Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 177: The contradiction appeared suddenly

With a goal, Wanfeng's life immediately became busy, and the leisurely days came to an end.

August 7, 1980, Thursday, the beginning of autumn.

Wanfeng never understood why the weather after Liqiu and Futian had significant changes. For example, in the morning, the first morning of Liqiu could clearly feel the difference from Futian morning, the coolness.

In the morning of Liqiu, there was a little bit of chill, and the water in the river also became a bit cold overnight.

Sitting on the tractor bucket full of bricks in the morning, I can already clearly feel the gradual cold air.

When we arrived at the county seat, Wanfeng got off the bus in front of the second department store, and then went east to bypass the Zhendong Market and came to the old alley.

Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, here is the location of the black market in Hongya County.

Today, Zhao Le is not dressed as a farmer, but dressed in a set of work clothes, dressed like a national employee.

What makes Wanfeng speechless is that there are three pens side by side in the left upper pocket of this product.

Wan Feng walked straight to Zhao Le and exclaimed, "The pen is good."

Zhao Le saw Wan Feng's eyes wink: "Brother Wan is here, have you used up all the things you bought last time?"

"No, I didn't buy that stuff today. I want to sew a ticket. I want to ask if there is one here?"

Wan Feng didn't plan to waste time here. He didn't want to stay for a long time if there was nothing wrong with the black market. It was not safe here, so he explained his purpose straight to the point.

Zhao Le immediately shook his head: "There is no such thing, so many people can't grab it, and there is no one to sell it."

Zhao Le's words are correct. Although a sewing machine is over one hundred yuan, it is the most in-demand commodity, and it is also the most in-demand thing in three revolutions.

"Really do not have?"

"To tell you the truth, it's August now. I haven't seen a sewing ticket into the market this year. I have seen a bicycle ticket several times but I haven't seen it. If you want a bicycle, I can give you all the tickets. You get it."

What do I want a bicycle for? Wan Feng shook his head disappointedly.

There is no need to stay here without him.

At eight o'clock in the morning, he appeared at the Xia's house.

Now that Xia Qiulong is fine, he just wanders around on the construction site of Yijian every day, and left early in the morning, as if he became a non-staff worker on the construction site.

Only his mother and his wife were in the house, and the two dead children were gone.

These are the original words of Xia Qiulong's wife Xin Li.

"Buy a sewing machine? It's not easy to get a sewing ticket. The sewing machine is a short-selling commodity, and it is probably not available in the black market." Xin Li said after understanding Wan Feng's intention.

She was right, there was indeed no black market, and Wan Feng came from there.

"I remember. I have a sister in a textile printing and dyeing factory. She said she didn't want a sewing machine a few days ago. She wants to replace it with a new one. I don't know if it still has it. If you sit here, I will go to the factory to ask you. ask."

Xin Li went out in a hurry, and Wan Feng accompany Xia Qiulong's mother to talk about chattering articles, pulling and thinking about it.

It is a pity that there are no conditions that the country will not allow it to operate, otherwise it will not make a fortune before selling sewing machines.

Needless to say, other areas, even the surrounding areas can be old and can make a lot of money.

There was a butterfly sewing machine in his family in the last life. Wan Feng often fiddled with it after he was young. The sewing machine still existed until 2010, but it has lost its function and can only be used as a reference for memories.

At that time, he disassembled it several times when he was idle, and he really studied its working principle.

It seems that it was 11 years or 12 years, and this thing was finally sold as a scrap because it occupied a place.

Wan Feng believes that machinery can be manufactured as long as it understands its working principle. Of course, there is a huge distinction between good quality and bad quality.

The quality of quality is the problem of many details in the processing process. As long as these problems are solved, high-quality products can be manufactured.

This requires the accumulation of technical exploration experience and the advanced level of equipment.

Just like now, given Wanfeng a suitable environment, he may not be able to build a car. Of course, he can't say whether it can be broken and how far it can run, but at least he can run.

If Zhang Xiaolai didn't show up at this time, Wan Feng would probably still think about making a sewing machine for a long time.

What Zhang Xiaolai's name is Wanfeng is not clear, only knowing that he is a younger brother of Xia Qiulong, this guy ran in somehow.

"Brother Xiaowan, come out!"

When Wan Feng saw this man sweating profusely, he had an unknown premonition in his heart.

After hurriedly bid farewell to Xia Qiulong's mother, he walked out of Xia Qiulong's home.

"Our Lava car was stopped by the people from Qianyao. Brother Xia was leading a confrontation with them. He told me to come to you."

Front kiln?

Qianyao is a village on the west side of Hongya County. It belonged to the Hongguang Brigade of Guanshan Commune at the time. In 1980, it was still a suburb, but when the Hongya County was expanded in the 1990s, the Hongguang Brigade was integrated into the city. Became the town west area.

Qian kiln, the name is related to the kiln, there are indeed many kilns in Qian kiln.

It is said that Qianyao was not a village before liberation. Only a few people who did not know where they came from built a tile kiln and started to burn tiles, and then one after another people settled here and finally formed a village.

The whole village is named after the kiln.

The products have also increased from burning tiles to mud pots with blue bricks. At that time, they were very famous in this area for hundreds of miles or even over a hundred miles. The mud pots and mud bowls used by the people at that time came from here, Wanfeng’s. Grandma's family now still has pots made of clay.

Their products are also exported to Gai County, Xiuyan, Donggou, Fuxian and other places a hundred miles away, and even some islands in the South China Sea have their products.

After the liberation, the industry gradually declined. During the special ten years, the old and old career changes disappeared for a period of time. The re-emergence is still a matter of recent years. Now the clay pots used by the people in the market in Hongya County Most of the clay pots, blue bricks and masonry products come from the front kiln, and they occupy the largest market share.

As soon as the plumbing equipment site was built, Qianyao Village was not far away, and the wagon that sent tiles to the back of the Wa was blocked in front of Qianyao Village, which is about a mile away from the construction site.

After thinking about it, Wan Feng estimated that it might have something to do with the Previously, the tiles of Qianyao were mainly supplied to three construction companies in the county. Now the largest construction market was taken away by Wahou. The kiln people naturally feel uncomfortable with the driver.

"How do you know that I am here?" Wan Feng asked as he walked.

Wanfeng didn't meet Xia Qiulong in the morning, and Xia Qiulong probably didn't know that he was right here.

"Your driver said you might be here."

This coincides.

Wan Feng and Zhang Xiaolaizi rushed to the scene of the accident as quickly as possible.

The location of the accident at this time still belonged to the urban-rural junction, and it was two miles away from the city, and there were rice fields around it.

From a long distance, I saw about 30 or 40 people surrounding the road, seemingly arguing and making a noise.


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