Rebirth of the Urban Immortal

Chapter 1241: Between the fingers

The Finnish general spoke every word, and everyone looked ugly.

indeed so.

The opponent threatened the Senate to compromise with the condition of slaughtering a city.

The conditions are very simple and clear. If you go one second late, the other party will do it.

And at this moment, not only is time tight, if we go, it will definitely be a feast for the best, and the opponent will definitely set a killing game.

If you don't go, then a city won't be kept.

And fight?

The European Senate is not unprepared.

At this moment, the tens of thousands of people gathered on the square are preparing, and all countries have secretly prepared nuclear weapons.

But I am afraid that even if nuclear weapons are used, it will be difficult to wipe out the Palace of Versailles, especially if the power of nuclear weapons is too great. Even if the Palace of Versailles is wiped out by that time, then it will still kill a thousand enemies and lose 800!

The words of the Finnish general are not unreasonable.

The most important thing is that once a war starts, if the opponent fails to fight, the consequence is that not only will the European Senate be retaliated, but the entire European land will be retaliated by the opponent!

The attitude of Olympus is very clear and will never interfere in this matter, which completely loses the backing that the European Senate can rely on.

"Mr. Luo, what are you going to do?" Allen asked nervously.

Because time is tight now, if I don't go again, it's really too late.

"Even if you really want to attack, then you have to prepare to leave now." Teacher Tom was also a little anxious.

"Why are you going to leave?" Luo Chen sneered.

"What do you mean?" Alan frowned.

"It's just the Palace of Versailles, it's not worth my own attack."

"It's enough to be wiped out here." Luo Chen said confidently.

"it's here?"

"Are you kidding me?" The Finnish general sneered.

Alan looked ugly at this moment, and even Teacher Tom looked ugly and didn't know what to say.

The real ancestors and a few heroes around them even sneered.

"It's more than 1,200 kilometers away from the Palace of Versailles!"

"How do you kill each other here?"

"Is it an intercontinental missile?" The Finnish general snorted coldly.

"It's the time when the intercontinental missile flew past, but even if the intercontinental missile flew past, the Palace of Versailles will be unscathed!"

He is a general in Finland and can be said to be an expert in military strikes.

He had already found a group of experts, even the most elites in the military field of various countries, and imagined a hundred plans.

But no plan is feasible.

Because there are fallen angels sitting in the Palace of Versailles, and there are world-famous people here.

It's impossible at all.

Unless a large number of nuclear bombs may have a chance, but for the sake of a Palace of Versailles, don't the surrounding cities?

And even with abilities, this can't be done.

At such a long distance, people don't need to go out in person to destroy the Palace of Versailles?

This is just nonsense!

"What you can't do does not mean that others can't do it."

"It can only be said that you don't know anything about the so-called power."

"Promise you, my Luo will naturally do it."

"Now, take a good look, what is strength!"

The moment Luo Chen finished speaking these words, he suddenly stood on the rooftop and stretched out his palm.

Then Luo Chen slowly bowed a finger!

At this moment, Luo Chen's fingertips suddenly flashed a little light, this light was only one point, but then two points, three points.

Then there appeared crystal clear light densely around Luo Chen!

The wind is blowing, a wisp of breeze blows across the roof, and the next moment, a gust of wind is coming.

And a terrifying force instantly oppressed.

The moment that power fell, not to mention the other people present, the so-called heroes were frightened at this moment!

One ray of light after another kept gathering at Luo Chen's fingertips!

In the end, it condensed into the initial light, and Luo Chen directly pointed at the direction of the Palace of Versailles.

This cold light shot out instantly!

"What about this?" Although the Finnish general was frightened by the power in Luo Chen's hand, the moment this power popped out and disappeared into the sky, what did this mean?

It's just that he just finished saying this!

Everyone's complexion changed.

"Something's wrong~" Someone has a foreboding, after all, some heroes are extremely sensitive to everything happening around them.

Because of the slight vibration around.

And above the sky of Versailles, more than a thousand kilometers away, a bit of cold light hits.

The angel sitting in the Palace of Versailles suddenly changed his expression.

The color of horror appeared instantly.

"this is?"

"Boom!" Boundless brilliance burst out from him.

But it's still too late!

Luo Chen was in the holy city, and he could strike one by one against them.

What's more, he was a pseudo-herald who was seriously injured.

Although he instantly turned on all his power to resist Luo Chen's snap-finger power, even though that power was snap-finger, it was still charged by Luo Chen, far surpassing Luo Chen's random blow.

A huge curtain of light suddenly lit up at the Palace of Versailles, guarding it with a page of scripture.

But the next moment.


The light curtain shattered, and a huge circular energy ball gathered there.

A bright light burst out from that place, and within the white light, the silhouette of the fallen angel was instantly annihilated!

The heat wave rushed into the sky tens of thousands of meters, and the whole area of ​​that place was instantly bright as day!

The earth of Europe has started an earthquake, and the whole big country at Versailles is lit up with a terrifying light!

Even on the rooftop of San Marino at this moment, a dazzling light from that place can be seen vaguely rising into the sky at this moment, covering half of the sky.

The beam of light did not disperse for a long time.

One minute!

Two minutes!

In three minutes, Allen's phone rang.

Allen answered the phone.


Allen was shocked.

Then he looked at Luo Chen with horror.

The same horrified voice was still repeating on the other end of the phone.

The Palace of Versailles had been beaten into a deep pit, and the fallen angel turned into ashes.

"President, what's the matter?" A hero couldn't help asking. He is one of the strongest people in the European Senate, and his realm is already returning to the sixth floor.

"The Palace of Versailles has been destroyed." Allen smiled bitterly, but his expression was still full of fear of Luo Chen.

"Extinct?" The Finnish general was taken aback.

"It's gone." Another person received the call and confirmed the matter.

And Luo Chen had risen from the ground at this moment, step by step towards the sky.

"In your opinion, even if you try your best, you will be afraid."

"In my eyes, it's just a small matter between the fingers."

"It's just the Palace of Versailles, and someone from Luo will come to destroy it personally?" "Remember the promise of your European Senate, and remember what you owe me, otherwise I don't mind destroying your European Senate at your fingertips!"

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