I didn't mention it all night. The next morning, when Wen Jiu got up to wash and went out, he found that the other three had already sat on the first floor of the Inn and started to eat breakfast.

Seeing him coming, Shan Qin put down his steamed bread and said to him, "younger martial brother, are you awake? Come and have something to eat and get on the road early. "

Wen Jiudian nods, sits down and eats together. In the book, there is basically no too much description of Shan Qin and Qin Sanchuan's journey to Wudu mountain. To put it bluntly, it seems that they had a good time all the way - after all, the journey accompanied by a beautiful woman doesn't feel too tired even if they are on the way, does it?

Just now

Wen Jiu looked at Fang Tianxia sitting next to him. The girl's big eyes are red and swollen now, which makes people know that they have been crying for a long time.

He suddenly felt a sense of unspeakability in his heart.

In this world, except for him and Liu Li, who knew that he was passing through, no one else would have the legendary perspective of God. So for Liluo's uncertain life and death, Shan Qin and Fang Tianxia have to be anxious all the time. They can't be as sure as he is that Shifu is absolutely OK.

Wen Jiu chews steamed bread. He doesn't know whether his life is good or bad as he does now. Maybe Liu Li, who knows that this is the novel and doesn't let the spoiler die, is more interesting than him?

Thinking about this, he felt a little affected.

He raised his hand and patted Fang Tianxia on the shoulder. Wen Jiu said, "don't worry about the world. Shifu is always good and has his own blessing. It will be OK."

Fang Tianxia nodded and said nothing.

Just look at that, smell nine also know that their comfort seems not to have much effect.

Because all the houses were destroyed, they said they would take some luggage, but in fact there were not many. In addition, there was only one heaven and earth bag for each person, so there was nothing to carry.

After breakfast, several people set foot on the road to Wudu mountain.

Wen Jiu had to sigh again that Xiuzhen is very useful sometimes. For example, when we are on the road, if we are ordinary people, we need to sell a means of transportation instead of walking. They just need to walk normally when there are ordinary people. When there are no ordinary people, we just need to use land contraction. It's not more convenient.

When it comes to Wudu mountain, I don't know whether it's because the author really doesn't bother to name it or because he prefers such a simple and clear way of naming it. In short, all the place names appearing in this novel are just like their names.

For example, wandiegu, where they lived before, and wudushan, which they are now rushing to.

The so-called five poison mountain is just because there are too many poisonous animals such as snakes, scorpions and toads on the mountain.

Wen Jiuyi doesn't understand why, in novels, movies and TV series, villains like to build gangs in places where people can't live. It's like they're afraid that others don't know they're not positive characters.

Of course, it's just that they are happy. After all, as the elite monsters in this game, they will be brushed by the protagonists one day, so it's really a good thing to live happily before they are brushed.

On the sixth night, they finally arrived at a small town near Wudu mountain.

Where is Wudu mountain located? Wen Jiu, as a road maniac with a poor sense of direction, followed him for so many days, but he didn't know the southeast, northwest, and so on. However, it seems that it should be located in the western regions that often appear in the book.

The houses in this small town they went to couldn't find the celadon white tiles of Jiangnan Water Town. A row of irregular loess bungalows were scattered on the Gobi desert. There is no such beautiful scenery as Cuiliu Buddha dike. To be exact, it should be the only green plants here. It is estimated that only the withered Achnatherum splendens are scattered around the house. A gust of wind blowing, the yellow sand all over the sky, let Wen Jiuyi instantly think of the PM2.5 that was said everywhere before crossing.

"After so many days' journey, I'd better have a good rest today. No one can say exactly what the result will be after going up the mountain tomorrow." Standing at the gate of the town, Shan Qin stroked a big stone carved with the word "five poisons" on the side of the wooden door outside the town. He looked up at the town in front of him and frowned slightly.

"Let's go," he said. "It's good to have more rest."

I don't know whether it's because it's too remote or because the environment is too bad. In short, there is basically no passenger flow, so the environment of the inn where several people stay is not generally bad.

Wen Jiu swears that he has eaten more than one mouthful of sand in his dinner.

But even if the quality of the food is poor, it's not the point. Put yourself in a good mood. It's the most important thing for us to brush little geeks tomorrow.

After dinner, Wen Jiu went back to the hut where he lived and lay on the bed. He couldn't sleep. Finally, his urine came out, so he had to get up to solve his physiological problems.

There is no chamber pot in the bedroom. If you want to go to the toilet at night, you have to go to the hut. Because there was no pumping system in ancient times, in order not to let the taste of the cottage interfere with the daily life of the guests, we can imagine how far away the cottage was.

