Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 764: There is a worm in the head

As a small county with a population of only 60,000 to 70,000, the light industry market in Wuxian County is very small, and it has not even become independent and confused with the farmer’s market.

The products sold in the farmers’ market this season are very monotonous. Fish from Longjiang, potatoes, cabbage, radishes and carrots from the land, and then...

After that, Wan Feng went around the farmer's market and didn't even look at the meat sellers, only these things.

Material is still very scarce.

At least there are greenhouses in Hongya in winter, and some off-season vegetables can be on the market in winter. The average minimum temperature in Wu County in the 1980s in winter was more than 20 degrees, and ordinary greenhouses were useless.

Wan Feng originally planned to buy something to take home, but now that he saw that these things are available at home, he put out his thoughts on buying things.

In a corner of the farmer’s market, Wanfeng saw the Light Industry Market. Several people selling cotton shoes and rubber shoes, several people selling cotton-padded jackets and military coats, and another clothing with socks and gloves, all mixed up in a mess.

The style of clothing is very monotonous.

At first glance, these products were purchased from the state-owned stores at the time.

"Young man, do you want to buy something with the object?" The stall owner asked with a smile while copying cigarettes in his sleeves in his thirties.

"Yeah!" Zhang Xuan reacted very quickly, humming quickly, and then smiled at Wan Feng, whose face was darkened.

"Brother, does your stall sell this stuff?"

"What else can I sell?"

"You look at this thing as it came out of the store, and it looks the same as what you sell in a department store."

"Yes, these items come from the wholesale channels of supply and marketing. They are almost the same as the items in the store. They can be sold well, but I promise to sell them cheaper than the store."

"Then why don't you buy goods from other places?"

The stall owner shook his head: "Aren't these things out there? What's the difference?"

"Have you been to Wa?"

"Wahou? It seems that I have heard someone say but I haven't been."

It has been more than two years since the development of Wahoudaji today. Its current coverage extends from the south of Longjiang Province in the north, the east of Neimen Province in the north, and the Hedongshan area in Beihenan in the west.

Wu County is in the northeast of Longjiang, and its coverage and influence have not yet reached here.

Wan Feng popularized the knowledge on the big episode of Wahou to the stallholders. He talked about it for more than half an hour, and listened to several stallholders in a daze.

"You said that Wahou Daji now has so many business varieties?"

"You can put it this way, the things you can imagine in your mind are all available in the big episode after you have seen them, and there are even products you can't imagine that you haven't seen. Let's have a chance to see it."

"Little brother, how far is it from Wu County to Wahou?"

"More than three thousand miles."

"How much will it cost to hold the grass so far?"

"With the train and the car, you can get one hundred yuan for the round trip fee plus meals and accommodations."

Several stall owners shook their heads again and again: "This is not cost-effective, and buying some goods is not enough for the travel expenses. It is better to go to Habin for wholesale. Habin now also has clothing wholesale."

There is no way to do this. The travel expenses are inevitable. If the purchase quantity is small, it may not be possible to make money for the travel expenses. However, at that time, the market has already begun to lie. If it will sell, it will still be very profitable.

"Most of the goods issued by Harbin's wholesalers are from Wahou. I have seen many Harbin's vendors when I was in Wahou, and you were peeled off by others when you batch the goods in their hands. This layer of skin is more than just the two money for the road."

"It's the same reason. It will be an eye-opener when the spring flowers bloom next summer."

I can't get it out of my eyes.

It was already half past ten when they came out of the market, and the two of them ran to the restaurant to eat.

Wan Feng bought a small elbow with sauce, a fish-flavored pork shreds, and a bowl of rice and a steamed bun.

Zhang Xuan likes to eat rice.

Two people don't need to buy too much food, and they can't eat too much.

"Why didn't you tell them about our pants?"

"You should eat more rice for the bottom and less meat first. There is not much oil and water in your stomach for a month. If you eat too much meat, be careful of your stomach."

Zhang Xuan gnaws on his elbow in an unimaginative way, making Wan Feng very angry, and no one is robbing you, your lady will die a bit!

The food in the vocational high school canteen is almost lacking in oil and water. One month of broth and water is now catching the meat and eating too hard, it is really possible to have bad stomach.

Zhang Xuan smiled and turned into a lady.

"You didn't even make a pair of trousers, let me say what? You make the trousers after school starts, and then you send them back. They will definitely ask for them. If you don’t send them to the door, they are sticks, but the market in Wuxian County is too small. Now, how many goods can you sell this day? It seems that the main direction must be Heihe."

When I graduated from the previous life, the school took graduation photos and went to Heihe as a group. At that time, the Heihe light industry market was already a bit large, but it was the autumn of 1985 and they were about to transfer to the internship period.

It is estimated that Heihe's light industry market will not be much stronger than Wuxian.

"You said we really want to make bell bottoms? I think it's so ugly."

"You look ugly, but others can look good. Flare pants will have a fairly long fashion period. You can sell as much as you make."

"So how much money can we make by making a pair of pants?"

"One piece is more, no more than one piece of five." Wan Feng had already calculated the cost of a pair of trousers when ordering fabrics at the Aihui Cotton Mill.

The cloth here is a lot more expensive than Hongya, even if it comes directly from the manufacturer, it is only five cents cheaper than the price in the store over Hongya.

Coupled with the slight increase in prices, one foot of fabric can be made up to four cents and one foot.

A pair of ordinary trousers is about a meter of fabric, but it is obviously not enough to make bell-bottoms, so I need to add a foot more.

Then the cost of a pair of trousers plus the manual fee would have to be around RMB 2-3, the price shipped by Wanfeng is basically around RMB 3.5, and the trouser legs can be sold at RMB lot profit.

I am very happy to hear that a pair of pants can make more than one piece: "I can make a pair of pants in an hour and a half, and I can make six pairs of pants in a day..."

"Wake up! You don't go to school to make pants every day? You can only do it after dinner. You can't do too much and make two pairs a day."

It takes more than three hours to make two pairs of pants.

Zhang Xuan blinked: "Then my aunt and I can make four pairs of pants in a day. Isn't this too few?"

"Hey! Aren't there four teachers in the internship department? You said I gave them 30 cents for a pair of pants, would they do it?"

Zhang Xuan nodded: "I think they can do it. They have convenient conditions. The machines are in school. During the daytime, they can use the name of teaching to do things secretly, and they can also let the intern students help with the processing."

There must be a bug in this woman's head, an elf bug!

Did Lao Tzu have any idea to beat those students? But this one can be considered.

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