The cool beginning, and the passionate background music indicates that this is a TV series different from the past. Just a title has caught the eyes of many viewers and forced them Have to keep watching.

The effect of combining static pictures and a small part of the video is amazing. Although Jung Hyuk-jae’s suggestion has been slandered by many people in Production Crew, it seems that the audience now Their response was pretty good, but it was a surprise.

From Moon Jung-hyuk to Han Ga-in, the protagonists who appeared in the play appeared on the big screen one after another, but the cheers of Moon Jung-hyuk and Han Ga-in were the highest. The former is due to the combination of’Shinhwa’, and the latter is due to the wonderful performance of Han Ga-in in “Yellow Handkerchief”.

Just looking at the combination of these two people makes many viewers look forward to the next plot.

After a few seconds of black screen flashed on TV Hill, the screen turned to a company interview scene. Head Examiner flipped through the resumes at hand, one by one, and suddenly one after another. The resume stopped. In the photo, Kang Ho ding, played by Moon Jung-hyuk, had a yellow non-mainstream hairstyle, and the audience in front of the TV was cheered as soon as he appeared.

“Look, it’s EricOppa!”

“EricOppa, very handsome!”

Well, although the costumers and makeup artists of Production crew have already followed Jung Hyuk-jae asked to change Moon Jung-hyuk’s hairstyle and clothes, but Kang Ho in a suit in the photo really has several points of serious handsomeness, which is different from the image in the play.

During the rapid advancement of the plot in the TV series, an extraordinary interview attracted more laughter from the audience in front of the TV.

“Who came up with this interview question? If I asked Head Examiner during the interview, I can answer it too? If it is really the case, I entered Samsung is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain, with no difficulty !”

“Upstairs, will you die if you don’t boasting? Anyway, if I didn’t read the books for these questions, so did I I can’t answer. Moon Jung-hyuk Oppa’s performance is awesome. I should slap the interviewing woman in the face. I don’t want to pretend to be a meeting.”

“Really, these I know the answer to the question. You must know that the course I took at university is Chinese. Although I don’t remember a few words in Chinese now, I remember those characters and books clearly, like Jin Yong’s question. “

Many netizens and viewers watched the development of the TV drama on TV, while at the same time they participated in the discussion of the TV drama with the netizens and friends on the Internet in front of the computer. It was so lively.

Soon, Kang Ho, who answered these questions smoothly, received bursts of applause and congratulations from the many interviewers and interview examiners present, “Congratulations!”

Picture Inside, Kang Ho chuckled and caught the attention of fans, “Moon Jung-hyuk Oppavery is handsome, that smile is really evil!”

“Moon Jung-hyuk Oppa in suit and leather shoes, didn’t ‘t expect to be so handsome! Uniform seduction, I can’t stand it anymore.”

In the forum, the words of a few fans became more and more explicit. Fortunately, the administrator saw that something was wrong. After a few people, these malignant social trends were suppressed.

Fans are paying attention to Moon Jung-hyuk’s face. The audience watched carefully. Seeing Kang Ho, played by Moon Jung-hyuk, got the job, their hearts grew more and more. Big,’Is this the end of the interview? ‘

‘It’s not that simple, is it? ‘

Fortunately, the camera in the picture turned, Moon Jung-hyuk appeared again in the picture, slumped and scratched his head, dozing up and down, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth. Half a minute, I was just confident. This huge contrast caused the audience in front of the TV to laugh constantly, “It turns out to be dreaming!”

“I said that the interviews of big companies will not It’s that simple, didn’t expect really dreaming!”

“But dreams are usually linked to display. There are either comics or wuxia novels in your head, or gambling cards and the like, Moon Jung-hyuk What kind of role does Oppa play?”

Before the audience could guess, he accidentally fell from the sofa while sleeping soundly, which caused all the competitors to look towards him. Kang Ho turned his head again, and they hurriedly looked away.

Kang Ho pretended that nothing happened but made the audience laugh and laughed miserably. Didn’t expect that Moon Jung-hyuk, who has always been showing a cold image in the’Shinhwa’ group, would appear in such a funny character.

Fresh and interesting background coupled with inadvertent funny sections, the first few minutes of the TV series have already captured the audience’s attention, and everyone is looking forward to what the next plot will be. Kind of performance.

A few minutes later, the bursts of laughter from thousands of families proved the charm of this TV show.

After knowing that he had pronounced the company name incorrectly, Kang Ho repeated this classic slogan again, only to replace Daehan Corporation with Shinsung Corporation.

“When I was in elementary school, when I saw the logo of Xinxing Company, I yearned inexplicably, so I determined to show my talents here, and I also deliberately train myself to meet the company’s requirements. Organize a disciplined person.

As long as I was selected, I would definitely burn for the company and dedicate everything I have.”

Some circumflex, impassioned words, still failed to help him I won the favor of the interviewer of Xinxing Company, and I didn’t unexpectedly lose the election.

