Rebirth of the Viking King

Chapter 420 7.74 The Road Home (8)

The insect master once again exploded into more than 100 flaming flying insects.

He carefully searched every inch of land in the 10 surrounding houses. From the courtyard to the inner rooms, even basements and attics, his tiny firebug clones flew in.

However, after working in vain for more than an hour, the sixth Viking pirate who ran away and the Prince of Wessex never appeared.

When it was discovered that the entire "Fire Stealer" High Sparrow team was dead, Centurion Famas of the Golden Scale Guards immediately recognized the situation and wanted to continue to make a name for himself in the "Vulcan Cult". At this time, he could only rely on Insect Master.

Therefore, he immediately defected to the "Insect Master" camp.

Through careful list comparison, Famas discovered that besides Alfred, the other escaped Viking was none other than Dean Francis, who was slipperier than a loach!

Alfred was able to escape, he could barely endure it. After all, the Prince of Wessex graduated first from the "Pantheon" in Constantinople as a child, so he must be a talented person.

What's more, his performance in terms of force and physical fitness is very excellent.

On the other hand, this old guy, Father Francis, has no martial arts skills at all, and he is a soft fat man weighing up to 180 kilograms.

If such a person could escape under his nose, it would be a great shame for the Golden Scale Guard.

Famas mounted his horse and quickly passed through the gates and streets of Versailles.

Without the protection of the "High Sparrow" and no weapons at hand, if Alfred was still alive at this time, he would definitely try his best to get out of the city. As long as he controls every intersection, he will definitely fall under the supervision of the Golden Scale Guards.

He also specially obtained the "Snake Gut Dagger" that Alfred wore closely for a long time.

The hunting dogs raised by the Golden Scale Guard are the best breeds in the Western Continent. Their sense of smell is extremely sensitive. As long as any prisoner's personal belongings are smelled by them, their brains can still remember it clearly even after 10 days.

Riding in a wide circle, all the hounds became familiar with Alfred's scent. Famas, who defected, knew that there were two men in the "High Sparrow"'s lurking team who were proficient in the art of disguise.

In this way, even if they have changed Alfred's appearance, his scent will still be recognized by hunting dogs with a keen sense of smell.

Next 2 days

From the fish-belly white on the horizon to the brilliant sunshine, to the blazing red sun falling into the green farmland, nearly half of the Golden Scale Guards in Paris have all increased their numbers to Versailles.

Dozens of heavily armed guards were stationed at every intersection in this small city.

The heads of the old dean and Alfred hang on all the streets in the city, not to mention the 1,972 households in Versailles, each of which was thoroughly inspected at least three times.

Francis and Alfred are never seen.

These two people were like two ghosts, completely melting into the air of Versailles!


"Hey, old man!"

"The big guys have done their job, it's our turn!"

When the carriage stopped at the edge of the valley, two thin figures put down their whips and reins. He shook his head vigorously to relax the stiff neck muscles.

At the end of the wetlands outside Versailles, there is a Crocodile Canyon filled with crocodiles. Moistened by France's rich soil, the crocodiles in the canyon grew fat and strong.

Giant crocodiles over 10 meters long abound, and the smallest ones are 6 meters long.

Although ferocious crocodiles hunting exotic animals often happen, they are an essential part of wetland ecology. A large number of crocodiles are still allowed to live here.

It is said that the Crocodile King has grown to be like an ancient creature, with a huge body of nearly thirty meters.

The two people talking were the mourners driving the carriage to carry the corpse for the Golden Scale Guard.

A large number of Golden Scale Guards poured into the Castle of Versailles, looking for the runaway Vikings and cleaning up the "Fire Gang" who assisted them in their escape. When heavily armed Golden Scale Guards burst into residents' homes, killings are naturally inevitable.

The two men's carriage contained nearly 40 different corpses of all kinds.

Among them were the Golden Scale Guards who died under the axes of Viking pirates, members of the Fire Chuan Gang who were killed on the spot, and of course there were also many young girls from civilian families.

Most of them died because of the sexual desire of the Golden Scale Guards.

In medieval times, there was never any "justice" for the common people. On this night of killing, when the air was full of blood, the order issued by the sect leader was "I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go."

No one will investigate in detail whether an ordinary citizen is spreading fire and helping others.

There are naturally a lot of robberies and rapes of women that take place in the dark.

All the corpses that died at night were loaded into carriages by the Golden Scale Guards and transported out of the city as quickly as possible. In this way, on the one hand, they can cover up their crimes of venting their animal desires.

On the other hand, it also continues to show to merchants from other countries that we are a civilized country.

As for the corpses that appeared that night, naturally they could not be transported into the Holy Cathedral like ordinary citizens, where the priest would say mass and be buried wearing a cross. The Golden Scale Guard could not explain why so many wealthy businessmen and young girls died.

Their bodies can only be transported to Crocodile Canyon and thrown into the mouths of crocodiles.

"Come on, brother, let's see what these big guys have left for us."

"Hey, it's dark in the middle of the night. I hope all the anxious military lords can leave us a few copper leaves."

The two mourners are already quite old, and they do the dark job of dumping corpses in Crocodile Valley several times a year.

Before throwing the body into the valley, they searched it as usual.

They don't need to think about heavy money bags, jewelry studded with precious stones, rings, etc. for the time being. The Golden Scale Guards had already taken away the most valuable loot from the corpse. All that was left to the two mourners were the tattered armor on their bodies and a few scattered copper leaves that might have remained in their trouser pockets.

"Ho ho! Today is really my lucky day!" The old man with a gray beard took out two shiny silver coins and raised them to the sky, "Two imperial flower silver coins! This is not something you can find on ordinary days."

drink! You old boy are lucky today." The companion on the other side stretched out his big dry hand and grabbed a wide corpse.

"Look at this grandson's belly. Why is it still so round after death?"

Two big hands like iron pliers firmly grasped the ankles of the "corpse". Just when the old man was about to use force to pull him out of the car, the originally stiff soles of his feet suddenly jumped hard.


While stunned, a huge figure turned over nimbly and sat upright among the pile of corpses in the carriage. The old man sat down on the ground in horror.


"I just said that corpses that have not been completed by the priest can easily cause corpse transformation! Brother, let's run!"

The two old men didn't care to continue searching for the loot. They turned around and just wanted to escape.

Another "corpse" has stepped on the breeze and appeared in front of the two people.

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