The time passed in a hurry and entered ^ into February. The weather immediately changed. Although the wind blows to people’s faces, they can still feel dry and cold, but there are more gradually sunny days. Many impatient citizens have already taken off their heavy winter clothes. The ground changed into spring clothes.

As soon as it entered ^ into February, the breath of Spring Festival became gradually strong, and many businesses walking on the street put up discount signs, jumping off the property prices at low prices, enticing ^ Passers-by are almost everything from clothing to cosmetics to large and small dual-use electrical appliances. Whenever New Year’s Eve, it is also the annual chop hand festival, so you don’t need money to purchase New Year’s goods and add something to your home.

Jung Hyuk-jae is even more refreshing. I haven’t seen the shadow of the money yet. I have already spent 2 billion on Yoyo, and spent almost 50 million on a scooter. The money left on hand is less than 1.5 billion, which is the real money spent.

February 8th, Tuesday, New Year’s Eve.

Early in the morning, Jung Hyuk-jae get up prepared breakfast and woke up the younger sister who is still dependent on ******, this winter is almost over, she hasn’t followed Like a small animal coming out of hibernation, it can’t get up every morning.

“Oppa, good morning!”

While yawning, Jung Min-joo rubbed his sleepy eyes and came to the kitchen, “Brother, did you wake up so early this morning?” “

“Is this early?” Jung Hyuk-jae smiled as he listened to the younger sister’s words. “What time is it now that you go to check the watch? You get up late. I also said that I got up early in the morning!”

The supporting kitchen in the rented house is not big. When one person comes in, Jung Hyuk-jae has trouble turning around, reaching for the head of her patted younger sister. , Jung Hyuk-jae said to her: “Go and wash your face, you can see that your face is pressed down after you sleep!”

Jung Hyuk-jae freed her hand to sleep her. The tousled hair was sorted out a little, and it was considered that the lady’s appearance was restored a little, “Go and wash your face!”

Jung Min-joo’hehe’ grabbed the ends of the hair and laughed a few times, then turned and ran towards The bathroom.

“This child.” Seeing the younger sister’s happy appearance, Jung Hyuk-jae shook the head, I can’t help but worry about coming later.

After more than ten minutes, Jung Hyuk-jae put his breakfast on the table, “Min-joo, are you okay? Have you eaten.”

“Oh, here comes Now.”

Otherwise, it is said that women have trouble putting on makeup. They are not yet the age to make up. If it is really at that time, it is estimated that the time for makeup alone will have to wait for a while. hour.

The two sat at the dinner table. Before starting, Jung Hyuk-jae said, “Today is thirty. Let’s go back to our hometown after dinner.”

Heard here , Jung Min-joo’s original smiling face changed slightly invisibly, and then he forced a smile, raised his head to nodded at Jung Hyuk-jae, “en!”

Looking at the appearance of the younger sister, Jung Hyuk-jae couldn’t help feeling that his heart was twitching, and he held back the tears before it fell. He greeted and said, “Hurry up…hurry up and eat!”

At the dinner table, the two of them did not speak, and ate their breakfast. The fragrant food was eaten in their mouths but there was no smell.

Yes, time flies so fast, today is thirty, and it will be Spring Festival soon.

After dinner, Jung Hyuk-jae tidied up the dining table, while younger sister Min-joo locked the doors and windows of the house, and took the New Year gifts prepared earlier, and was ready to go back home.

Just before leaving the house, the phone on the sofa rang suddenly, Jung Hyuk-jae turned his head and took a look, took the contents of the younger sister, and said, “Min-joo, go pick it up. See who is calling?”


Jung Hyuk-jae is standing at the door with large and small bags in his hand, waiting for the younger sister to pick him up. Finish the call.

In a few minutes, Jung Min-joo answered the phone and ran back to Jung Hyuk-jae’s side. Seeing the younger sister running, Jung Hyuk-jae was taken aback. What happened? Yet?

“Min-joo, whose call is it?”

“Yoon-a’s.” Jung Min-joo took the small bag from the big brother and replied it.

“Yoon-a, is there anything wrong with her calling you today?” Jung Hyuk-jae asked puzzledly.

“Ask if we can pick up someone back today and hear her say it is -eonni in the company.”

“Really?” Jung Hyuk-jae was a little confused, “Follow Are we fellow villagers?”

“It seems to be Jeonju’s.”

Jung Hyuk-jae smiled, “Isn’t that just right, right and left For the two of us, it’s the same if we go back and bring one more person.”

Near the Spring Festival, those wanderers who are in other places from their hometown can buy train tickets for returning home almost 1 month before the Spring Festival. ^ Entering into the “war” stage of rushing to buy tickets, so telephone bookings and on-site ticket purchases are very popular. A little later, it will be a tragedy. Seeing others boarding the train home, myself You have to wait again.

Train tickets are not easy to buy, and highways are actually not easy to use. During Spring Festival holidays, which highway is not jammed like the tortoise, it usually takes two hours to arrive. On this day of Spring Festival, due to traffic jams, it takes about twice as long as usual.

Although traffic jams on the highway are more serious, Jung Hyuk-jae had to choose the self-driving method because he could not get the train tickets.

The newly proposed car Jung Hyuk-jae was not stored downstairs, mainly because there was no parking space downstairs. On the street not far from the gate of the community, a brand-new car was just Parked on the side of the road. Although the Haeri Community for renting houses has a long history, the public security atmosphere is really good. There are dense cameras on the street and on both sides of the road. Jung Hyuk-jae is not afraid of the car being stolen.

