Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 2436: The spring of electric cars

In fact, Yingguo does not have its own car brand anymore.

The five brands of Jaguar, Luhu, Mini, MG, and Roewe that belong to the British Rover Motor Group are now all owned by others.

Jaguar and Land Rover are in Ford's hands. MG will be acquired by Huaguo Nanjing Automobile Group Co., Ltd. in July 2005. After the merger, the company will be called Nanjing MG Automobile Co., Ltd.

In the hands of Ford, Jaguar and Luhu were acquired by Tata of Asanjia during the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in 2008.

Tata spent 2.3 billion meters to acquire Jaguar and Luhu.

However, China still has countless second-hand goods to buy tigers. They didn't even know that Land Rover after ten years had become the third brother's business.

For the third brother who loves bragging but not hands-on, Wanfeng respects them like the Taotaojiang River.

But it is guaranteed that they will not buy a penny of their things in this life.

As the most important fighters of the country, they can maintain the record of how many planes fell each year, and you also expect them to produce reliable products.

The Luhu brand is still very appealing in China, and Wanfeng is considering whether to bring the Land Rover brand over.

If you buy this brand, all of its electronic systems must be eliminated. The biggest problem with Luhu is the electronic system, but there are constant problems.

Luhu who is not well repaired is not called out in vain.

But spend more than a billion to buy a brand? It's better to build a car that looks similar to it.

Luhu even dared to sell one hundred and several hundred thousand. Wan Feng felt that this one had to be copied.

Because the Luhu car looks the same since the first generation, this Wanfeng's vehicle shape patent library really does not have its models.

The changes in the front and rear of the first three generations and the fourth generation of the Range Rover are still quite big, so imitate the fourth generation of Luhu.

Make sure to make it better than running a tiger car.

But Wan Feng didn't think about whether he could sell Luhu's price. He didn't expect Nanwan's car to sell for more than one million.

Now that you think about it, do it. Nanwan now makes a new car seemingly as easy as a child's play.

I wonder if this is said in front of a Chinese car company, will he be killed?

Engines are readily available, and more than 300 horsepower is enough for this car to travel all over the world.

Just use the three mature parts of Sailong and change the shell.

You see, it's that simple.

Wanfeng drew out the appearance drawings a few years ago, and the design department also started to simulate the model of the new car in the early stage.

Of course, it is unlikely that this car will go on sale this year, and none of the three hundred and twenty thousand Sailong cars have sold explosive models. It is even more unlikely that this car will cost more than five hundred thousand.

Let's talk about it first. If it doesn't work, it will be listed next year.

The biggest thing for Nanwan Group in 2005 was the listing of the H5555 smart phone. This is the top priority of the South Bay Group.

Nanwan Group’s current annual output of mobile phones is around 30 to 40 million, and a single mobile phone alone can bring more than 20 billion profits to the group.

Therefore, the listing of smart phones is of course the top priority of the group this year.

The Spring Festival of 2005 came in the blink of an eye. After the Chinese New Year, the Nanwan Group and Wanfeng will grow another year.

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of the Nanwan Group. Zhou Liming asked Wanfeng whether to hold a celebration.

Wan Feng thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Now that it's the 20th anniversary, it's time to celebrate.

The day of celebration is set on May 1st Labor Day.

This day is not the day when the Nanwan Group was formally established, but Wanfeng still chose this day.

Although the influence of electric motorcycles in the country is still minimal, it is rapidly gaining popularity in Jiangwei.

Especially on March 23, 2005, the price of gasoline was increased by 300 yuan per ton. After the 90th gasoline commonly used in motorcycles reached 3.51 liters, some people started buying electric vehicles in Jiangwei Industrial Zone. Up.

From the cancellation of No. 70 gasoline to the price increase of No. 90 gasoline, these workers suddenly felt that they had become a small burden on motorcycles every day.

During the 70th period, five dollars of gasoline could last a week, and by the 90s, five dollars of gasoline would only last for four or five days.

Now there is no need to add five dollars for gas, basically ten dollars.

The price increase this time, plus ten yuan of oil can barely run for a week.

Calculated in this way, the fuel cost of a motorcycle is more than 500 a year, and the price of fuel has to rise.

In 2005 alone, gasoline and diesel prices were adjusted four times.

On March 23, May 23, June 25 and July 23, gasoline prices were adjusted four times in just five months.

These four price adjustments are three ups and one down.

On March 23, it rose by 300 yuan per ton, and on May 23 it fell by 150 yuan.

June 25 rose by two hundred yuan, and July 23 rose by three hundred yuan.

In other words, in 2005, the price of gasoline rose by 650 yuan in four months.

A liter of oil has risen by more than 50 cents, and the 90th gasoline has surpassed four yuan a liter by July.

In this case, electric motorcycles finally attracted the attention of workers from various enterprises in the Jiangwei Industrial Zone.

The first choice for those who purchase new transportation tools has switched from fuel-fueled motorcycles to electric The cheapest electric motorcycle with a battery life of 80 kilometers is 2,800 yuan, and the car itself is also a thousand cheaper than fuel-fueled motorcycles. Five to two thousand yuan.

The electric motorcycle with a range of 180 kilometers produced by Nanwan is only 3,800 yuan, which is almost the same as the cheapest off-brand motorcycle on the market.

Nanwan Motors has a promise to guarantee 30,000 kilometers with one battery under the condition of proper use of the battery.

If the fuel-burning motorcycle is calculated on the basis of 1.8 oil per hundred kilometers, the cost of burning oil for 30,000 kilometers is more than two thousand yuan.

This is only the cost of fuel, not including mechanical wear.

And even if an electric car is replaced with a new battery for 30,000 kilometers, it only costs 300 yuan, and it is almost equivalent to no mechanical wear.

Except for the battery, what can the motor be worn out?

In this way, the electric motorcycle seems to be spreading out first overnight.

There is a strange phenomenon that needs to be described.

Regardless of the small population in Jiangwei, it seems to be a barometer of the sales of Nanwan Group's products.

As long as the products of the South Bay Group can be recognized by Jiangweiren, they can basically sell well.

Sailong cars and electric motorcycles are precisely because Jiangwei is not recognized, resulting in very general sales across the country.

The former is too expensive, the latter is not recognized.

Now that electric motorcycles are recognized, does it mean that the day when electric motorcycles sell well?

Facts have proved that this is an unbreakable truth.

Electric motorcycles are beginning to become popular. This momentum first began to sweep Hongya City and then quickly spread to Bohai Dongdan.

In just a few months, countless electric motorcycles appeared on the land of southern Liaoning.

Subsequently, the momentum continued unabated from Beiliao to the three northeastern provinces and then into the pass.

With the rising price of gasoline, the spring of electric motorcycles is here.

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