Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 337: I cleaned you up on the wedding day

   The last time the peeling machine Wanfeng made four hundred, he also implemented the thresher this time according to this plan.

On the same day, he drew a diagram of the working principle of the thresher.

The working principle of the peeling machine and the thresher are the same, but the internal structure of the machine is different. When Xiao Jun comes home from get off work, Wan Feng brings him the drawings and 600 yuan to Xiao Dexiang.

With the experience of the peeling machine, Wan Feng believes that Xiao Dexiang will be able to tinker out the thresher in a few days.

But after tinkering with all these things, Wan Feng installed a tape recorder overnight and brought it to Xia Qiulong when he delivered it to Xia Qiulong the next day.

Wan Feng brought three hundred electronic watches at once. After being distributed by these sellers, the remaining one hundred were still placed at Xia Qiulong.

Wan Feng left Lu Wu, Liu He, Yu Hongchu, Tang Xielin and others, and then took out the tape recorder.

A violent rhythm sounded in the recorder when the power was turned on.

The eyes of the five people including Xia Qiulong became frenzied in an instant, especially the two young people, Lu Wu and Liu He, whose bodies were still shaking involuntarily.

"This is the tape recorder prototype I brought. When you sell electronic watches, you can sell them appropriately. It is better to buy one, and it is a good thing to let more people know even if you don't buy one."

"How much does this thing cost?" Xia Qiulong asked.

"Three hundred, a random copy of the tape, whoever sells it will make a profit of 80 yuan."

This thing is as enjoyable as selling an electronic watch, and you can make eighty hundred when you sell one.

The cost of this tape recorder without radio is more than 70 yuan plus the cost of the attached tape is 80 yuan. Wanfeng thinks it is reasonable to sell it at this price.

"Three hundred? Can this be sold?" Xia Qiulong asked.

"You asked the same thing when you were asked to sell electronic watches. What about now?"

Xia Qiulong's eyes brightened.

"But don’t expect to download this gadget as fast as an electronic watch. After all, it’s three hundred yuan. A worker who wants to buy this gadget has to save money for a year without eating or drinking, so its sales target is still those officials. Only people in this group have the ability to buy."

People like Xia Qiulong have summed up their experience in this period, and those official buyers are indeed the largest group of electronic watch sales.

"The tape recorder is here. You can listen to it or take it to the street for others to listen to, but only if you don't mess with the police."

The appearance of this thing in a small northern town in the 1980s is destined to arouse people's attention, and it may lead to some messy effects. It is certainly not a good thing to be targeted by the police.

When the goods in the street were delivered, Wan Feng went home with the car. He didn't eat lunch, so he asked Xiao Jun to drive the tractor to Heijiao to deliver the sewing machine.

From Wahou to Xiasun's house, the tractor also ran for about forty minutes.

When he heard that Wan Feng and Xiao Jun hadn't eaten yet, Luan Ying immediately started cooking.

Wan Feng and Shen Hongjun took advantage of Luan Ying's cooking skills to unpack the sewing machine and start installation.

The frame of the sewing machine is separated from the chassis. Just connect them with bolts and install the belt. This is very simple.

When Luan Ying copied a few dishes and made a meal, the two sewing machines were also installed here.

Wan Feng also brought some tailored trousers with the car. At the beginning, Luan Ying definitely didn't have much work to do. First, he would make some processing money for Luan Feng to process the trousers. Although very meager, it is better than idle.

While eating, Wan Feng took out ten electronic watches and placed them in front of Shen Hongjun.

"Brother-in-law, don't think that this is for you. You have a richer life in the Black Reef Coastal generation. I think these digital watches can be sold here. You can sell them slowly."

Then Wan Feng explained how much he sold and what was the bottom money.

Shen Hongjun looked shocked: "Can a watch make so much money?"

"The premise is that you have to sell it. There are already many people in the county who have bought it. If it can set off a trend and spread to the countryside, it should be around the end of the year. I think you should be able to sell it."

Shen Hongjun was a little bit shy: "I always feel that I am not a trader."

"Your brother-in-law is stupid, I haven't seen anyone stupid than him." Luan Ying interjected.

"If you think about selling one piece, you can earn 20 to 30, and soon you will find that you have a talent for doing business."

People die for money. When the profit from selling a product can make you stunned, the talent buried in your heart will be stimulated, and maybe you will become a master.

"It's really not possible. You can ask Yu Qingtao to help you distribute. Of course you have to make money."

At this time, there was a chatter in the yard, and four or five girls rushed into Luan Ying's house excitedly.

"Sister Luan Ying, Erman said that your family bought two sewing machines. Is it true?"

These girls Wan Feng really knew two, those two women who were going to get married in winter.

The two girls obviously knew Wan Feng, and smiled at Wan Feng and went to see the two installed sewing machines.

"Hmm, new yo, that's great."

"Miying, Liqing, did your mother-in-law buy a sewing machine when you got married?"

The two women who are about to get married shook their heads together: "You can't buy it, you can't get tickets."

"Wow! What a beautiful electronic watch." A woman found a large number of electronic watches on the wine table.

The girl's exclamation surprised Wan Feng. Someone here knows the electronic watch!

Although the electronic watch has become popular in the county town, most people in the countryside have never seen it. Some people here even know it.

"Erman, these watches look better than yours."

It turned out that someone put it on, no wonder they knew each other.

The woman named Erman was also exclaimed at first sight: " Why didn't I have so many colors when I bought it?"

"When did you buy your digital watch?" Wan Feng asked.

"I bought it when I went to the street more than half a month ago. It cost me half a year to go to the sea, forty-five yuan." Er Man rolled up his sleeves, revealing a black electronic watch.

That's right, at that time there were only two colors of black and white, and there are now as many as six of those.

This time, the color of Wanfeng's purchase list has an extra dark green.

When the tide is low, seaside women will go to the sea to catch sea oysters, pick up clams, fish for reed shrimps, buckle sea anemones and so on, and then sell them to the receivers of the aquatic products company. It is said that they can make more than 100 in a year of diligence. yuan.

Therefore, it is very logical that Erman can buy an electronic watch by himself.

"These watches are yours?" a woman who was about to get married asked Wan Feng.

Wan Feng shook his head: "It's not mine now, it's my brother-in-law."

The woman who was about to get married immediately became enthusiastic: "Red Army, did you get it back and sell it?"

Shen Hongjun said nothing for a long time.

"It's not good for you. If you are more courageous, I will be your daughter-in-law. There is nothing wrong with Sister Luan Ying." The woman named Liqing said astonishingly.

"Die Liqing, dare to run in front of me, and see if I don't tell you the person, let him clean up you at the wedding night." Luan Ying jumped out.

There was a haha ​​of laughter in the room.

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