Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1740: Five hundred twenty six

A week later, it was the eve of the wedding soon. A few days before the wedding, she had refined the pill and gave it to her man. The effect was very good. Only an instinctive exercise method allowed the man to use the evil spirit in the body. In addition, he carried the Dragon Tiger Mountain Buddha relic on his wrist, which would be beneficial to his man in suppressing evil spirits or practicing cultivation in the future.

At the same time, she vacated the space the day before and first sent a box of weight loss ointment that she adjusted to her tablemate. After all, she had promised before, and then she was busy with other things and some forgot.

Of course, she hesitated to give the big fat wedding invitation, but of course it was not unwilling to send it, and her classmate Gong Xinli at the table was too shy and too small for fear that the other party would not adapt to the lively wedding occasion.

When she finally sent the weight loss ointment, she still attached a wedding invitation. If anyone came to see him or not, please do it to her. At the same time, she also included an explanation of the usage on the weight loss ointment.

In addition to being at the same table, she also received a call from Xia Mingcheng. Xia Mingcheng not only thanked her again for her family, but also mentioned Ni's gratitude.

Not only because of the land in the south of the city, but also about the children. In short, the fortune-telling things she predicted came true one by one. After the wife of the Ni family did not have a baby, how long did the Ni family take the land in the south of the city with good luck, and she also passed Xia Mingcheng. Knowing that Ni’s father has now completely believed in what she had done before, and now he is thinking about treating the child in his daughter-in-law’s belly as a treasure. Not only has Ni’s father’s attitude changed, but also Ni’s mother’s attitude has finally changed. One by one, and without the enchantment of Yuan Yuan's woman, Ni's attitude towards her daughter-in-law and fetus has changed drastically.

Ni's family is now considered harmonious and harmonious.

The Ni family's matter was also successfully resolved.

Chi Shuyan was also happy for the Ni family's daughter-in-law. As for the Ni family's strong desire to see her, she would like to thank her personally and even ask her to do some calculations, but she refused with other excuses.

She only asked Xia Mingcheng to bring her two sentences of "greed is not enough, the snake swallows elephant" and "satisfaction is always happy", and the next thing is gone.

While Chi Shuyan was meditating in the bedroom, Li Yu and Han Yu knocked on the door, and there was a voice of milk and milk from the two boys: "Sister Shuyan, Grandpa Li has made dinner. It's very hearty. Go downstairs to eat!"

When Chi Shuyan heard the word'eat', she instinctively secreted saliva and became greedy. She asked herself that she was not a greedy person before, but recently since she came back from the ancient martial world, she found that she had become More and more greedy, the appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and uncharacteristically like spicy food, I can’t wait to eat spicy food all the time.

She didn't feel anything abnormal to her, and so did her dad. On the contrary, Qi Zhenbai and Li Yuchu were always a little worried. A few days ago, the man Qi Zhenbai wanted to take her to the hospital, but she firmly refused.

As for Li Yuchu, because of her marriage and gluttony, she no longer stayed in the Imperial Restaurant, but gave the Imperial Restaurant to a few apprentices, and now she finally knows that the person behind the Imperial Restaurant who invested in Li Yuchu is not the man Qi Zhenbo. Who is it again?

Chi Shuyan now really feels that Qi Zhenbai has the potential of a profiteer, otherwise he could invest in Li Yuchu early? This year, Li Yuchu made a lot of money for this man. She had talked with Li Yuchu. If you feel tired of opening a restaurant, you can let it go. In the end, she is her own person, and she can’t bear to feel wronged by her. So short.

However, to her surprise, Li Yuchu was still very enthusiastic about opening the Yu restaurant. He was even more happy when others praised his cooking skills. She did not deprive Li Yuchu of his hobby. Guy, next year she has no plans to let the two children continue to follow Li Yuchu to the restaurant.

Although the two little guys are hundreds of years old by age, the two little guys are old and mentally long. They are not much different from the eighty or ninety-year-old kids. In her heart, the two little guys are children, and she is willing to spoil them. She kept going to the imperial restaurant to work with dishes, even if she knew they would not be tired, she felt a little distressed to see.

She plans to enroll the two children in school next year, so that the two little guys can integrate into the society early and have a more childlike life.

Li Yu and Han Yu wrinkled their brows in thought when seeing Sister Shuyan out of the room. Li Yu's brows were even tighter. He simply pulled the corner of her clothes and said anxiously: "It's dinner! It's dinner!"

Han Yu also obediently said anxiously: "Sister Shuyan, Grandpa Li told us to go downstairs for dinner!"

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but squeezed the cute faces of the two little guys, holding one hand in hand, and hurriedly went downstairs and said, "Sure, I'm going to eat!"

One and two children went downstairs. Most of Li Yu’s cooking was already on the table. Chi Shuyan didn’t see her dad, and asked Li Yuchu, only to realize that she had not come back after letting her dad go out to pick up her master. .

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but made a few phone calls to her dad, but her dad never answered him, and she was not sure at the moment whether her dad had received her master.

In fact, she was not very busy today. She originally planned to pick up her master in person, but her father refused, so her father went there in person.

When Li Yuchu brought out the dishes, he saw Miss Shuyan's worried expression and quickly comforted him: "Miss Shuyan, don't worry about Master Chi, or should I go out and see?"

Chi Shuyan always hears about Li Yuchu’s very awkward and ancient "Master Chi" three words, almost spit rice, and now I still can’t get used to it, but think about Li Yuchu who was a few hundred years ago, and it is normal to call "Master". She had no choice but to ignore these two words and calm down and return to Li Yuchu's words: "No, my dad can deal with something, don't bother you. By the way, how about the little suits I picked for the two little guys to try? ?"

As soon as he tried clothes, the little guy Han Yu was okay. Li Yu hurriedly ran away first. Before Li Yuchu had already gotten him trying on clothes and tried a dozen sets.

Li Yu feels that he is naturally noble, and he doesn't need to wear any new clothes, he is also a kind of imperial child. What's the point of trying on clothes?

Li Yuchu was very happy and willing to let the two little guys be the flower girl for her wedding, but seeing the Ninth Prince suddenly run away, he was also a little helpless, so he quickly said: "The Ninth Prince and Xiaoyu have tried new clothes. I think it’s better to wear white Xiaoxi!"

"Success!" In fact, she thinks pink is better, but it is a pity that the little guy Li Yu refuses to wear it, so she can only give up.

For dinner tonight, Chi Shuyan had a great appetite while chatting with Li Yuchu and eating. A good appetite made Li Yuchu all worried. Chi Shuyan didn’t care and didn’t feel abnormal. Li Yuchu wanted to say something, Shuyan. The young lady's cell phone rang first, and he obediently shut up.

Chi Shuyan answered the phone, and there was a man's familiar low voice: "Daughter-in-law, have you eaten dinner?"

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