Open the trunk and put the gifts and sacrifices of the large and small bags in the trunk. Jung Hyuk-jae sits in the driver’s seat and the younger sister sits beside herself,” Yoon-a said Shall we go where to pick her up?”

“Said to be in front of SM company…”

…………… ………………………………

“Yoon-a, this time I still trouble you!”

“It’s nothing, this time is just a coincidence. A few days ago, I accidentally heard from my classmates that I wanted to go back to my hometown, and I’m also from Jeolla-do, didn’t expect- Eonni and my classmates are also fellow villagers.”

“Really? Is your classmate’s hometown also Jeonju?”

“Well, she told me last time that I I’ll remember it too.”

In front of the SM company building, two young girls were talking with each other, waiting for the car to come.

Driving far away in the car, Jung Hyuk-jae saw the eye-catching logo of SM company at a glance. The headquarters of SM company’s entertainment aircraft carrier is in this area of ​​the building stand in great numbers. It looks a little shabby.

“Look at the Yoon-a on the side of the road?”

Before driving there, Jung Hyuk-jae saw two girls waiting on the side of the road , One figure seemed to know that it was Yoon-a, and the other looked a little familiar, because the two were talking face to face, so they were so far away, Jung Hyuk-jae did not see her face.


Jung Min-joo had already rolled down the glass of the car before the car stopped, and shouted excitedly at one of the girls on the side of the road: “Yoon-a, look here!”

Im Yoon-a turned around when he heard someone calling his name, and when he saw the visitor, Im Yoon-a, he was extremely excited, “Sister Min-joo, I’m here!”

Although they haven’t seen each other for a few days, the two of them are like friends who haven’t seen each other for many years. They met and hugged each other tightly.

“Yoon-a, I miss you so much!”

“Sister Min-joo, me too!”

Two people are tired and crooked on the sidelines, Only the girl beside ^ stood by her side in a little embarrassment, facing the two strangers a little bit not knowing what to do.

I parked the car, and Jung Hyuk-jae got out of the car. Only then did I see the girl’s appearance clearly. I was a little surprised, but he quickly suppressed the astonished expression in my heart. Calm was restored.

After the two people hugged each other crookedly, Im Yoon-a remembered what was going on, “Sister Min-joo, let me introduce to you this is the one I met at the company -eonni -Kim Tae- yeon, Tae-yeon -eonni.”

“Tae-yeon -eonni, this is my classmate and friend at school, Min-joo -eonni!”

“Hello !” After hearing the introduction of Im Yoon-a, Kim Tae-yeon slightly smiled to Jung Min-joo, “Hello, my name is Kim Tae-yeon!”

Jung Min-joo is also in return,” This is Jung Min-joo.”

After the two people greeted each other, Im Yoon-a also ran to Jung Hyuk-jae’s side, “The Ajhussi next to me is the big brother of Min-joo-eonni Now!”

After a period of time, even in the face of Jung Hyuk-jae, Im Yoon-a has become familiar with him, and can make a few jokes from time to time, fully exposed Because of her’Brat’ talent, Jung Hyuk-jae can’t say so. Who made him the big brother of Min-joo-eonni, and she is a classmate of her younger sister?

“Uh…Hello, I’m Kim Tae-yeon!”

Maybe it’s the first time I met, facing Jung Hyuk-jae, Kim Tae- Yeon had an unspeakable sense of tension when he touched the geography, and he didn’t dare to look directly into his eyes. After a simple question, he stood aside, not speaking.

“I’m the big brother of Min-joo, Jung Hyuk-jae.” After introducing himself, Jung Hyuk-jae reflexively stretched out his right hand. Only then did I remember that I was rather shy in front of me. Little girl, put your hands down quickly.

“I heard Yoon-a say that you are also from Jeolla-do?” Jung Hyuk-jae asked.

When he heard Jung Hyuk-jae’s words, Kim Tae-yeon raised his head, the short hair of the shawl was smoothly attached to his shoulders, and a pair of bright and intelligent big eyes stared at Jung Hyuk-jae, “Well, My home belongs to Jeonju.”

“Then we are still fellow villagers.”

Hearing this, Kim Tae-yeon is slightly laughed, and fellow villagers see fellow villagers, and there is always a sense of intimacy. Besides, Jung Hyuk-jae is still spoken in the Jeolla-do dialect. Hearing the accent of his hometown, Kim Tae-yeon, who is accustomed to the Seoul dialect, feels unusually cordial and feels closer to his hometown.

“Yoon-a, see you in the next year!”

Farewell to Im Yoon-a, Jung Hyuk-jae opened the trunk and helped Kim Tae-yeon with his luggage Put it in the trunk.

“Are you sitting in front or behind?” Jung Hyuk-jae asked.

“I’ll sit back!” Kim Tae-yeon lowered his head and replied quietly.

(PS: Thank you for the reward of’Bad Kill_Your Beauty’ Funny Little B’Novice Cat’ Yan Feng No.29′ Gray 11Book Insect’. In fact, I also want to thank’Hongmeng “Xiaodao” voted to urge more votes, but how do you vote for 12 thousand to let me eat? Cry 5555555555

A new week for recommendations and collections! Everyone will work hard for tofu!

Group number: 473050213, welcome to hook up and play!)

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