Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 42 There is a girl (please vote for recommendation!)

New Jersey.

Princeton High School.

The graduation dance is being held here.

A short boy, wearing a neutral-colored sports jacket, brown pants, a physics-themed T-shirt, and thick black-rimmed glasses, pouted and looked at a pure and cute-looking girl and her companions with sad eyes. Walking by without stopping, I heard the laughter coming from them, and my raised hands froze.

"Becky, isn't that Leo-nard? Why don't you say hello to him?"

"Why do you want to say hello? I don't know him!"

"I really don't know you? How come I've played with you before?"

"You must have seen it wrong, or you happened to have seen him chatting with me before, but you know, I encounter this kind of thing many times every day, and I remember it everywhere!"

"That's right, another self-righteous nerd, hehe, look at him standing there stupidly wanting to say hello to you, it must be because Beji, you have a good attitude towards every suitor, which makes them think that you are interested in them. What a pathetic idiot."

"Becky, I really didn't expect you to get the offer from Cornell University so smoothly. I'm really surprised."

"Yes, yes, you are the most powerful among us, how come you can't tell it usually?"

"Huh! That's because you are not focused on studying at all, otherwise you would have discovered how good I am. Stop talking and let's go in quickly."

Several girls walked in laughing, leaving Leonard standing there as if he was petrified, with Becky's words echoing in his mind: "I don't know him, I don't know him, I don't know him..."

"how so?"

After standing still for a long time, Leonard began to doubt himself: "Could it be that everything before didn't exist? I had a mental problem and imagined it... But that's not right. I clearly wrote Becky's paper not long ago. Ah, and I have been helping Beiji with her homework for several years. Could it be that I made up the whole high school..."

The more he thought about it, the more headache he got. Leonard completely doubted his life, and the first half of his life kept flashing in his mind.

He was born into a family of scientists. His father is an anthropologist, his mother is a neuroscientist, his sister is a doctor of biomedicine, and his brother is a doctor of law. With an IQ of 173, he is also developing in the direction of a scientist.

But it is precisely because of this splendid family background that his childhood was completely different!

He had never had a birthday, and the only time it was close to a birthday party was when his relative died suddenly on his birthday and everyone gathered.

Her mother, Beverly, is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist. Like Sheldon, she has strict speaking habits, lack of understanding of social conventions, and excessive attention to details. She is too harsh on Leonard, and always Feeling that Leonard was not as good as his older brothers and sisters, Leonard never felt maternal love.

For this reason, when he was a child, he used his genius mind to create a "hugging machine" to compensate for the affection that should have come from his mother. However, this hugging machine was often borrowed by his father...

In school, he has always been a genius in the eyes of teachers and a nerd in the eyes of other classmates, and he is often bullied in various ways.

Peeing in his Hawaiian Punch drink!

Lifting up his underwear suddenly caused him an indescribable zero dislocation. As a result, he spent the whole Christmas waiting for that indescribable zero fall!

Smash the walnuts with his head!

Force him to eat his hair!

Wrap him up and stuff them in a cupboard, a trash can, or even a backpack!

Stuff the parrot into his pants!

Take off his clothes and throw him into the girls' locker room!

Others, such as using super glue to stick Hershey's Kiss chocolate on his chest, using a stapler to staple his two indescribable zeros, feeding him laxatives and surrounding him to prevent him from going to the toilet, etc. , this kind of bullying can make a long list, which can't be finished on a piece of paper. Leonard survived strongly under this kind of bullying.

A large part of the courage comes from Beji who just left!

When he was accustomed to being ignored by girls and bullied by boys, one day when he first entered high school, the beautiful and cool girl Becky "quietly" appeared in his life.

Yes, now that I think about it, it is indeed silent!

Every time they were together, there were no outsiders around. He was a little confused at first, but Becky explained it like this: "Leonard, you are a good person. I have too many suitors. There are many of them." They are all bad people, and I don’t want you to get hurt, so we will be friends secretly, don’t let anyone know, and we can make it public when we are adults and graduates, do you understand?”


At that time, Leonard could only nod with a silly smile. His IQ of 173 was completely useless in this situation.

"Oh, Leonard, you're so kind."

Becky gave Leonard a warm hug, and a proud smile flashed in her eyes: "Leonard, you are so good at studying, can you help me? I don't know many things..."


Leonard naturally didn't say anything, still nodding and giggling.

So, while Leonard was writing furiously, Becky sat aside, pouring White Russian cocktails into her mouth, and uttering words of gratitude.

With Leonard's IQ, these assignments could be completed in a short time, but every time he finished writing, Becky would leave immediately.

In order to spend more time with Beiji, he often deliberately delayed the time, so that every time Beiji would get drunk and vomit in the toilet. He held her head and let her vomit while saying: "Lai Nader, you are so kind, I wish all men were like you..."

This situation lasted throughout his high school career. When Leonard finally graduated from high school, just when Leonard was looking forward to the two of them being able to be together openly, what greeted him was that Becky "never knew him"...

Anyone who encounters this situation will be hit with doubts about life!

"Hey Nancy! Are you here as a statue?"

A tall boy drunkenly appeared and put his arm around Leonard's shoulders. The strong strength of the football team members made Leonard feel pain all over his body, and he finally recovered from the flashback.

"Jimmy, my name is not Nancy, my name is Leonard!"

Leonard tried his best to resist Jimmy's embrace, and couldn't help but refute for the nth time the female name Jimmy forced on him.

Jimmy took another sip of beer and laughed loudly: "Okay, Nancy, got it, Nancy."


Leonard received a 10,000-point critical blow from Becky tonight, and because of graduation, he finally couldn't help but explode once, tried hard to push Jimmy away, and yelled.

"What did you tell me?"

Jimmy was stunned for a moment, then stared at Leonard with a ferocious face: "Say it again!"


Leonard only got up once in his life. When he finished shouting and was stared at by the tall, strong and drunk Jimmy, the enthusiasm he had just disappeared instantly, and he timidly hid in Jimmy's shadow, looking at He looked at Jimmy and couldn't speak.


Leonard was trembling, taking out his asthma inhaler from his pocket and taking deep breaths.

"He said enough!"

At this time, a gentle but firm male voice sounded in their ears!

The two of them couldn't help but look around and saw an Asian young man getting out of a Ford car and nodding to Leonard with a smile on his face.

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