Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 221: Let's eat a big meal first

   Three people happily walked out of the shop empty-handed and bought nothing.

   really didn't have much to buy. Other women went to the store mainly to look at fabrics and clothing, but Luan Feng and Jiang Min did this themselves, and they were almost obsessed with these things.

   When a woman enters the store, she basically has nothing else to look at if she doesn't look at the clothes, so the two wandered around in vain accompanied by Wan Feng.

   After leaving the store, Wanfeng took them into Wujiaohua. He wanted to take a look at the bicycle accessories, mainly to see how much the entire wheel of the 26th car was expensive, and how much it would cost to assemble it with spare parts.

   In the bicycle group, Wanfeng found spare parts, but the number of spare parts is not large.

   A complete two-six cart wheel is 19 yuan, but it is two yuan more expensive to assemble it yourself.

  What kind of world!

   The price of 19 yuan is one yuan cheaper than Wanfeng expected, which is a good sign.

what! Where did the two goods go?

   It seems that I haven't heard the noise from them for a few minutes. As soon as Wan Feng turned his head, he saw Luan Feng and Jiang Min standing at the counter of home appliances, tentatively wondering what they were looking at.

   Wanfeng walked behind the two of them and followed their line of sight, and found that they were looking at something on the counter with a squeaky sound.

   Luan Feng and Jiang Min didn't know what it was, but Wan Feng did.

   That is the movement of a cassette recorder with a radio movement. Obviously it has not been completed yet, it is just a semi-finished product, and even the outer shell is not made.

   Now it’s a radio, and the signal is not good, so I don’t know what it’s playing.

Wan Feng vaguely remembers that it was popular in cities in the early 1980s to use tape recorder cores to build tape recorders. When tape recorders first appeared, people could not afford them at a price of several hundred yuan. Some domestic manufacturers just saw business opportunities. Started to produce and sell the movement of the tape recorder, which cost about more than 40 yuan a piece.

   People spend money to buy such a movement, then buy radio accessories little by little, make their own shells and assemble them, and finally save them into a radio cassette recorder.

   There were also magazines that held a solicitation contest that year, and there were bonuses, and the momentum was huge for a while.

   The movement of a radio factory in Tianjing has also won a national award.

   It is a pity that ideals are beautiful but the reality is cold. Those who save the machine really have few successful. Except for a few persevering people, most of the products of the machine eventually become historical relics.

   Wanfeng remembers that this is something that will only happen in a few years, does it appear now? Is this early?

   Where is the problem? Isn't it the time disorder caused by my own rebirth?

   Is it useful to just build up the machine now? There is no cassette. It's useless to save it!

In 1979, a female singer named Zhu published a tape album, but there was almost no trace on the market. After the opening, the first batch of tapes to enter the country was Liu Wenzheng on an overseas island, and it was still only entered in 1982. .

   Back then, this product was the first Chinese king, and he sang countless songs without pulling it.

   But Wan Feng remembered his two songs and one hotline. You and I are the same as the sun. As for the rest of his songs, he has no impression.

   It seems that the memory is too far away.

   Wanfeng pulled himself out of his memory and looked at the thing in front of him again.

   The machine in front of me is such a second-hand product, and a guy in his early twenties is pretending to be fiddling with it.

   "Brother! Where did you buy this movement?" Wan Feng asked, poking his head out of the counter.

   The guy looked back at Wan Feng in surprise, thinking that he knew a lot, and he even knew the movement of the tape recorder.

   If Wanfeng knew that the guy was thinking that way, he would tell him that I would still play with 4.

   "It was bought in the capital on a business trip."

   "How much did you buy?"

   "Forty-seven yuan."

   Fuck, equal to a worker’s salary for more than one month.

   "Then do you have a cassette to put it after you save it?"

   The guy hesitated to say something and stopped, and finally said no.

   Wanfeng analyzed from the guy's expression, he must have tapes, maybe not many, probably one or two books.

Cassette tapes and tape recorders were officially sold in China around 1982. Wanfeng doesn’t remember it very clearly. After all, he was still young at this time in his last life, and he didn’t care much about many things, which caused a lot of vagueness in his memory .

   Anyway, he remembers that the first time he danced disco was in the winter of 1982. The songs he used at that time were Genghis Khan and Ali Baba. The reason why he remembered so clearly was that the shock caused by these two songs at that time was beyond addtion.

   Is this guy able to own a cassette tape now or is Wan Feng impressed?

   "Let's go, let's eat." Wan Feng suggested.

   These two silly girls can listen to this for a long time, don’t you have a radio box?

   It’s almost noon, and the shop will be closed immediately after get off work. I should go to eat.

   The three of them walked out of the Wujiaohua store and entered a nearby restaurant within a few steps.

   I remember coming to this restaurant Wanfeng once, and the chef copied the dishes well.

   The three people found a seat.

   "What do you two want to eat?"

   "I want to eat boiled cabbage." This is the dish Jiang Min wants.

   "If I boil sauerkraut." This is what Luan Feng wants.

   Wanfeng is on fire: "If I take you down to the restaurant, you will order this for me? Then we can go home and eat. Why are you here?"

   Luan Feng and Jiang Min looked at each other: "We don't know how to order it, just watch it."

  Wanfeng left them alone, ran to the window and ordered four dishes, and then came back with two bowls of rice and a steamed bun.

   The next step is to wait.

   "What do you want?" Luan Feng couldn't help asking a pickled cucumber, a pickled cabbage, a pickled radish, and a pickled eggplant. "

   Luan Feng's black face: "Why don't I pick you up too."

  阉老子? I really castrated Lao Tzu, and it's strange that you won't cry at that time.

   More than ten minutes later, the waiter wailed: "Table number five, it's ready."

   Wanfeng ran over and took two trips with one hand.

   A shredded pork with Beijing sauce, a sweet and sour pork ribs, a plate of braised carp and the last one is fried pork tenderloin.

   The food in the rural family is too little oily, and there is no change. These two guys are working hard. Wan Feng came in to bring them a good meal and put some oil in their stomachs.

money is not a problem.

   Luan Feng's eyes lit up immediately, taking up his chopsticks and preparing to do it.

   Jiang Min is the opposite of her, but he doesn’t know what to do with his chopsticks.

   Wanfeng stretched out his chopsticks and blocked Luan Feng's chopsticks: "Dilly melon, do you eat shredded pork in Beijing sauce like that?"

  Luan Fengchang circled: "Then how to eat?"

   "Don't you see that tofu skin? Put the shredded pork on the tofu skin and roll it, old fashioned!"

   Luan Feng didn't blush at all and didn't listen to Wan Feng, but still put the shredded pork on the chopsticks into his mouth.

   This is faceless and skinless.


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