It's very cold in the night in Mobei. The chill of the wind makes Wen Jiu sleepless. He planned to go back to his room to lie down after solving his physiological problems. Unexpectedly, when he came out of the hut, Wen Jiu suddenly found that there was a man sitting at a small round stone table in the middle of the backyard, and if there was no problem with his eyes, That person should be elder martial brother.

"Elder martial brother?" Wen Jiu thought about it. Although he still felt cold, he still wanted to have a chat with his elder martial brother for a while. So he rubbed his arms with his hands. It was no different. But he gave himself the illusion that he was a little warmer. Then he went to Shan Qin's side and asked, "why don't you sleep, elder martial brother?"

Shan Qin looked up at him, then shook his head slightly. He said, "some things don't make sense. I'm sleepless."

"What's the matter? Say it and I'll help you think about it. " Wen Jiudao, although he himself thinks that his elder martial brother is ten, he won't tell him what happened. He said, "even if I can't think of it, you can feel a little more comfortable talking to people, right?"

Shan Qin looked at him, but he turned his mouth slightly. He shook his head with a smile and said, "I don't know what I want to understand. I always feel that there is something I don't know about me."

After he finished, he seemed a little embarrassed. He raised his hand to touch his nose and added: "elder martial brother is stupid and can't say clearly. Don't take it to heart, younger martial brother. Just listen to it. "

Smell nine and nod.

He no longer knew what to say.

Elder martial brother, when did you realize that you are the protagonist? This NIMA is unscientific! If you don't have a God's perspective, just wet chest that words with others, that's right, it's not run.

However, there is no if, so now in Wen Jiu's heart, Shan Qin's deification as the protagonist has improved a little.

Shan Qin doesn't speak. Wen Jiu doesn't know how to open his mouth. He doesn't want to let his wet chest sit here and go back to sleep. After thinking about it, he sits on the small round stone stool next to Shan Qin and looks up at the sky. He is in a daze with Shan Qin.

Shan Qin twisted his hair. Now he heard that Jiu was wearing an inner garment and sat down beside him shivering. He frowned and said, "I have to go to see my master tomorrow. Younger martial brother, I'd better have a rest early."

"Don't you sleep, elder martial brother?" Wen Jiuwen asked.

"I'll be back to bed in a minute." Shan Qin Dao, the words behind that urge him to sleep haven't been exported, was heard nine preemptive to take the cavity.

He said: "elder martial brother, if you don't sleep, I'll sit with you for a while. Anyway, I'm not sleepy. It's just that the moon is beautiful today. I don't think you need to mind me for a while."

Hearing what he said, Shan Qin took back what he said. Looking up at the moon in the sky, which was called a good moon by Wen Jiu, Shan Qin did not notice it.

It seems that the second younger martial brother's aesthetic is not out of order.

I don't know whether it's because Mobei's innocence is higher than Jiangnan's, or because of something. Looking up at the past at this time, people only feel empty. There is a bright full moon hanging in the blue black sky. When you look at it carefully, there are a few stars beside the moon. The density is just right, and the light and shade are just right. It's no wonder that Wen Jiu says it looks good.

Wen Jiu is still in a daze under the banner of enjoying the moon. By the way, he tries to mobilize brain cells to think about what elder martial brother is thinking. Suddenly, he feels warm on his shoulder, and then comes Shan Qin's voice. He said: "younger martial brother, if you are willing to enjoy the moon, you may as well have a look. But you have to add some clothes. Otherwise, if you are ill tomorrow, how can you pick up master? "

Smell nine one Leng, immediately look down at oneself. Is the legend that "you cold wear my" will kill stem finally appeared in their own body!? If you think about it, the clothes on your shoulders seem to have the temperature of your elder martial brother

Well, who can tell him why the clothes on his shoulder are his own?

Shan Qinneng.

It was as if he could see the profound meaning in the expression of smelling nine cracks. Shan Qin said, "younger martial brother, I'm so fascinated by the moon. I went to your room to help you take out your clothes. You didn't find it."

Wen Jiu

Reality severely pasted fantasy a slap in the face, he temporarily a little sad.

He raised his hand and rubbed his face, trying to stand up bravely from the sadness. Then he asked Shan Qin, "are you worried about going to the mountain tomorrow?"

Shan Qin shook his head calmly and said, "it will be OK. Don't worry, younger martial brother."

Wen Jiu blinked and asked, "how do you say that?"

But Shan Qin shook his head and didn't want to say any more.

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