Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 259: Cross the river by feeling the stones

Xiao Jun was holding the steering wheel in both hands, and his whole body gave people an extremely stiff feeling, much like those zombies in Qing Dynasty costumes in the movie played by Lin Zhengying.

"Relax! This is the steering wheel, not your wife. What are you doing so tightly? Why are you nervous at such a slow speed? That's it, that's it! Keep it, continue."

One minute later.

"Big brother, is such a wide playground not enough for you to run?" Wan Feng asked angrily.


"Then what do you mean by running into the ditch by the side of the square? Do you think it's okay for the shallow tractor to drive in?"

"What shall we do then?"

"Steer! You hold the steering wheel as a painting!"

"Which way to turn?"

"As long as such a big square is not moving forward, you can turn wherever you like."

This guy is holding the steering wheel and keeps going forward without knowing the turn, you say this is sad!

Xiao Jun turned left for a moment, and then turned to the right again, anyhow the tractor wouldn't go into the ditch.

But the next problem appeared again. After the cargo was hit, the direction of the return wheel was unknown, so the tractor turned around on the spot.

Wan Feng wanted to kick him so hard that he was unconscious.

"Are you a donkey in your last life? What are you doing in circles? Let go!"

Xiao Jun instinctively released his hand, and the steering wheel slowly returned to position.

Wan Feng Khan has come down.

After more than ten minutes, Xiao Jun can finally control the tractor in the open field like a snail in the first gear with low speed relatively freely.

Finally able to get off the tractor, Wan Feng jumped off the front of the car, ran to the side and sat on the ground.

This is more tiring than driving a tractor and sending bricks by himself.

Zhang Hai, who had been watching from a distance, saw that Wan Feng was free and walked over and sat down beside Wan Feng.

"How did you teach him to drive a tractor?"

"He will be our tractor driver in the future."

"But why not train our own people?"

Wan Feng squinted at Zhang Hai: "Don't be so narrow-minded, okay? You will be the secretary of the brigade in the future, and you must have a tolerant belly."

"We also need talents who can drive. He is an outsider in any way."

"Do you think he will come here if I ask him to process the water billets for you or sit on the cement tiles?"

Zhang Hai dumbfounded, then smiled.

"You guy is a ghost, but it's a pity that my daughter is too young, otherwise I have to be your daughter-in-law."

"Okay! With your words, I will definitely consider your daughter when I marry two bedrooms and three bedrooms in the future."

Zhang Hai couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you still want to marry a three-bedroom and two-bedroom?"

"I'm such a patient person, what a daughter-in-law would do."

"Are you not afraid of Luan Feng dragging your belly to draw your lottery?"

Wanfeng: Ha ha ha!


"Uncle Zhang Hai, can we unify the address, you are the niece and the niece when you use me, and when you don't need it, you will be the little **** and the little dick. You have to be a real person."

"Haha, this suggestion makes sense and can be considered in the future."

Just use it for later consideration?

"Let me ask something, you said that if we contract, do we contract out all the projects and things, such as land, mountains, forests, rivers, mules, horse carts, and the brick and tile factory? Is my captain still useful? ?"

This is indeed a problem.

Wan Feng gave the answer after a little consideration: "This is not good. We can't pack everything out. We have to be public and private, because everything will be messy if we pack everything out."

The next stage of contracting is private ownership. When the state was reformed, everything was not packaged out and privately owned. Although many people tried to promote private ownership, the state was not affected by it. After the year, there are still signs of re-nationalization of some important projects.

After decades of development, decision-makers have also realized that private ownership is absolutely impractical. Because capitalists are pursuing profit, they don’t care about the lives and deaths of the people and social turmoil.

In order to profit, they will do whatever it takes. Driven by their interests, they will only earn money frantically and raise the prices of various projects. The direct consequence of total private ownership is to increase the burden of people’s lives, which will cause dissatisfaction among the people. Once this problem is not resolved, it will cause social instability.

Therefore, the state must control some of these important industries for macro-control.

Although Wahou does not have such a large volume, there is no need to worry about turbulence, but if you want to develop, you must retain your core industry. Land, mountains and forests can be contracted but industry cannot be contracted out.

Wan Feng knew that once all of these were packaged out, the industry at the end of the Wa would be at its current scale, just a brick and tile factory, and there would be no second industry.

Because when the prospects are not clear, no one will invest in those risky projects.

Not to mention investing in new projects, many companies have failed to keep old after being contracted. He has seen too many companies that were originally very promising have disappeared because of poor management after contracting.

"Land, mountains, forests and riverbeds can be contracted out, but brick and tile factories and future industries cannot be contracted These must be collectively owned industries. This is the foundation of development. The premise is that leaders must not be corrupt. behavior."

"Little dick, you're taunting me again."

This name cannot be changed.

Zhang Hai nodded: "I'm also thinking that I can't contract everything out, because that would just be a fuss."

Zhang Haineng can see that this step is not easy. If a country is privately controlled in all aspects, it will be no different from being distracted, just like the western developed countries that are in crisis in later generations, it is just an empty frame controlled by others.

"If this is the case, how should the worker's wages be calculated? Once the contract is contracted, the work points must disappear."

"This year, we can continue according to the previous system. By the end of the year, we will know how much profit the brick and tile factory can make in a year. According to this profit, we will formulate the annual salary standard and calculate the salary according to the number of days. At the end of the year, a part of the remaining profits after all expenses are deducted into the public accumulation to be used as initial working capital to cope with some changes and expand reproduction, and the rest is distributed to the villagers in the form of equity and dividends."

Zhang Hai was a little confused, in fact Wan Feng was also a little confused. These things were things that he hadn't touched much in his previous life. He only knew a general idea. If he was asked to tell him who was ugly, he wouldn't be able to say it clearly.

But this is the general idea, and the details need to be studied slowly.

"Alright, no one has experienced it anyway, let's cross the river by feeling the stones."

Zhang Hai was crossing the river by touching the stones, and Xiao Jun was also crossing the river by touching the stones, but this guy was a bit tigery.

"This speed is too slow, can you hurry up."

This is a typical second-hand representative who is ready to run without learning to walk.

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