Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1750: After the extra pregnancy, the loving couple two

Qi Zhenbai was still very concerned about supplementing nutrition for his daughter-in-law, and immediately took in the soup that Qi's mother had cooked, and filled a bowl for his wife to drink.

As soon as Chi Shuyan waited for Qi's mother to leave, she immediately let the man drink the remaining broth. She really couldn't drink it anymore. The smell was a little bit choking. Chi Shuyan was very thankful that the man did not move. Back to the old house, but Mother Qi was kind enough to waste the kindness of Mother Qi, so the man drank the rest for her.

Finally, at Chi Shuyan's decisive request, Qi Zhenbai naturally contracted all the broth, and he was a little nauseous when he drank it.

Although his mother is good at making soup, the taste of the broth is very weak. It is strange that he can eat it.

Chi Shuyan could not help secretly gloating on the sidelines, and when the man finished eating, he deliberately raised his lips and smiled: "I've finished eating? The tableware and chopsticks will be brought out tomorrow morning? I'm going to take a bath first, and you will slowly digest!

Chi Shuyan got up to leave. Before he took a few steps, suddenly his body vacated and was forced to sit on his lap by the man behind him. Chi Shuyan's face changed slightly with a heartbeat. After all, she now has a child in her belly. Very caring, for fear of accidents since the first pregnancy.

When she sat firmly on the man's lap, she opened her mouth and immediately scolded the man. The man's cool thin lips were blocked first, and her eyes were a little black.

Before long, the man’s domineering lips and tongue drove straight into and immediately pried open her teeth and kept tumbling. Chi Shuyan passively accepted the man’s kiss. After a while, he felt that the man’s mouth was full of taste, a bit of wine and a bit of broth. It was strange that she wanted to vomit but couldn't.

Qi Zhenbai was shocked by the reaction of his wife's wife, and immediately let go of the person. When letting him go, his hands were still a little trembling and he hurriedly asked, "Where's not feeling well? Daughter-in-law? I will take you to the hospital?"

After the man panicked, he would get up and leave the room immediately. Chi Shuyan was shocked and quickly stopped people from saying that he was okay. She just emphasized that she was okay, but the man insisted on taking her to the hospital, making her very helpless.

At the moment, she regretted that she was gloating at the man just now. It was unhappy and extremely sad. She was afraid that this man would force her to take her to the hospital to alarm everyone in the Qi family. She quickly patted the man on the shoulder and told the man to put her down and said, "I'm really fine. , Qi Zhenbai!" Seeing the man still looked worried and unbelieving to see her, she had no choice but to honestly confess: "It's just that your mouth smells a little strange. You are not allowed to kiss me after drinking alcohol!"

The pregnant woman only reacted for a while. After a while, the smell of alcohol in her mouth disappeared, and Chi Shuyan didn't want to vomit, and her face looked better.

Qi Zhenbaizai carefully looked at his wife a few more times, and he was finally relieved to see that her complexion had indeed improved a lot at this moment.

After that, I didn't dare to make her too much, and honestly went to the bathroom to wash, brush my teeth, take a shower and go to bed.

Chi Shuyan also took a bath. When she was about to take a bath, something trivial happened. The man insisted on washing with her, or according to the man’s words, if she didn’t want a mandarin duck bath, he would go in and sit with her. to make.

Chi Shuyan didn't even want to refuse directly. Although the young couple were considered old husbands and old wives, if the man was allowed to enter the bathroom and stared at her for a bath, she would not dare to imagine the scene.

As for the previous villa, because the bathroom is close to the bedroom, she usually does not close the door, and the man is willing to let her wash it alone.

In the old house, the bathroom is a little farther away from the bedroom, so Qi Zhenbai is naturally uneasy.

In the end, Chi Shuyan had to step back and agree not to lock the door, and the man stood at the door waiting for her to take a bath.

Don't say that this tall man standing with his back to the bathroom door waiting for her still made her feel safe.

After taking a shower and putting on her pajamas, Chi Shuyan finally breathed a sigh of relief. The man at the door was not impatient at all. When she changed her clothes, he would not let her walk, so he picked her up and walked onto the big bed. .

Chi Shuyan also relied on holding her man's neck completely, and was in a good mood. At this moment, the sulking heart of her father and her master had disappeared mostly by the man's considerate behavior. This man was especially pleasing to the eye.

When the two couples got to the bed, because Qi Zhenbai was just three months pregnant, even if Qi Zhenbai had some thoughts, he didn't dare to really put it into action at this moment. He only dared to take advantage of his relatives from time to time.

In fact, Qi Zhenbo had asked the doctor when he could have **** in the intercourse. The doctor said that it would be done in three months, but after three months, he was still a little worried. Who made his wife look at her when she was too young. Thin and weak, he was greedy for'meat' in his heart at this time, but he didn't dare to make any other actions. He took a deep breath and planned to confirm his wife's physical condition when he went to the birth check with his wife in a few days.

At this moment, Chi Shuyan didn't know that the man next to her looked very calm, but in fact she couldn't hold back from being a vegetarian for a few months, but she is now accustomed to men holding her to sleep, and people are close to them.

Seeing his wife leaning on him and putting her feet on him, Qi Zhenbai's complexion was a little tight, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped a little.

In fact, Chi Shuyan didn't have the habit of hugging people to sleep before, but was forced to gradually develop the habit of hugging people by the men around him.

In addition, it is winter now, this man is full of anger, body and hot pot, and he really likes to sleep with him when he is cold.

This is not the case now that Qi Zhenbai consciously feels that he is a bit self-inflicted!

Chi Shuyan didn't even know what the man was saying at this time. Since she became pregnant, she was easily sleepy and had a "warm pot" to hold her, so she fell asleep after a while, but the man beside her finally couldn't hold it back after a long time. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a cold shower.

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