu Beizheng was tired of sweating his forehead. Looking at Master Chi, his complexion did not change easily, and his complexion did not turn red, but it seemed a little absent-minded at the moment.

Gu Beizheng's heart tightened. He gritted his teeth and persisted for less than a minute. After a minute, Gu Beizheng couldn't help but hurriedly asked: "Friend Chi, I...nothing, this are we going to deal with it?"

He didn't know he threw a few talisman just now, and Fellow Taoist Chi also pinched out a lot of flames to burn them. Apart from the thing becoming weaker, nothing happened at all. Gu Beizheng was very tired.

Gu Beizheng just took a few breaths through the gap, and saw that the thing was very'sense', specifically bullying the weak and fearing the hard, bypassing fellow Chi Daoist and attacking him. Gu Beizheng hurriedly wiped a cold sweat and moved slowly, only to see the thing moving towards him. When he leaped, Gu Beizheng subconsciously flashed his body first, and when he saw that the thing was rushing towards him, it was actually running towards the door, Gu Beizheng's face suddenly changed.

Thanks to Friends Chi being here, the thing hadn't even ran out of the door. Friends Chi's body flashed and kicked the door shut first. There was a loud bang, and the sound shocked Gu Beizheng, and the thing also jumped.

In the next second, he saw Master Chi suddenly raise his hand and condensed a white light on the head of the thing. He clicked and clicked on the bones. The thing suddenly screamed sharply and miserably for only half a second, and it turned into A pool of'muddy meat' at the door.

Just now, he and fellow Daoist Chi had been playing hard by that thing for so long and hadn't done anything with this thing. Now this thing has become a mass of mud in the hands of fellow Daoist Chi?

The plot developed too fast, and Gu Beizheng still couldn't recover. He stuck for a long time and stuttered and asked fellow Daoist Chi: "Chi...Friends Chi, is this... solved?"

Seeing that Friends Chi did not reply, Gu Beizheng asked again: "Really solved?"

Gu Beizheng stared at the lump of fleshy meat at the door, and was sure that the thing could not be recovered. He finally confirmed that the thing was really dead and could not die anymore. He sighed and sighed, "Just solve it. it is good!"

Gu Beizheng said that he still wanted to chat with fellow Daoist Chi, by the way, to find out who the owner of this room is? Does the owner of this room know about this thing, but think about asking this thing to come back, the owner of the room is unlikely to be unclear. In most cases, it is intentional. What purpose do you want to use some wrongful means to achieve?

"Friend Chi, shall we go first?" Gu Beizheng said again.

But Chi Shuyan still stared at the mass of fleshy meat at the door thinking about something, Gu Beizheng quickly said: "Friend Chi Daoist, I am sure this thing is dead and can't die anymore, and there can be no harm. "

After the Wei family confiscated this nourishing pill, Chi Shuyan had no choice but to give it to the Wei family before he left.

Chi's father didn't know if it was because he heard his daughter's words just now that his eyes were a little red. When he sent the Wei family out, Chi Shuyan sent it.

Father Wei and the eldest brother of the Wei family and the third brother of the Wei family knew that Yan Yan had something to say to the head of the Qi family, not as a light bulb, so that the eldest and third son did not have to go to the hospital tonight, and then stay home and take the head of Qi to choose a place to live.

When Father Wei, the eldest brother of the Wei family, and the third brother left one by one, only Qi Zhenbai and Chi Shuyan were alone.

The two get along as usual, but tonight a certain man was unexpectedly too silent, Chi Shuyan had to take the initiative to speak: "Don't worry, my dad doesn't dislike you. If my dad really doesn't like someone, even Don't let him in!"

Qi Zhenbai's thin lips twitched and nodded: "I know!"

The atmosphere became deadly and weird again. Chi Shuyan looked at the man next to him a few more times. Although he couldn't see the man's expression in the dark, the man's deep features were clear.

The two really had nothing to say, Chi Shuyan sent the people downstairs to Wei's house, and was sent back downstairs by a man again. The atmosphere was very silent along the way.

When he waited downstairs, the man's outline was gentle and his voice was gentle before he said: "Go upstairs!"

Chi Shuyan was sure that the man really had nothing to say to her, and nodded: "Then I went upstairs?"

Seeing the man nodding, Chi Shuyan originally wanted to ask him what happened? I was also afraid that I would think too much, because they didn't look angry at all, so Chi Shuyan had to wave his hand at the other party and go upstairs first.

Pushing the door in, Chi Shuyan was still a bit cautious, afraid her father would ask her where to go.

Chi Shuyan Gang was about to go back to the room, and Chi's father's gentle voice came: "Yan Yan!"


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