Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1721: Five hundred and seven

In the end, Gu Beizheng still said the prescription of the evil pill, but the precious thing about this pill is not only the herbal medicine, but also the high-grade, at least the sixth rank. This is the most rare in pulling out the evil spirit. Now the law of the last generation, The aura is exhausted, not to mention that low-level alchemists are very rare, not to mention that high-grade can lead to the heavens and tribulation pills, which have never been born and stopped in this world.

Even if it's an extraordinary family, it's harder to get a high-grade pill than to get to the sky.

This is also what he thinks is the same as saying that the pill of Zhensha is not the same.

However, Gu Beizheng naturally didn't know that Chi Shuyan was able to refine the world's sixth-grade pill now and also led to the catastrophe, so after hearing the second half of his sentence, she was not lost, but her heart became more open and eager to try.

As for before, she didn't plan to go to the Guwujie auction house and the bargaining market to take a look at Fan's invitation, but after meeting Gu Beizheng today, she plans to take a trip, maybe she will get a surprise!

Chi Shuyan was in a pretty good mood. Gu Beizheng was very puzzled when he saw that fellow Chi Daoist in front of him was not only upset, but in a good mood. However, no matter how much he wondered, he couldn't think that the other party was a senior alchemist who had refined high-grade pill and led to the catastrophe.

After lunch, the atmosphere of the two is quite harmonious.

Before he parted ways after eating, Chi Shuyan thanked Gu Beizheng for preparing a few more copies of the spirit tea he had previously refined, and also gave him a bottle of third-rank spirit gathering pills and another sixth-rank promotion pills.

The gift Chi Shuyan prepared this time is still very big, which also means that she is very welcome to him this time, and compared to the previous estrangement and politeness, this time Chi Shuyan is a little closer to Gu Beizheng.

Not to mention the pill of Zhen Sha Pill, it is said that the goodwill that the other party has always expressed to her is enough for her to give some pills to her and her heart will not hurt.

Moreover, the pill is very precious to other people, but for her, the question of wasting a little time is not so precious, not to mention that this time it is related to her man, which is very important. This time, she really feels good to Gu Beizheng. Be grateful.

The gratitude in Chi Shuyan's heart Gu Beizheng is still unclear. He just waited for Friends of Daoist Chi to give him two bottles of medicine. Gu Beizheng was happy, but he didn't think much about it. He only thought that the medicine was a low-grade medicine. He was also very satisfied in his heart. You must know that even a low-grade pill is very precious nowadays. Friends Chi Daoyou gave him two bottles. Gu Beizheng was excited and happy, but at the same time a little bit embarrassed, he felt that he took advantage of others.

But if he wants to go back, how can he be willing? Gu Beizheng laughed a few times, and said with an unprecedented enthusiasm and smile: "Friend Chi Dao, next time you have other things, you can directly order them. Gu Beizheng, I must do things beautifully for you."

When Chi Shuyan saw Gu Beizheng lowered his head and looked down at the pill in his hand, he couldn't wait to find out what the pill was and the anxious expression in his heart was a little bit eager to laugh, but he was happy and happy. Chi Shuyan didn't look down on people, after all. In this life, she has had some adventures and a talent for alchemy, so she can be so generous. If there is no adventure, maybe she will be as rare as Gu Beizheng, and she is an earth leopard.

Is it a high-grade pill, Chi Shuyan is afraid of accidents, before leaving, he still warned: "Gu Tianshi, I have something to do, so I should go one step ahead. If something happens, you can tell me directly. As for the two bottles of pill , I advise you to look elsewhere."

The high-grade pill is easy to leak spiritual energy, attracting coveted people, then it will be no good to let Tianshi Gu provoke murder, so before Chi Shuyan left, he added: "These two bottles of spirit bottles, One of them is a third-ranked spirit gathering pill, and the other is a sixth-rank promotion pill. Heavenly Master Gu can do it for himself!"

However, although Qi Hao didn't have any ulterior motives, she told her about the situation, otherwise she also encountered the embarrassment of being caught, Chi Shuyan squinted for a while, and he was ready to settle accounts with this kid. , But immediately took the boy's words: "Yes, your brother and I have other things. As for Jing Shao, you will treat me well." Afraid that Qi Zhenbai would misunderstand this man, Chi Shuyan deliberately added: "I'm a guest. I'll entertain people for me, don't just take care of yourself."

The implication clearly distinguishes the relationship between her and Jing Hengran. She is an outsider and has nothing to do with her.

Chi Shuyan pretended to solemnly emphasize the second half of the sentence. While carefully looking at the man with a paralyzed face, he wanted to see whether the man was angry or angry?

It's a pity that she couldn't see anything in the end, her face was covered with a layer of frost as usual, and she couldn't see any emotions at all.

The more I couldn’t see it, the more Alexander Chi Shuyan felt, and he regretted it. I knew I would run into a petitioner Qi Hao in this restaurant today. How could she not make an appointment with Jing Hengran for dinner or call to discuss cooperation? same.

But now, even if she regrets it, there is nothing she can do, the water has been spilled out, where can she get it back.

The most important thing is that Jing Hengran has become a cannon fodder between them inexplicably, and she is also very guilty. It would be okay if people still entangle her affectionately. Now they have made everything clear, and they have become their cannon fodder. Isn’t it bullying? ?

"Husband, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll cook it for you!" Lin Xunzheng called her relatives, his tone was very gentle and a little bit sly, but not polite, but very natural and soft, just follow She has a natural look like a coquettish bitch, and her voice is also naturally attractive.

However, no matter how coquettish and bastard, and no matter how high in appearance, Lin Xun also consciously is an exceptionally qualified wife and mother. He doesn't go in for three ways. Not only does he enter the hall but also the kitchen, and the bed is even better. Kiss your husband.

Otherwise, a man with a ‘frigid’ face is always tossing about in bed, it’s called a dragon, no matter how late he works overtime, at least a few times every night.

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