Gaitian's anger still can't be calmed down!

This is the second time and the most serious one.

Let him become a joke directly!

In the end, they can't even guard their own palace?

How ridiculous is this?

But the first beast has already escaped, and who let the first beast go?

This makes Gaitian frown, because who can crack those arrays?

After all, it's one of the top ten evil formations!

But it was easily cracked.

And the other direction, now is the ancestor worship ceremony of Chenjiagou!

This is a sacrificial custom held in Chenjiagou every thousand years!

They come from the ancient Guixu and share a common ancestor with the human race, so they are still grateful for their ancestors.

It can be said that this sacrifice is one of the most important ceremonies in Chenjiagou!

And they will sacrifice with living people!

This sacrifice was held by Chen Tu.

Hong Zhenxiang is closed. Chen Tu must carry the flag!

At the same time, in order to show his strength, Chen Jiagou invited many people to participate in the sacrifice.

In other words, many ancient forces participated in the whole southern period.

The emperor is here!

Chen TU was a little sad, because in the past it was their ancestor Chen Jiagou who presided over the sacrifice.

This kind of sacrifice will last for several days, the first day is to pray, the second day to kill livestock, the third day to sacrifice the living.

The place to offer sacrifices to the living is the tomb of Chenjiagou!

The tombs in Chenjiagou are different from those of ordinary people. Their tombs are as big as half a continent.

Like a vast ancient mountain, it stands behind the nirvana sea in Chenjiagou.

That is the place where Chenjiagou people can rest after they die!

This time, in order to show everything, Chen Tu even invited Gaitian.

However, Wang GUI was excluded and his mind was depressed.

And tonight is the night of slaughtering livestock, the whole night, Chenjiagou is full of flames.

It's a bonfire. The sacrificial rites wear masks and dance ancient dances around the bonfire, as well as ancient music and singing.

Tomorrow is the time for the living to sacrifice and worship the tomb.

It can be said that this tomb is really big enough. After all, it is half the size of a continent.

It is said that the lower part of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is empty. It is a huge void, about 100000 kilometers long. But now the tomb of Chenjiagou is about one million square kilometers in size.

After all, this place is one of the largest tombs and tombs in the world. All of them are the ancestors and people of Chenjiagou!

And just outside the tomb, in the deep mountain, the prince is carrying a huge egg.

At the moment across the sea of Nirvana, but the opposite Chenjiagou fire can still be seen.

"It was the day when I went to the countryside to jump in line." The prince said as he looked around.

"At that time, some livestock were often lost in the countryside. The old people nearby all said that there were goblins at work, and then you know?"

"I was with some of my comrades in arms!"

"What is a comrade in arms?" Asked the devil.

"I went to the battlefield and fought together!"

"Didn't you say you went to the countryside to jump in line?" The demon embryo doubts a way.

"Doesn't that prevent me from being a soldier?" The prince asked.

"You go on!" The evil embryo one face serious opening way.

"Then among us at that time, I was the most courageous, and there was a fat man who was also courageous. We all called him fat Wang!" The prince continued.

"In that place, it was tufuzi who stole the tomb before. It's said that a blood corpse came out at that time!"

"Then that time, we're going to go to that place to find out!"

"What's good about that thing?" The demon embryo doubts a way.

"Didn't you just stare away?" The devil was surprised.

"Can you stop me from telling the story?" The prince said impatiently.

"What if we meet a bloody corpse?"

"Bully body blood corpse, do you stare?" The prince was dissatisfied.

"Then we'd better not go in." The monster pretended to be afraid.

"Didn't you say there were good things in this grave?" The prince said.

"Well, you'd better think about it. We're digging people's ancestral graves!" The demon fetus deliberately fell into the trap.

"Hey, my prince of fairyland, lie flat in fairyland!"

"I'm here to develop a cemetery. What's the matter?"

"Uncle Hong opened clubs everywhere, but my father didn't say anything. What happened to my real estate development?"

"How did it become a grave digger?""At that time, it's a big deal to give them a little resettlement fee and let them move?" The prince said.

"Do you know who is the richest in fairyland?"

"No doubt, my father!" The prince has now come to a huge tunnel.

"I light a candle." The prince continued.

"What does that mean?" The devil fetus was surprised again.

"According to the book, if you go to rob a tomb, you must light a candle in the southeast corner. If the owner agrees to take things away, the candle will not go out. If the candle goes out, it means the owner is unwilling." The prince said solemnly.

"What nonsense is that?"

"It seems that Hu said it." The prince frowned.

"Would you like it for you?"

"Put it out quickly." The devil said.

The reason why the demon fetus instigated the stone village boy to come here is not to dig people's ancestral graves.

It is said that there is a spring at the bottom of the tomb, which is the spring of Nirvana sea!

It's also where the Dragon veins gather!

It's this thing that fetuses are after.

So she just instigated the boy to come here. No matter how big the trouble is, she can shirk it from the boy, the prince.

"What are you doing?" The demon embryo impatiently opens a way.

Because the young people in Shicun are always gossiping. One moment they tell stories, and the other they talk about looking for dragons to see the mountains. One is the mountains and the other is the sky.

Now he squatted down again and pinched a pinch of dust on the wall and observed it in his hands.

"There must be no sense of ceremony when robbing Tombs?" The prince was dissatisfied.

"Come on, the road is right there!"

"The people guarding the tomb have already been put down by us. Hurry up!" The demon embryo impatiently opens a way.

There is a heavy handle here, and it took a lot of effort for the demon foetus to bewilder the guards.

Time is pressing. We can't delay all the way. If those people wake up, they will be in trouble today.

One person and one egg go down the passage. This is actually a tomb passage. Every time someone dies in Chenjiagou, they will send people here. As soon as I went in, there were coffins all over the place, all of them were sarcophagus. It can even be said that this layer of coffins couldn't reach the end!

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