Rebirth of the Military Industrial Overlord

Chapter 1323: More and more evil

Everyone looked at the weird expression on Wang Xugong's face, and they wanted to ask, but the occasion was a bit special and it was inconvenient to speak directly, so they had to turn their attention to Commander-in-Chief Liu who was sitting in the head.

After reading this telegram, Wang Xugong, of course, wanted to give Commander Liu the purpose—it was convenient for that guy to let his 8 fighters go to Lingshui Airport to test the adaptability of the seaside environment, although it was public and private. Have a clear conscience, but, this matter always means "opening the back door" in the process. Today, he said it in public and it is an indirect expression of his innocence, but Tan Xiaozi, your request today is...

This pot is so big, if you count it, Commander-in-Chief Liu can only be able to carry it in the whole room!

Commander-in-chief Liu quickly finished reading the telegram, and his mind was dizzy. From the time he joined the army at the age of 15 in 1931 to the present, he has been a soldier for 57 years. What hasn't been seen before?

But this is the situation today, I really see you for the first time!

Is that kid named Tan Zhenhua really interested, or is he fooling around with his money?

No, this matter is a bit involved, so you have to think about it.

Taking advantage of his time of contemplation, someone who is familiar with Wang Gongxu came over and asked in a low voice, "Pharaoh, what is the situation so urgent? Why don't I think Commander Liu looks anxious?"

Wang Xugong replied in a low voice: "This matter is urgent and urgent, but it's not anxious for a while. You have to let the commander think about it."

"What the **** is it? It's mysterious."

"Uh, the mystery is really hard to talk about, it's just a little bit evil-he sent the telegram for the Tan boy we discussed just now."

"Ah? A telegram from Tan Zhenhua? What did he say?"

"He said that he would like to ask our navy for approval to allow his eight planes to perform the open sea belt ammunition test."

"Oh...Aha? What was the test subject you just mentioned?"

"Distant sea belt bomb!"

"...Fuck, the far sea he said would not be..."

"He applied for that place."


Actually, sometimes men are very gossip. Soon after this "fuck" was yelled in an extremely loud voice, the content of this telegram was also circulated with the acquiescence of Liu Commander. In this regard, inside the house The sitting quasi-major generals and lieutenant generals unanimously chose to use the same vocabulary to express their feelings after hearing the news-shit!

However, the show seems to have just begun.

The commotion caused by this telegram hasn't calmed down, and the report outside the door rang again!

Still eager, still still a telegram to Wang Xugong.

"Wonderful kid Tan, you are relying on me, right?"

Wang Xugong took the telegram in a very angry and funny way and opened it. This time, the expression on his face was even more exciting.

Commander Liu simply didn't answer, and waved his hand directly: "It's the Tan boy? Don't toss, just read it."


Wang Xugong acted as a temporary correspondent, holding the telegram and said: "Deputy Commander Wang, please do me a favor. I have two ships, one is called "Zheng Chenggong" bulk carrier, and the other is called "Zheng He". Shipment and transit in the South China Sea, due to mechanical failure, need to be temporarily anchored at Yongshou Reef to wait for repairs. We hope to coordinate and approve."

Commander Liu, who didn’t know the situation for a while, frowned and asked, “That kid has two freighters to be anchored for maintenance? What are you doing? Didn’t he know that there is a war there?” But he immediately reacted and asked again: "Uh, is there something weird about these two ships?"

Wang Xugong replied: “Commander Liu, I don’t know what the Zheng He is, but I know the Zheng Chenggong. It is a bulk carrier designed by Hanyang Ship Design Institute and manufactured by Dalian Shipyard. But this freighter is a little different from normal freighters."

"What is different?"

"The upper deck of this ship is made of high-temperature-resistant, high-yield-strength steel, because when Tan Zhenhua built this ship, he declared that it was to transport the 12 Sea Harrier fighters he bought in Britain. use."

There was a brief silence in the room. After a while, there was a loud noise. Everyone rushed to question Wang Xugong, which made Deputy Commander Wang a little dizzy.

Commander-in-chief Liu heard something coming, he waved his hand again to calm the room, and said in a deep voice, "Pharaoh, what else do you know, let's say it together."

Wang Xugong smiled bitterly: "Commander Liu, everyone, I can know that this is actually a coincidence. Last year, I went to Xifei on a business trip. Leopard "Some of the production issues and production capacity allocation issues hit Lin Hu of the Air Force, and then we forced Tan Zhenhua, who happened to also come to Xifei to see the aircraft, to agree to a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Take him to agree to let our pilots fly the "Sea Harrier" fighter."

Everyone now had some unusual smells.

"What happened later?"

"After Tan Zhenhua agreed, Lin Hu and I discussed it and decided to send 10 pilots from each of the two families to the Pakistan Railway for a test flight of the "Sea Harrier"? This way, people can stop and try to fly more. Learn more about the performance parameters and flying skills of this type of aircraft. These aircraft were all in Karachi at the time, and of course the customized ship "Zheng Chenggong" was also parked there."

"What about later?"

"Since the "Zheng Chenggong" is also here, and this ship has been specially designed to allow the "Sea Harrier" fighter jets to take off and land on it, of course our pilots also flew on the spacecraft. , Is the training subject of vertical takeoff and landing at sea? How can such a good opportunity be wasted?"

Therefore, why does the "Zheng Chenggong", which has been anchored in Karachi Port for a long time, appear in the South China Sea now?

It appeared. Are the 12 "Sea Harrier" fighters that have been parked on it all the year round? Are the 20 pilots sent by the Air and Sea Forces to test flights?

Does the "Zheng Chenggong" carry fuel, weapons and ammunition for these "Sea Harrier" fighters?

"If the aircraft on the "Zheng Chenggong" is there, then there must be all the ammunition." Wang Xugong said in an extremely affirmative tone: "Our pilot specifically reported to me that when Tan Zhenhua bought the aircraft, it was equipped with air-to-air. For weapons, the close-range fighting ammunition is the familiar Isaac "Strange Snake 3", and the medium-range ammunition is the British "Sky Flash". Moreover, these ammunition have always been placed on the "Zheng Chenggong" and have never been unloaded. Come down."

After thinking about it, he added: "Moreover, all the pilots we sent for the test flight have fired live ammunition. This is what they told me specially. They also said that Tan Zhenhua is very generous in this regard, with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars per shot. Everyone fired a few missiles for them, and it didn't mean to hurt at all."

After listening to Wang Xugong's narration, everyone in the house couldn't help but look at each other-this matter is getting more and more evil!

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