“Haha, I’m going for an interview tomorrow. I don’t know what will happen if I choose Moon Jung-hyuk Oppathis remark for the interview?”

“Then I hope you will pass the exam Good grades, but don’t mispronounce the company’s name like Moon Jung-hyuk Oppa. Eric Oppa can do something funny like that!” After that, a netizen also added a “cover” The expressions of’face’ and’can’t bear to look straight’ attracted enthusiastic responses and discussions.

“I just finished reading this passage of Moon Jung-hyuk Oppa recitation. My embarrassment is about to reappear. I really don’t know how Oppa persisted when shooting on set. I guess this There is no lack of NG for a while, right?”

“Yes, I can’t wait to watch the highlights of this episode. When I think of NG, Oppa wanted to laugh but couldn’t hold back. Face, I’m about to turn over with a smile!”

“I guess it’s more interesting when shooting on set. I really want to go to the shooting site of “Super Rookie” and have a close encounter with Oppa. I’ve been worth it for the rest of my life!”

The plot continues, and the number of viewers continues to rise. The discussion on “Super Rookie” on the Internet has intensified, and the TV drama battlefield in March has broken into Here comes a raptor.

……………………………………….. …

“Super Rookie’s premiere ratings exceeded 20%, making it the second best TV series premiered this year”

“Workplace comedy Liwei, Moon Jung-hyuk’s first time As the male number one, the results are gratifying!”

“Jung Hyuk-jae talks about the story behind “Super Rookie”: This is a very interesting TV series”

‘Be the audience When his gaze has not come back to his senses from the TV series that ended in early March, when the audience ridicule MBCTV Station “Sad Love Story” did not look good, a “Super Rookie” helped MBCTV Station to rectify the name- -MBC is still the “King of TV Series” before, which has never changed.

When the author first learned about the name’Jung Hyuk-jae’, it was because of a book-“Love Story in Harvard”, which told a fresh campus story, although the final ending BadEnding, But it is undeniable that this is a great novel, and it is also the most successful one in the adaptation of novels in recent years. At that time, his pen name was’Jeon-woo’.

I heard that the name was once again at the launch of SBSTV Station “I’m Sorry, I Love You”, and “I’m Sorry, I Love You” directed by the alone Screenwriter started from the launch. At the beginning, it attracted a lot of media attention, and they thought that SBSTV Station was crazy, and let a youngster in his early twenties take charge of the production crew of dozens of people.

But the final result still slapped everyone in the face. “Sorry, I Love You” was a success, and it was a tearful feast at the end of 2004. Many people remembered the Krystal. The general’Eun-chae’ and the Stonehead Ajhussi’Moo-hyuk’.

At the SBSTV Station awards ceremony at the end of the year, this time SBSTV Station was crazy, completely crazy. Production crew, “Sorry, I Love You”, which had the most hope of winning the big award, only won a few small awards.

At that time, some people predicted that Jung Hyuk-jae would leave, but not many people cared. After all, there is a good saying, “the soldiers fighting with the iron and running water”, but this time, SBSTV Station did I have been a young director with great potential.

In 2005, the latest workplace comedy “Super Rookie” directed by Jung Hyuk-jae once again cameback to the main battlefield of the TV series. The 20% premiere ratings are also enough to prove the potential of this TV series.

Don’t know SBS regrets it at this time? ‘

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Jung Hyuk-jae put the newspaper in the corner of the table, sighed in relief.

Early in the morning today, a TV Station staff smiled and called congratulations. The 20% ratings for the first broadcast can be regarded as a new record for MBCTV Station’s first broadcast ratings this year.

Although it is not as good as the 30% ratings of the first broadcast of SBSTV Station “Spring Day”, you should know that “Spring Day” is adapted from the Japanese drama “Star Gold Coin”, plus the strong publicity of SBSTV Station He and the heroine actor Go Hyun-jung returned to starring in a TV series for the first time after a lapse of ten years, and the 30% ratings are understandable.

However, the 20% ratings of the first broadcast of “Super Rookie” are real results, not at all false, and this is only the first episode. Based on the current situation, the ratings have exceeded 30%. Not a problem.

Just as I was thinking, the phone on the table suddenly rang. Jung Hyuk-jae glanced at the caller ID, which was the phone of MBCTV Station, picked it up and answered it.

“Hey, I’m Jung Hyuk-jae.”

“Jung PD? Chief Kim asked you to come to TV Station earlier this morning. The advertising cooperation here needs Have a look.”

“Oh, I got it!”

Hung up the phone, Jung Hyuk-jae couldn’t help but laughed. Sure enough, he saw that “Super Rookie” premiered so well. Many advertisers can’t sit still because of the achievements of this year. You must know that there are more than ten episodes behind. When thinking that this is a lot of money, Jung Hyuk-jae smiled very happily early in the morning.

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