The sound came from the foot of the mountain!

"Who's talking nonsense?" God green sky suddenly burst to shout a way.

Many people frown and look down the mountain!


"Secular Hongbiao!"

Hong Biao's voice suddenly rang out.

This sentence makes Gaitian, chentu, shenqingtian's face suddenly change.

And at this moment, Gaitian, who has been sitting there, can't sit any more.

Because he has calculated everything.

But if Luo Wuji and others are not dead, then things will change.

Because he knows Luo Chen, this is an absolutely dangerous person!

Otherwise, the three of them will not join hands to kill Luochen in that place!

It is because of the concerns, fear of change will be killed in advance!

But at the moment, not dead?

This made Gaitian's face gloomy.

The four ancient surnames also stood up at this time, because they knew that this person, or this force, had a good relationship with Xianhuang.

Although they didn't make friends, they didn't completely make friends with each other.

At the moment, at least not their enemy!

Of course, they just hope that the water will get better and better. They are not on the side of Luochen.

And below the figure Chuo Chuo, in a commotion.

All of a sudden, a startling roar of the car sounded!

At the moment, a red super car is flying directly in the void, or there is a road in the void.

Open up the world directly!

Then the super car went straight to shenqingtian.

Shen Qingtian sneered and was about to squeeze away.

As a result, the top of the super run came down slowly, and two men in suits, wearing sunglasses, combing their big backs and holding cigars in their hands!

This posture directly makes the car drift and swing its tail across the field!

Then, at the foot of the mountain, I saw a group of people. The leader was Luochen!

And it's Wang Cheng and Hong Biao who sit on the field.

Hongbiao pushed the door open, Wangcheng also pushed the door open almost at the same time, and then the dark and shiny shoes fell to the ground, stepping on the bluestone board!

Wang Cheng straightened his tie with his head tilted, while Hong Biao straightened his big back with his hands on his head.

"We are not secular, you actually want to carve up the eastern universe?" Wang Cheng sneered.

Two people, black suits standing there, seem to be out of place with other people, especially two people with gold chains around their necks, with a million class watch!

But no one dares to look down upon them. Chen Tu and Gai Tian's faces are black.

No one else commented on the two.

On the contrary, a group of people at the foot of the mountain slowly stepped up the stairs.

At the moment when Luochen stepped on the steps, everyone's eyes were focused on Luochen.

Let's not say that Luochen opened the hand of the king of heaven in the previous war.

It's just that not long ago, the two men kowtowed at the gate of the golden God city.

No one can think that this person from the small planet of the celestial burial star can set off such a huge wave in the celestial world.

No one thought that at the moment, this force seems to have made people look down upon.

In a quiet scene, Luo Chen led the crowd up.

Ye shuangshuangshuang, Wei Ziqing, Lin Xiao, ye Chu, senior brother, Ziyuan

A crowd slowly stepped on the last step and appeared in the eyes of the public.

"Mr. law, this way, please!" Lu Xin stands up happily at the moment, curious about Hong Biao's super run, and happy that Luo Chen can come.

"That car is very interesting." Lu Xin greets him. Luo Chen walks to Lu Xin, and then sits down with Ziyuan. The rest of the people stand quietly behind Luo Chen.

"Let the people go." Hong Biao puffed out a cigarette ring.

This sentence makes Wang GUI suddenly tremble, so long, no one cares about him, as if he does not exist.

But the only one who cares about him is the secular people!

"Want someone?" God green sky sneers.

"Tang xuance is Lao Tzu's elder brother. He once told me to take care of him!" The city of King has gone to the sky.

"They don't seem qualified, do they?" Gai Tian's face was also very embarrassed at this time.

Didn't you die after being poisoned?

This makes Gaitian feel more and more uneasy.

"Brother Luo, it's really good to put your team in the past or in a big universe."

"But on this occasion today!"

"They have!" The woodcarving beside Lu Xin opens its mouth.

In a word, they have, and the faces of the major forces have changed.There's a lot of information in it.

One of the most important is that Dali Lingtian speaks for the secular world.

No matter whether other people like it or not, once Dayi opens his mouth, it means that he is really qualified.

And God Qingtian also released his feet.

Wang GUI has been abolished.

The blood essence of the heavenly king has been drawn.

At the moment, his state of mind and strength have fallen, so it's really worthless

even Wang GUI didn't expect that he would be saved. He thought he died like this.

Wang Cheng came forward, took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and handed them to Wang GUI.

Wang GUI looked at Wang Cheng, hesitated for a long time, and finally reached for the sunglasses.

The moment he put on his sunglasses, Wang GUI burst into tears.

But this is also the last time he is embarrassed and cowardly!

Because once Wang GUI died, or he realized, life!

He was helped to the secular side. When he came to Luochen, although Luochen sat there, he didn't look at him.

But he was in the middle of helping, suddenly clasping his fist, bending over and deeply bowing to Luo Chen!

Here comes the world!

Luo Chen looks at all the people around him and takes another look at Hong Biao.

"Hong Biao!"

"I understand!" Hong Biao stepped forward.

This scene is very similar!

Wang GUI was just called on by Chen Tu in this way.

But Wang GUI was beaten, humiliated and almost died.

But Hong Biao goes on stage, the god green sky actually did not start, also did not have the embarrassment.

All this is because Hong Biao is a secular person!

Now no one will underestimate the secular power.

"A lot of good seedlings."

"I admire this man!" The wood carving beside Lu Xin sends a sound, which rings in Lu Xin's mind.

"I thought they were young people with more spirit, just like Chen Tu and Gaitian."

"But you see he's sitting there with the old God, more like us old guys." Again, the woodcarving commented.

In fact, after Luo Chen sat down, many people's eyes looked there, intentionally or unintentionally.

Hong Biao took his cigar, looked around, and finally looked at Chen Tu, Gaitian and shenqingtian.

"Everyone's here. I'll be the one to do it today." Hong Biao directly turned his back on Hakkas and was full of aggression.

"It's better to hand over the southern and Western daemons in your hands." "What do you think?"

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