Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1746: After pregnancy, the loving couple

Qi Zhenbai thought at first that his wife had already noticed something, such as Chi's father and his wife’s friend. At the banquet on the night of the wedding, he had seen his father-in-law seem to have a great affection for each other, and he had a rare look of helplessness. Make his son-in-law's memory especially fresh.

He is already almost certain that his father-in-law is interested in the friend of his wife, and this sudden change of business may have a lot to do with that one.

Chi Shuyan never thought about connecting her father and her master. In her opinion, the two are totally unrelated to each other, so she didn't think about them at all, but she was not a stupid person. , With these recent changes in her dad, how does she feel that her dad seems to have a new situation?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt this way. Chi Shuyan thought that her father might find another way to get married again. While happy, he was unavoidably sour, and his mood was a little depressed. He hesitated for a while before asking: "My husband, my dad suddenly decided to major. Is it possible that he is in a situation? For example, do you say that he is likely to be targeted for something?"

Qi Zhenbai put his wife’s pitiful eyes into his eyes, and his heart was very soft. In fact, before the two got married, his wife had a soft temper. She was soft but strong and very independent. But since she became pregnant, his wife’s temper has been completely softened. Relying on him from the heart, this change made Qi Zhenbai very excited and happy. He was in a good mood, and the curvature of his thin lips had never fallen. He sat next to his wife with arms in his arms and said: "Maybe it is really possible!"

Chi Shuyan:...

To be honest, his father-in-law finds Qi Zhenbai for another person and he really doesn't care.

He has always been a very possessive and controlling person, especially after marriage. I wish his daughter-in-law could only rely on him, he was the only one, and even occasionally he thought that he didn't want the child, so he was afraid that one more person would grab his wife.

Qi Zhenbai didn't know anything about Qi Zhenbai's heart at this time, and she was completely choked by the man Qi Zhenbai's answer just now.

It is true that her father is in the situation, and she does not believe it very much. She also asked Aunt Wei before, for example, if there is any friendship in the military area recently or if anyone told her dad a partner, Aunt Wei also denied it. Isn't her father looking for him?

With the odds of her dad's character being able to find someone on his own, Chi Shuyan only feels that the odds of winning hundreds of millions of lottery tickets.

If her dad had this talent, he wouldn't have been single until now.

Because of Chi's father, Chi Shuyan pulled her hair tangled at this moment. Qi Zhenbai hurriedly smoothed his wife's eyebrows and rubbed her head again. While asking her if it hurts, he quickly moved his wife's attention. Li whispered: "Okay, time is almost up, let's drive back to the old house first. As for Dad's own business, we juniors don't have to worry too much. If he does find him, he will always bring him to you! "

After thinking about it, Chi Shuyan could only nod her head, thinking of something, she said again: "By the way, I told my teacher last, I told Sister Fu, let her come to Kyoto tomorrow. Live at home, do you remind me to clean up the room at night?"

"I'll clean up, you don't have to worry about it!" Qi Zhenbai was so willing that his pregnant wife would clean up the room for others.

"Husband, you are so kind!" Chi Shuyan couldn't help it in her living room, and kissed the man's face on tiptoes, and the man with the paralyzed face was smiling, and his cold face immediately softened.

Chi Shuyan kissed and left, but the man beside him couldn't help but pull the person into his arms and squeeze his wife's chin and kissed him severely. Before kissing, he deliberately rubbed his wife's lower lip. Suck it up.

At the beginning, the man was very gentle. After a while, the man's nature was exposed, and his actions couldn't help but become crazy. When he let go of the woman in his arms, Chi Shuyan only felt that his hands and feet were soft and panting, his cheeks were feverish, and his face was stunned and ashamed.

Qi Zhenbai was very satisfied with his wife's expression, hugged him to the entrance, squatted down and was familiar with putting on shoes for his wife. Before putting on the shoes, fearing that she would be unstable, he solemnly urged: "Hold me, daughter-in-law! "

After Chi Shuyan became pregnant, in addition to her soft personality and this change, she was also very obedient. When his wife was obedient, he immediately hugged him. Qi Zhenbai's heart instantly softened into a ball of water, and the tenderness and pets in his eyes could not be hidden. Live, put your head in shoes for his wife.

After putting on the shoes, he strode up to pick up the person and walked to the lawn outside. He waited until the lawn to put the person down, and whispered again, "Stand here and wait for me, I'll go to the garage to drive!"

"Oh!" Chi Shuyan nodded obediently.

After the man walked far away, Chi Shuyan realized the series of conversations between the two just now and the man's seductive tone, it was like talking to a three-year-old child.

Chi Shuyan resolutely refused to admit that she was like a three-year-old child, so she could only decide in her heart that next time this man would talk to her in this coaxing tone, and she could not make a sound.

Chi Shuyan didn't think about how long, the car drove over. As soon as she got in the car, the man in the driver's seat fastened his wife's seat belt, and then started the engine and drove out.

As he drove out, the man asked patiently: "What do you want to eat at night? I'll let the aunt at home prepare it!"

After getting pregnant, Chi Shuyan was not too picky about spicy food. When she heard a man's words, she shook her head subconsciously and said, "I'm not picky, I eat everything. By the way, if you can, or if you can let the aunt at home make more dishes to compare the taste Spicy dishes?"

This was ignored by Qi Zhenbai.

Chi Shuyan:...

After that, the two of them did not speak, and Chi Shu’s face was irritated. She didn’t know how she was particularly prone to get angry and occasionally commit petty hypocrisy after she became pregnant. This was before she was pregnant, she never thought she could still When there is work! After she calmed down, she couldn't help regretting.

His wife didn't talk to him, Qi Zhenbo could only take the initiative to talk to his wife, and he tried to pick topics that she was interested in as much as possible, or else his wife would ignore him along the way.

"Daughter-in-law, what do you think of your good friend surnamed Fu with Dad?"

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