Luo Xuan was going to sit down with his knees crossed and begin to practice tonight, but before he could cover the heat, he heard a discordant voice in his ear.

Cleaning the square in the middle of the night? Let him clean up the square in the middle of the night.

The square in chixueling is not small, and it is not easy to clean it up.

Let Luoxuan to clean up, this is obviously aimed at, just don't want to make him better, is to let him suffer, is to let him can't stand.

Therefore, Luo Xuan takes a deep breath. He opens his eyes and the man who is talking is right beside him.

"Luo Xuan, do you think you don't have to clean the square if you look at me like this? I tell you, this is the order of the sect leader. If you don't obey it, you will be dead. "

"Yes, let you clean it up, then you should hurry to clean it up. If tomorrow's Square is still a mess, you will know the consequences."

These people have a fierce look on their face. There are many people here, but they are not afraid of Luo Xuan's chaos. They are all in the color of playful abuse.

After listening to the speech, Luo Xuan takes a deep breath. He doesn't want to practice well. He just wants to fix him.

And it's endless. It's unbearable.

But he is now weak, and his character is more introverted, he just took a deep breath, and then happily agreed.

"Since the door owner has orders, I'll clean it up naturally when it's my turn, but if I do it tomorrow night, I'll give you an explanation."

Luo Xuan said in a cold voice. He didn't look at all the people present. He snorted coldly, even if he left the training room.

Isn't it late at night in the third shift? He has no chance to practice. He has to go to the square first.

Cleaning must be done. After all, he is a disciple of chixueling. Let him do it.

But if it was him every day, I'm sorry, he would never be so stupid.

It's not like that. Maybe it happened to be him today. He recognized him, but if it was him every day, he couldn't bear it.

At the moment, he came to the square alone. During the day, there were many people here. Many people meditated here, and some elders taught here.

But in the middle of the night, there was no one, only the howling wind and the messy snow on the ground.

If there is a tornado sweeping through the square, he will not take it.

It's not difficult to deal with it in this way. It's very simple. If you use Qi easily, the snow will be swept away. It's not difficult.

But because the area of the square is not small, it is not easy to clear the snow all at once. Luo Xuan's bow is from left to right, and countless tornadoes of real Qi are formed, and the snow is swept away.

In this way, in less than half an hour, he cleaned up the snow on the whole square. The ground was smooth and smooth, and he cleaned it thoroughly.

Moonlight on the ground, and even left a round reflection, enough to see how clean the ground is, like a lake in general.

Luo Xuan nodded with satisfaction. In this way, I'm afraid no one dares to pick a thorn.

In the face of all kinds of difficulties, he will never bow his head. If you make difficulties for me, I will try my best to do well, never shrink back, and I will not be defeated.

Cleaning the square, this kind of thing, really don't be too simple, Luo Xuan after cleaning face is not red, breathless, easy.

So he went back to the practice room again and was ready to continue meditation.

The most important thing is cultivation. Now the most important thing is cultivation, endless cultivation.

He has already eaten the Seven Star blood lotus, and it's effective. With the rich aura of the ice field, his cultivation can definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

These days, Luo Xuan has already felt that he is only one step away from the middle stage of his emergence. Maybe he can make a breakthrough in these two days.

He went back to the training room, quietly. He had just arrived at the door, but he heard a discussion coming from inside.

"Ha ha ha, you see, that boy is so obedient that he went to clean it up."

"We have snow all year round in chixueling. It's useless to clean it. I didn't expect that boy to be so easy to cheat."

"I'm so happy. I guess he's still working there now."


The laughter in the room is very loud. Obviously, these guys are very excited and happy, and their happiness is based on the pain of others.

It turns out that there's no such thing as cleaning the square. It's just made up by those guys.

Hearing this, Luo Xuan can't help shaking his head. These guys are really worse than each other.

The people in chixueling didn't treat him as a human being. Everyone was pushing him out, looking down on him and making fun of him.

Think of here, Luo Xuan's heart is violently undulating, enough to appear that he now has how not calm.But he didn't do it or get angry. He just walked into the training room with a cold face. He looked very calm, not happy or sad.

"Ha ha, the moonlight tonight is very good. It's a pity that you didn't go out to have a look. Just now the bright moon in the sky has spoken. I'm very lucky that I can come across such a magical thing when I go out to clean the square."

Luo Xuan said to himself, then went to the edge of the futon and sat down, then closed his eyes, began to meditate.

As for the people in the training room, they were all stunned. Did the moon just speak? How is that possible?

But Luo Xuan's expression is so serious that he doesn't seem to be joking. Does the moon really speak?

For a moment, everyone was itching, and some even ran out to find out.

And Luo Xuan has entered meditation, others don't let him better, he also don't let others better.

The moon talks in vain. Of course, he doesn't believe it. But now in the training room, it's estimated that there will be more people who can't calm down.

Maybe it's just what you deserve. Let's put up with them for a while. When Luo Xuan breaks through to the late stage, who dares to play with him? We'll have to weigh it up.

Now these people dare to be unscrupulous, because Luo Xuan's cultivation is still low, just at the beginning of his emergence.

Most of these guys are in the middle stage of out of body. How could they be afraid of Luo Xuan, the boy in the early stage of out of body.

For every cultivator, he may know whether he is fierce or not.

Luo Xuan's cultivation is very low, people naturally think he is not powerful, cultivation and strength is linked.

In the early stage of being out of body, it was from the outside world, and it was obvious that it was being bullied.

However, if Luo Xuan's cultivation is at the later stage of his emergence, he would not be so unscrupulous.

Even if Luo Xuan is from the outside world, his cultivation is practical, which will make people think about a lot of things when talking to him.

Before that, he can only continue to endure, but he chooses his own way, he will not complain, and he will not give up.

The king of Yue can still hide his courage. Why can't he Luoxuan.

He can be a master only if he has suffered a lot. In the future, he will not be irritated or crushed by such a small matter.

As long as he is still alive, his accomplishments will continue to rise, his status will only be higher and higher, his strength will only be stronger and stronger, and his voice will be louder and louder!

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