Before the test, Luo Xuan just rely on the first impression, there are some small games, test some reaction and so on.

It's all petty. It's not so easy to be a member of the team. If you can pass the next test, you can become an official member.

In the past few days, Luo Xuan has understood the whole process of the game, including the functionality of each position.

For example, in most cases, the last order is at the front, providing the team with the corresponding output space to bear the damage from the enemy, or causing a fatal blow to the enemy's key heroes.

Generally speaking, this kind of hero can take more damage and provide some control. The main thing is to absorb damage, act as the role of the front row, disturb the enemy's formation and so on.

The other is the hero with high damage. This kind of hero can achieve the desired effect by suppressing the enemy's online hero in the early stage. In the middle and late stage, it can also provide stable output and threaten the enemy's back row.

Both types have their own way out. Routan is partial to the team, while the output type tests the individual ability of the players. If the match period collapses, the later period will be abandoned.

For the requirements of field position, this position also has routan and output type, of course, field is to bring up the rhythm of the game, is a crucial position.

The second is the position of AD, which is an awkward position and provides the main output. Of course, ad is extremely fragile. If it is targeted by enemy assassins, it will basically die.

Therefore, the ad also tests the individual ability of the players, whether there is explosive output, coquettish move, play a brilliant operation.

The center single position is also the starting point of rhythm. The center single position can support the upper and lower routes. In the early and middle stages, it can walk on the side, cooperate with the field, and gank together to bring rhythm.

This position is as important as playing field. If you don't play well in the middle, there will be no rhythm in the whole game, and you may be suppressed by the enemy.

And the last auxiliary position is mainly to protect our own ad, do a good job in vision, ensure not to be suddenly gank by the enemy, provide a stable vision, and the responsibility of protection or attack.

Each of the five positions has its own characteristics, so the requirements for the players are different.

The single position tests the opponent's ability to resist pressure. Generally speaking, this position is easy to be targeted. How to escape the opponent's gank and not be suppressed too hard by the opponent.

And the single, has always been the main position of the show operation, an excellent single, carry the whole court, drive the rhythm, and even turn into an assassin, kill each other in the back, single test players' personal ability.

Ad and auxiliary are almost the same, also test the ability of players, of course, ad can survive, is very important, live to have output.

Therefore, it is very important for ad to protect its own side, and ad has to find a way to survive.

In a word, this team game mainly depends on team cooperation. Although the players' personal ability is important, their cooperation is more important.

Luo Xuan will give corresponding tests according to different positions and different requirements.

He came to the scene, the people on the scene are inexplicably nervous, they have experienced Luo Xuan's way of selecting people, strange, unpredictable.

I don't know what kind of test will be waiting for them this time. They are not calm at the moment, in order to get rich treatment and get ahead.

They are all young people, ranging from 16 to 22 years old. Of course, there are also some older people. Luo Xuan doesn't think about it. When he is older, he can't keep up with his reaction, so his potential is very low.

In the e-sports industry, young people are the capital. Young people are very strong in both reaction and all aspects.

Some older players will only get lower and lower and can't keep up with the rhythm.

Therefore, Luo Xuan would rather have high potential players than those who had been brilliant but are now older.

Such a selection standard can be described as continuous improvement. Of course, what he wants is the elite.

For the arrival of Luo Xuan, many people are worried, no matter what, the competition is still a little big, it is estimated that there is a level of assurance to become a member of the club.

"Boss, how do you choose people today? We'll see. We're looking forward to your test. "

"Courage is commendable, but today's test is normal, you can rest assured that there will be no strange test."

Luo Xuan said solemnly, today's assessment is mainly to assess the strength of a player, those guys that day were right, strength is the first condition, survival of the fittest.

Of course, the premise is to pass the test between Luo Xuan. If it's really for the sake of glory, he will stay. Otherwise, go away.

"It's better to group according to the position you are good at. Only two people can stand out in each group, one is the starter and the other is the substitute."Luo Xuan voice down, these people are good at according to their own position.

Luo Yi is watching, and he also wants to know how Luo Xuan chooses people. After all, he has played this game for several days.

With these guys in turn stand, Luo Xuan also began the most basic assessment, the first is the rank, which is another test of strength.

"No matter how talented you are, log in to your account, if it's lower than diamond one, you can leave automatically. I don't need to invite you."

Diamond one, this is the ranking level of this game, from black iron, brass, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master, master, king!

Divided into these levels, Luo Xuan's requirements have been very low, a diamond above, below, then go away.

Even if the talent is good, even the ranking level is not up, there is nothing worth keeping.

On hearing this, some of the players look very pale. It is estimated that they do not have this rank.

"Boss, I don't have time to rank recently. I don't have enough rank. Can I accommodate myself?"

"There is no level, let's go, don't let me ask you out, you are right, strength is very important, now is the time to show your strength."

On hearing this, about ten people left the scene in dismay. It is estimated that the rank can not be reached.

As for those who stay, there are still more than 30 people, all of whom login their accounts with confidence.

Luo Xuan probably looked at it. There were ten kings, five masters, ten masters, and the others were diamonds.

Ten of them are beyond his expectation. After all, there are only 50 server kings. Unexpectedly, there are ten. It seems that the treatment of the club has attracted a lot of people.

A monthly salary of 50000 yuan is far from the bottom line. Luo Xuan explains that if you get good grades, you can get a bonus of 1 million to 10 million yuan

Bonus is the most attractive. Of course, the monthly salary of 50000 is also very high.

Therefore, it has attracted a lot of great God players to come here, but it provides more choices and keeps improving.

"I've seen all your stances. Let's start with the most basic one. It's not difficult to mend a knife. You can't use skills. Isn't it?"

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