Rebirth of the Military Industrial Overlord

Chapter 1329: South China Sea (5)

Chen Weiwen in this time and space will never know that in another time and space, at this moment, he has received the order to evacuate the fleet from the Nansha area. The warships on duty in this mission include the "Xiangtan Ship" and the "Yingtan Ship" and under him. The "Nanchong Ship" has already embarked on the way home.

In that time and space, the victory of the "3.14" naval battle allowed the China Navy to finally occupy a stable forward position in the Nansha Islands and establish a control area called "7 reefs and 8 points" centered on Yongshou Reef. After years of operation, it has gradually obtained the actual control rights of more than 20 islands, reefs and shoals in Nansha.

But it was also in that time and space. After the "3.14" naval battle, despite the changing international situation and the diplomatic efforts of all parties, China and Annan never had a large-scale armed conflict in the South China Sea, but the Annan invaded and occupied Nansha Island. The reef’s actions never stopped. Instead, because of China’s restraint, it became more and more unscrupulous. Among the 29 Nansha islands and reefs that Annan actually invaded and occupied China, the reefs invaded after the "3.14" naval battle, reaching a staggering 19 Among them, as many as 10 were occupied one after another in 1988!

The reason for this situation is that the Huaxia Fleet at that time was unable to build an effective air defense network in this sea area more than 1,000 kilometers away from Qiongdao, and all sober people could realize that What does the lack of necessary air defense capabilities mean to a fleet in modern naval battles!

But in this time and space, Chen Wei, who had drunk the black tea made by Tan Zhenhua himself and returned to the "Nanchong Ship", was not surprised to receive the latest order, and this order was almost exactly the same as the mission order he received before he set off-no First of all, shoot, not to show weakness, not to suffer, not to lose face, if the enemy newly occupy our island, we must forcibly drive him away.

It’s just that along with this order, there is also an update from the Naval Command. In order to cooperate with the operations of the Nansha fleet, the eight latest fighter jets of the Naval Aviation have been deployed urgently and will be deployed from Starting today, the air patrol mission will be carried out. The basic dispatch frequency is 3 waves a day, each two-plane formation, and each wave can guarantee 30 minutes of actual patrol over Nansha.

The most important thing is that all patrol fighters will carry live ammunition!

Chen Weiwen soon saw the "new type of fighter" mentioned in the telegram. When two heavy-duty dual-engine fighters painted with the Chinese military emblem deliberately lowered their height, they whizzed against their masts and leaped over the "Nanchong Ship" and groaned. While swinging the wings and showing off to everyone a handful of air-to-air missiles hung under the wing, all the officers and soldiers on the ship cheered with admiration at that moment. Chen Weiwen clearly heard a soldier shouting loudly: "Annan monkey cubs, this time looking at your "Su 22", dare not to come forward!"

The sudden appearance of the "Flying Leopard" fighter, the "Sea Harrier" fighter aircraft that "Zheng Chenggong" lifted off, and the photos taken by the "Cosmos" reconnaissance satellite provided by the Soviets were installed on the "Zheng He" that pointed to the sky. The two triple-installed "Sam 6B" air defense missile launchers undoubtedly gave the Annan people who were planning a counterattack a blow to the head, and also made his eyes red and swollen by the so-called desire for "revenge", clamoring for the Chinese Navy to look good. The Annan military immediately calmed down.

The slogan of "revenge" is of course easy to shout, and it sounds exciting. Annan's domestic media can naturally take the opportunity to exaggerate the "brutal and domineering" of "China Empire", but it has always claimed that this party is a "blue star". Why is Annan's military situation as the third military power?

As for Annan’s commander of this operation, he had received system naval command training in China. Chen Weiwen’s classmate Huang Youtai clearly realized that this time, China has made up his mind. They even used weapons that have not yet been officially in service. They were all pulled out, and the so-called "civil power" was also launched, which shows that China will definitely not hesitate to open another battlefield in the Nansha Islands and Annan this time!

The only ally, our own gold master and the so-called "security guard" Soviet Russia, used their actual performance in the "3.14" naval battle to tell him that this time, they will definitely stand by!

Having lost the support of the Soviet-Russian Pacific Fleet Garrison in Cam Ranh Bay, relying on a few old "Biejia"-class frigates and a few "Su-22" fighters to head-to-head with the China Nansha fleet on duty? Even the arrogant Annan soldiers would not think that the side who had just suffered a big loss at this time has the ability to compete with the China Navy on the frontal battlefield, especially when the opponent has already made up the last shortcoming of "air defense". After the board.

So now, there is the last chance left, and it is also the chance that Annan thinks they are best at-guerrilla warfare.

After all, Annan still has an advantage. They are closer to the Nansha Islands, and have actually controlled several islands and reefs in the archipelago that have better geographical locations, larger areas, and more suitable for human habitation and military stationing!

Judging by the current situation, as long as the Annan people do not take the initiative to provoke, the Chinese people will not take the initiative to attack these islands and reefs.

So, as long as you strictly guard these forward bases, and when the Chinese people relax, and then seize the opportunity to seize more islands and reefs, it is a feasible way for Annan to obtain more practical benefits. Anyway, the people on Taiping Island have never done so. They will not interfere with these small actions made by the Annan people, their existence is completely negligible.

And what about the mainland Chinese? Although 7 islands and reefs were occupied this time, these 7 are suitable for submergence. Most of the time, they are submerged under the sea surface and are not suitable for human survival. Basic living materials such as fresh water are all dependent on ocean supplies. This determines that the Huaxia people cannot establish even a reliable forward base in the South China Sea Islands; and with the simple stilt houses built by Huaxia, a gust of wind may blow it away. Soon, the typhoon season in the South China Sea is coming. By that time, don't blame the natural majesty!

Huang Youtai reported his tactical thoughts to Annan’s top leadership group and was quickly approved. He will be responsible for the implementation of this long-term operation. The goal of course is to gradually invade more Nansha after the Huaxia fleet is withdrawn. Islands!

After all, no matter how powerful the fleet is, it cannot be deployed indefinitely at sea. Supplies will be exhausted, personnel need to be repaired, ships and weapons and equipment need to be maintained... at most three months or six months, they will inevitably leave most of them. The ship, at that time, is the opportunity for Annan to act!

The idea is good, and the tactics are correct. At least in another time and space, this tactical idea put forward by Huang Youtai helped Annan obtain huge practical benefits, expanding the actual controlled islands and reefs from 10 to 29 in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, in this time and space, he encountered an extremely insidious and cunning opponent.

It was sunny on March 18, 1988.

At the invitation of Tan Zhenhua, Chen Weiwen, who boarded the "Zheng He" again for a "routine inspection", was involuntarily stuffed into a pair of binoculars in his hand. He looked in the direction of the young man’s fingers. I saw two very strange-looking ships slowly approaching the sea.

"What kind of ship is that? Has your repair ship arrived?" he asked.

Tan Zhenhua smiled and replied: "No, our "map editor" has arrived."


PS: The sixth volume of "Rebirth of the Military Overlord" is finished, and the seventh volume of "Hame" will open soon.

The following is a brief introduction:

The Berlin Wall finally came down, Eastern Europe changed drastically, and the Red Empire fell apart overnight. In this era of great change, countless people bravely made waves and composed one after another battle hymn of ice and fire.

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