Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1729: Five hundred and fifteen

When she woke up at noon the next day, a certain man was indeed gone. She got up to wash and went downstairs to have lunch. She saw her father in the living room right now, and Chi Shuyan somehow called it a guilty conscience.


Chi's father only got up when he saw his daughter, frowned, his face was serious, Chi Shuyan came downstairs and shouted, "Dad!"

Hearing the soft voice of his daughter, Chi's father was still subconsciously soft, but he was very self-disciplined and strict with himself on weekdays, and he was not used to lazy people, and he used to have lower demands on this child. Thinking of the child is still early, let the child enjoy more happiness by his side before marrying, reluctant to let this child work.

But now this kid is going to be married, and it's still so late to get up? I'm not sensible at all, the porridge in the morning was cooked by the future son-in-law of Zhenbai. Chi's father immediately looked at his daughter with a serious look. Before his daughter could speak, Chi's father asked with a calm voice, "Yanyan, do you get up so late on weekdays?" "

Chi Shuyan was stunned. When he was nervous for a moment, he didn't see his dad's thoughts immediately. After hesitating for a while, he said, "No, just occasionally, Dad!"

Chi's father nodded and continued to ask: "Do you usually cook at home or your son-in-law cooks?"

Chi Shuyan said: "I'm usually busy and don't have time to cook. Most of Li Yuchu cooks the food, but a small part of it is made by Zhenbai."

Chi's father seemed to be choked by his daughter's words, and then he continued to ask: "Who does the sanitary washing in the house?"

"Well...your son-in-law, do it, he is more good at housework!" Chi Shuyan answered honestly, and it was true. Qi Zhenbai usually helped her wash and dry the dirty clothes she took in the basket.

In fact, when the two were together at first, she naturally did her own things. These small clothes washing tasks were also done by herself, but not long afterwards she found out that every time she put the dirty clothes in the basket after the shower, The next day they were washed and dried on the balcony.

At first, she was a bit polite to tell the man to wash herself, but every time she finished speaking, the man still washed her clothes and dried them the next day.

Later, when the frequency increased, she got used to it. A certain man never said or had any opinions, and she washed her clothes very diligently.

Chi Shuyan didn’t know at the moment, she just finished her words, and once again she kept Chi’s father choking speechless for a long time, unable to hold a word, her eyes were very difficult to say, and helpless to look at his girl, she also thought of her own man, Gao Ma Da The majestic future son-in-law, he didn't even see that the kid had the attributes of a good wife and mother, nor could he imagine the scene of the Qi family kid washing and drying clothes for his daughter.

If you had known that the two children were together, it would be the boy Zhenbai who would suffer. Where did he look like that in the military area?

In the past, he was really worried that his daughter could not control Zhenbai's boy to be hurt, but now he feels that his son-in-law would be very unlucky to find a wife who doesn't do anything like his daughter.

But Chi's father didn't want to think of his own daughter too badly. In his heart, his daughter still has a lot of merits, which is a good match for any man, but for this future son-in-law, Chi father is completely After changing his attitude and impression, I feel more and more guilty towards him. I make up my mind to treat this son-in-law as a son. His daughter-in-law loves his son-in-law less, and his father-in-law will make up for it in the future, so that the latter son-in-law will not empathize. love!

But according to the son-in-law's desperate attitude towards his daughter, the probability of empathy should be very small.

The more his father thought about it, the better, he let his spleen pressure down, and then asked his daughter to sit down, and said earnestly: "Yan Yan, Zhenbai will be your husband in the future. If you are a daughter-in-law, you should treat your husband well, live your life well, and get married before marriage. The latter is different, usually less willful, and the two are considerate to each other!"

Chi Shuyan: ...what kind of ecstasy did the man Qi Zhenbo poured into her dad? From last night to today, what her dad said the most was to make her treat Qi Zhenbo nicely. It really wasn't that her father suddenly discovered Qi Zhenbo. Did she pick that man out of her own life?

Besides, how could she treat him badly?

With a panic in her heart, Chi Shuyan talked with her dad for a while and found an excuse for being hungry to go to lunch. After lunch, she did not forget the invitation from the Fan family.

Before leaving home, she told her dad that she had to leave home for two days on business matters. Seeing her dad's opposition, she hurriedly cast out the man Qi Zhenbai, saying that with his consent last night, he would take care of her. he.

Father Chi naturally had nothing to say. He could only watch his daughter go further and further away. He felt more and more that the son-in-law of Zhenbai was not so good to his daughter, but he was too indulgent. After he got home, he had to talk to the son-in-law so that he could no longer indulge the child Yan Yan. This child is about to get married. Is it fair to go out for a few days and not go home?

Chi Shuyan went out of the villa, and she was relieved. She first sent a message to her man about leaving home, and then planned to call Fan Yin. Fan Yin had already parked the car and saw her at the door of the villa. Rolling down the window, Master Chong Chi waved: "Master Chi, I am here, I am here!"

Chi Shuyan got on the car, Fan Yin eagerly wanted to contact Master Chi more. He didn't know Master Chi's cell phone ringing, so he had to shut up.

Chi Shuyan answered the phone and heard the deep and mellow voice of the familiar man on the other side: "Going out?"


"When are you coming back?"

"Three days?"

Seeing that the man hadn't made a sound for a long time, Chi Shuyan felt guilty, and immediately changed his words: "No..., two days? As we said last night?"

"A day and a half!" The man's tone was tough and he couldn't stand his beak. Before waiting for a long time to speak, the man said again: "Come back and call me, I will pick you up tomorrow evening!"

Chi Shuyan:...

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